Night racing woes!

  • Thread starter VrapPlus
United States
Oak Harbor
Don't know if this has been posted before, but I believe it deserves it's own thread, there some tracks are literarily undriveable at night, for example willow springs, any cars headlights there point too high up to actually see the road, the same with ascari, I haven't sat down and go gone every single one, but I know for a fact the ring and Bathurst work just dandy. Anyone else have more tracks to add to the list?
Willow is tough because there is no track lighting.

It reminds me of using the Peugoet 908 in GT5. High beams would cast to your left and right, low beams were pointed center. I just ran low beams all night long.

Didn't care for Apricot Hill either, the apexes are dark but the outside of turns is illuminated.
It's frustrating, even though there are no endurance races, hopefully they will make an appearance, and with the way the headlights work on some car/track combos it's not going to be work the hassle or the headache of sitting there squinting, trying your hardest to see the next turn. Funny thing is, the 1st night race you encounter is Bathurst and it's unbelievably fun, then they turn around and hit you with the black hole that is willow springs.
I don't have GT6, so I can't say whether or not I'll like the night racing, but I really enjoyed it in GT5. Yes, it was difficult on some tracks, but it wasn't bad for me. If you can memorize every turn in daylight, you can do that when its nighttime. It just takes time. Just practice with your friends. 👍
I can't find the damned high beam button. I've been through the internal game menu, crunched every button, been to the website with the online manual for the game HOW DO I TURN THE LIGHTS ON?! I see you guys saying its not that helpful, but I'd like to be able to make that decision for myself.
I think overall GT6 night driving is beautifully done. Nur and some cars look just great with all those light reflected by fences and stuff. And later when you watch ending movie that Kaz driving nur day and night, you realize the reality actually looks worse than game(visibility wise). But I do agree willow looks so dark. Some reality doesn't need to be in game. At least give us auto high beam for leading car
I don't mind racing at night, I find it fun! What bothers me is that the headlights don't work like real headlights... They should still be able to light up the road in front of you, not the edges of the track only. For example in willow you can drive into the pits and see that the lights work, but once you leave the track it's like they dim and do t illuminate anything except the occasional kerb.

Oh and on the video of real life willow at night, that's great! Your headlights light up the road which is basically my only problem with night racing on gt6! If it did that in the game I would be content.

I can't find the damned high beam button. I've been through the internal game menu, crunched every button, been to the website with the online manual for the game HOW DO I TURN THE LIGHTS ON?! I see you guys saying its not that helpful, but I'd like to be able to make that decision for myself.

I had to go into the options menu and map it for my wheel... Don't know if it's mappable for the DS3, but if I was you I'd make right directional windshield wipers and my left toggle high/low beam... Realism at it's finest :P.
Ran a night race in my Shelby GT350, the premium model. Could not see a thing. For some reason I had the racing line on (from learning one of the new Matterhorn tracks earlier) and that was the only way I could see where the track goes because it stays lit up even in the dark. But come on, that's just ridiculous. We were promised an improvement in light dispersion and yet it's just as bad as GT5 was. Even worse on some tracks, especially Willow.

It reminds me of using the Peugoet 908 in GT5. High beams would cast to your left and right, low beams were pointed center. I just ran low beams all night long.

Yup, same. Ran with my low beams for the entire 24 Hours of Le Mans. High beams were totally useless. Usually it's the opposite, but not with that car.
I said a while ago about something regarding the latitude and longitude to create new equilibrium points would be great to add for tracks that have long straights, or small tight turning ones such as willow. I'll find it and re post it in an edit.
Here is me driving streets of willow at night.

Yeah, it was pretty damn scary with barely any

And i dont have any problems using the s2000 and brz at night in gt6. But those are the only cars ive used so far at night

Pretty sure I used the S2000 and couldn't see ANYTHING at Willow.

Also, that video looks pretty dark but still better than GT6, but the important thing is that it's a video. With our eyes we can see much better than that. It's no excuse to not be able to see anything in GT6.
yup, same. Ran with my low beams for the entire 24 Hours of Le Mans. High beams were totally useless. Usually it's the opposite, but not with that car.

I used the Bentley Speed 8, but actually I did the opposite. I found it was more useful to see left and right as I picked my brake markers according to things on the side of the road (distance markers, barriers etc...)...
L3 on the DS3. I only know because I accidentally pressed it and it popped up a hint on the bottom left of the screen. The same place it constantly shows "R2 Accelerate" ...
Yeah... I found out only a few months ago that I can change TC and ABS with the RA values... Took me three years to realize that but I've never used it
Yes there is something wrong with headlights in GT6. They don't illuminate off the floor like they did in GT5, seems like PD should go back to the old lighting method for headlights as it would allow for at least 4 cars to have lights simultaneously. On Willow I used the driving line as a marker to know where the course is going other than that memory of the course took over. Headlights illuminate things that are vertical but not horizontal for some strange reason. When you watch replays you can see the dispersion is massive compared to GT5 but the road itself does not look illuminated from the drivers viewpoint.
Love the night racing, but I think a fundamental problem with the lighting engine of the game has carried over from GT5. I just wish the EV, luminance, whatever you call it was bloody consistent. I spend too much time in the in-race options menu changing the exposure compensation for different times of day, different camera views etc. Please patch asap! :irked:
I could not see the track at all hen I did the S license test at Willow, just had to follow the driving line there. Lemans in the Audi R18 was horrible as well. In the Subaru GT300 Lemans was fine, Willow has been bad in every car so far, Nurburg has be good in every car so far. Earlier today I made some adjustments to the brightness and sharpness settings on my tv and they all look better now when night racing but have not yet went back to Willow to see how that one looks, maybe tomorrow I'll check it out
I just bought Amuse Carbon R34 and it has no front lights at all. Now i'm driving at Nurburgring at night without any lights. Freaky ass hell.

Headlight-less cars at night, oh my. That demands so much focus.

Note to myself: Don't drive something like the Auto Union Type C Streamliner in a track like Circuit de la Sarthe at night. :dunce:

That certainly was something to experience.
Found my old post:

So after a looooooooooot of testing with different cars, and watching videos from youtube posted after Dec. 7 (just to assume that it was updated) it seems as if PD did longitudinal lights correctly, but the latitude of the lights are way off. Most of the lights I've seen, especially at Nurb, are clear in the tree tops, and barely lighting the road.

They are so close from closing this issue, but yet so far away..

Edit: I hatched an idea..

What if we can set the equilibrium points, in both longitude and latitude, on each car? That way, we can maximize long distance straight tracks, or have small, tight curved tracks such as Toscana? You can set your cars headlight beams for latitude, which is an option for almost all cars nowadays.
.. Just more customization if PD wants to add. That way, they won't need to upload all new cg files for each car..

If we could only adjust the cone of light (the beams of light where the tip of the cone is the equilibrium where the lights pass through each other) I think that would improve a lot of things. I'll see if I can draw a picture up tomorrow or even tonight, scan it or take a picture just to show you what I'm saying..