Not enough free space for replay :-

  • Thread starter redhed17
I exclusively play GTS on it and there's no other users on said PS4.
That may well be the case but you still have a, Sony imposed, limit of only 3gb of space for photos/replays.

Also the size of the saved Scapes and replays can vary wildly; for instance adding just a tiny bit of "film grain" (5%) to a 16:9 high resolution Scapes photo can push the file size from ~2mb to ~10mb! If you've got 160 photos (in total), all at 16:9 high resolution with 5% film grain, they could easily add up to 1.6gb! Similarly there can be huge variances in replay file size depending on race duration and the number of players; just recently the Daily B race a few weeks ago (Gr.3 Sardegna Road C) was producing ~60mb replay files with a full complement of 16 competitors (competitors liveries are also stored in the replay files - I found this out when I put my PS4 into rest mode while in the library replay screen. When I woke the PS4, and hadn't reconnected GTS to its network, I was still able to watch replays complete with competitors custom liveries! I know GTS wasn't connected to its network because when I dropped back into the main menu I then had to reconnect manually due to rest mode)

Basically you need to review your file sizes because no matter who uses (or doesn't use in your case) your PS4 you still only have a total of 3gb of user data save space to play with... even if you have a 500gb or 1tb+ HDD.
All of your photos and replays will be gone once the servers are shut down by PD anyways. My recommendation is to invest in a USB stick and never keep anything important on your in-game gallery. Always make sure to keep your share button handy and save whatever you do to your computer or PS4 capture gallery because eventually you’ll never be able to view it again.
All of your photos and replays will be gone once the servers are shut down by PD anyways. My recommendation is to invest in a USB stick and never keep anything important on your in-game gallery. Always make sure to keep your share button handy and save whatever you do to your computer or PS4 capture gallery because eventually you’ll never be able to view it again.
Thats if they don't release a final update which allows offline access to the library; as I said earlier the liveries of vehicles in replays are stored in the replay file itself so its possible for PD to allow people to retain access to them... but this is PD we're talking about :lol:
I've had this problem a while back. There is a memory limit for your replays. What I do now is as soon as I save the replay I share it with comments to inform me of why I saved it. I then save it to my collection from the activity feed. I still have the full replay as if I just saved it, it's slower loading but intact. I can now go back to the original save location and delete it freeing some replay memory space.
I've had this problem a while back. There is a memory limit for your replays. What I do now is as soon as I save the replay I share it with comments to inform me of why I saved it. I then save it to my collection from the activity feed. I still have the full replay as if I just saved it, it's slower loading but intact. I can now go back to the original save location and delete it freeing some replay memory space.

The storage limit, imposed by Sony, is 3gb and is shared across all user accounts on the PS4.

I do the same for some of my replays, but its also worth noting that you can only have 1000 items in your "collections" too.
When creating a second account I had the same amount of space remaining as I did on the first account. As you save things on one account the space goes down to match on the other account and vice-versa.
When creating a second account I had the same amount of space remaining as I did on the first account. As you save things on one account the space goes down to match on the other account and vice-versa.

Thanks for explaining that. Does stuff added to Collections eat into the available space also?
It’d better if they included the player ids of all the people that took part in a race within the replay, that way you could find it if someone else happened to uploaded it.
It’d better if they included the player ids of all the people that took part in a race within the replay, that way you could find it if someone else happened to uploaded it.
Yes. Even better if you received a notification that you were included in an uploaded replay and/or it appeared in your Activity Feed.
Yes. Even better if you received a notification that you were included in an uploaded replay and/or it appeared in your Activity Feed.

Yeah it’s not like the data isn’t already provided in the file,
it’s odd though that during the FIA races it shows your qualification time but it doesn’t save it into the replay and leaves them all blanked out.

My problem with the activity feed is it includes your stuff as well as your followers / friends, I end up unfollowing people because it just becomes too cluttered, it could do with a extra section to split the two.
Thanks for all the replies. :) In a way I am glad that it is not only me that has had memory problems, but frustrated that it seems such a grey area for us all. How much of their server memory do we get, and how do we see and manage it? :grumpy:

If we had the option to save the replay files, decals and livery's to our own PS4's there would of course be no problem, and you would think it would take a huge load off their servers. I was very surprised that there was no way to save the replays to the PS4 as a file that can be loaded and replayed when wanted, especially when I have so much free space. The PS4 is so limited in what can actually be saved on the internal HDD that many will have lots of space on their PS4's. They seem to want to have all of this game controlled by their servers for whatever reason, so I can't see this happening. That really hits home when their servers, or your local connection is down. :grumpy: :rolleyes:

Hopefully threads like this will highlight the problems, and we can start to see how big a problem it may be. If it is a big enough for many, it may spur PD to do something to alleviate any problems in the future.

If anyone comes up against the lack of memory issues, please feel free to make a comment so we may see how big this problem may be amongst users.
Sadly, GT7 for PS5 only use a max of 1GB space on the drive. You can't use more than that despite your drive is 1TO or more. Also, you can't use external drive, you can't allocate more than 1GB. Don't forget this 1GB space is a mutual storage for replays, scape photos, livery, decals etc...
I found a way to save more replays. First you share all of your previous saved (to friends or all) then you check there are well shared in you shared replays section, then come back to your replay then you delete them. That will save you replay to polyphony servers and free space to your drive. does it makes sense ?
Also, there a size limitation for your replay you want to share. Usually a race with full grid more than hour (above 150Mb) can't be shared. I have tried to share a 205mb and got size limitation message from polyphony.
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Sadly, GT7 for PS5 only use a max of 1GB space on the drive. You can't use more than that despite your drive is 1TO or more. Also, you can't use external drive, you can't allocate more than 1GB. Don't forget this 1GB space is a mutual storage for replays, scape photos, livery, decals etc...
I found a way to save more replays. First you share all of your previous saved (to friends or all) then you check there are well shared in you shared replays section, then come back to your replay then you delete them. That will save you replay to polyphony servers and free space to your drive. does it makes sense ?
Also, there a size limitation for your replay you want to share. Usually a race with full grid more than hour (above 150Mb) can't be shared. I have tried to share a 205mb and got size limitation message from polyphony.
Are you sure a game's user generated data limit is 1gb for the PS5? It was 3gb for the PS4, I can't imagine Sony* have lowered it for the PS5.

*the space available to developers for user generated data is set by Sony

I got some feedback. After checking again this terrible lack of free space to store our amazing replays... I couldn't save a replay this morning. I was wondering what is "OTHER" in the OPTION/STORAGE AREA mentioning 51%. I decided to delete some old replays that I shared online... Went back to option/Storage Area... noting change, still 51%... then I decided to reboot the game... then came back and I was amazed to see 48%... so.. I can believe OTHER is for online sharing...
So I was wrong, because more you share your replays thinking that will save space in your local storage, more you are using anyway the main storage area...