OK, I have to say something - but sorry for not saying anything

  • Thread starter amar212
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Thats could be up to 3.5 months away (roughly).... :scared:

Someone please freeze me?

Just hope they really do have crank prank time phones in the future.
For the science!

The only other gameshow between now and E³ is the GDC on March 23-27 right?
So we will either see something in ca 1 month, or in June, which would be okay i think.

KILLZONE also wants to be played in the meantime. lol
Something big... Well maybe...


In view of the recent measures in Formula One to cut costs and to increase the closeness of the racing, we would like to announce a change to the rules for the new season, starting on the 29th of March. It has been decided that to reduce expenditure that all future Formula One races are to take place in Gran Turismo 5. This will reduce the necessary travel and equipment and ensure equality between the competitors as all participants will drive a Ferrari with R3 tyres (1). The rubber band effect will be turned on. There will be no qualifying or pitstops. To increase spectator participation ordinary members of the public will also be able to take part in races (2). Also new for this season, is that Formula One will return to the old Nururgring (3). All other races will take place at Suzuka and Fuji only.

(1) Apart from Lewis Hamilton, who will be required to drive a Suzuki Cappuccino with N1 tyres.
(2) Due to the technical restriction that private rooms are not available.
(3) For future confirmation, if it is ready.

Something is definitely cooking...

The expected fall update with damage didn't happen. I suspect there was some corporate decision to concentrate on getting the full game finished. A corporate decision wouldn't take into account that us GT fans are eagerly waiting for an update - it would be just about getting a return on PD's investment. After all, when we all bought GT5P there was no promise to provide updates so what we did get were a bonus. Why should they update GT5P for free other than for fixing bugs?

The only things we've seen in the way of new screenshots and videos recently are the Le Mans and Nurburgring tracks - and even then they are the GT4 versions. I'm sure that there must be new tracks rendered for GT5 quality already in existence - even if GT5 was due for release in 2010 - but PD have managed to keep them secret. Ditto for cars. From Ahmed's description of his visit to PD he didn't seem to be allowed to see much new at all, just the two GT4 tracks which technically would be very easy to get working with GT5P as would any of the GT4 tracks.

I just feel that there has been silence for so long that something big could easily happen within the next couple of weeks (or just as equally within the next couple of years!).

However, with Amar's track record I'm convinced it'll be sooner rather than later.

To Sony and PD, if you make it soon then I promise not to buy an Xbox 360. :)
Why would any of the GT4 tracks be technically easy to use in GT5:P? They will be using very different code as it's for a completely different console.
This thread should perhaps be closed. People are coming up with crazy ideas about what amar means with everything he didn't say, and it's not leading anywhere. :rolleyes:

Even if amar seems incredibly excited, I wouldn't get my hopes to high. I can smell dissapointment.
This thread should perhaps be closed. People are coming up with crazy ideas about what amar means with everything he didn't say, and it's not leading anywhere. :rolleyes:

Even if amar seems incredibly excited, I wouldn't get my hopes to high. I can smell dissapointment.

I can't see the logic :indiff:

Wouldn't it be silly to close a positive thread (finally!!) when we don't close any of the negative/disappointment threads? This is a nice fresh breath over the community, keep it up! 👍
I'm glad PD has kept focused on GT5. They just should have thrown us a bone in the meantime.

Thanks Amar, can't wait for the news to start rolling in.
Given Amar's track record, I seriously doubt that.
I know, but what if? I'd be glad to be wrong, but you'd hate to be wrong.

I'm just saying it's better to not have any hopes at all than to be excited about something we haven't seen and know nothing about yet.
But Amar is not some random member of the forum, he's proven several times his credentials and I don't believe he has ever been discredited. As for getting "hopes" up, it's a computer game, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it, I'm intrigued by this news, whatever it may be, but I, and most people, can cope even if it did turn out to be a false announcement.

We know the release of GT5 is going to be happening some time in the near future, so we know that news will be happening at some point in the next few months.
I know, but what if? I'd be glad to be wrong, but you'd hate to be wrong.

I'm just saying it's better to not have any hopes at all than to be excited about something we haven't seen and know nothing about yet.

This is almost as good as Kaz coming to the forum and saying it...well, ok, not quite, but still.

I think I can agree that we should expect a massive amount of rant-posts whatever the news is, some people always seem to want to complain about everything PD does. No doubt someone will complain about still no damage/PD ignoring Prologue/missing out manufactuer X.
But Amar is not some random member of the forum, he's proven several times his credentials and I don't believe he has ever been discredited.
God damn it! I know who he is!! I was just sayin!!!
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Then why the pessimism?
Who said I was pessimistic? I said IF. There is always an IF you know, weather you like it or not. And IF the news are not very great, it is better to don't have high expectations. Because then if the news are great you will be very surprised and excited instead of just geting what you expected.

Nevermind, it's just my personal opinion.
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Who said I was pessimistic? I said IF. There is always an IF you know, weather you like it or not. And IF the news are not very great, it is better to don't have high expectations. Because then if the news are great you will be very surprised and excited instead of just geting what you expected.

Nevermind, it's just my personal opinion.

If you know what Amar has brought to the board before - And with his opening post in mind, then there is no "IFs".... More like "WHAT'S WITH THE FRIGGIN' OVEN ALREADY"...

Questions sure, but no IFs...
Who said I was pessimistic? I said IF. There is always an IF you know, weather you like it or not. And IF the news are not very great, it is better to don't have high expectations. Because then if the news are great you will be very surprised and excited instead of just geting what you expected.

Nevermind, it's just my personal opinion.
I get what you're saying and I even agree with you but the fact that this thread has been made, that I've read it and that Amar's history on here give it a lot of weight and I can't help but be a little intrigued. I do understand what your saying, if you don't expect any news soon and news comes then your happy but if your expecting it and it doesn't then it's irritating. But I can't see everyone not getting worked up, some probably will and are expecting more than the news probably is. The chances are that news is coming, the fact Amar has said it is though doesn't mean it's a given, things can happen that are unexpected, a lot can go right and a lot can go wrong. The fact it's come from Amar does mean that it's likely but it doesn't mean it's 100%.
Who said I was pessimistic? I said IF. There is always an IF you know, weather you like it or not. And IF the news are not very great, it is better to don't have high expectations. Because then if the news are great you will be very surprised and excited instead of just geting what you expected.

Nevermind, it's just my personal opinion.

IF my aunt Alice had balls she would be AL, my uncle...:sly:

just joking guys but really,its just that there is some news comming,and it will certanly not be little...i think this is important....it just soothes the long wait a bit....

I get what you're saying and I even agree with you but the fact that this thread has been made, that I've read it and that Amar's history on here give it a lot of weight and I can't help but be a little intrigued. I do understand what your saying, if you don't expect any news soon and news comes then your happy but if your expecting it and it doesn't then it's irritating. But I can't see everyone not getting worked up, some probably will and are expecting more than the news probably is. The chances are that news is coming, the fact Amar has said it is though doesn't mean it's a given, things can happen that are unexpected, a lot can go right and a lot can go wrong. The fact it's come from Amar does mean that it's likely but it doesn't mean it's 100%.
To be honest I'm really excited myself, but I try not to. And I get that the fact it's Amar's thread it's most certainly huge news. As some have said, Amar is never really revved up about news, but this time he couldn't even resist from making a thread about the fact he know something we don't.

But I'm trying to sit back and pretend nothing is gonna happen. I even want to get away from GTP for a couple of months, but it's hard as you can see.
And the third thing is also in the oven, but you can't even imagine it's even baking. And besides that third thing there is something else in the oven, I'd say it's the oven itself.

After reading this and assuming it means the PS3 itself, it reminded me of an article on gamepro a while back:

"According to a report from Smarthouse, an unnamed Sony insider has claimed that Kutaragi's proposal for the PS4 would involve the same chipset as the PS3, but would include an extensive overhaul to the system software. This would better manage streaming content from a broadband network source, and combined with the console's existing Cell processor, this upgrade would likely supplant the PlayStation as a developer for network-based gaming entertainment in the near future."

Forza 3 is scheduled for this Christmas, if GT5 is not ready to compete in the market Sony, the PS3 and PD are officially ******!

They are the realities of the console market.
This thread is messed up... maybe we interpreted his message completely wrong... maybe hes really just cooking.
This thread is messed up... maybe we interpreted his message completely wrong... maybe hes really just cooking.

Haha! He doesn't mention Gran Turismo or PD, so it could be anything :) but nah..
The only disappointment will be due to unrealistic expectations.
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Heres another thought......."The oven itself " could mean engine bay views.
Be kinda cool to look under the hood and see all your upgrade goodies.
Heres another thought......."The oven itself " could mean engine bay views.
Be kinda cool to look under the hood and see all your upgrade goodies.

I have doubts about that.

My main reason being is when I was watching a doco on the development of the new Nissan GTR they had segments on Polyphony, in one of them they showed the team working on the GTR for Gran Tusimo and they showed unfinished versions of the GTR as they were working on it which had the full body modeled with interior but no engine bay modelled at all, it was just blank. I suppose they could have added it in later by why would they make a exterior model with interior intergrated but no engine bay if they were to include it.

You're a cruel, cruel man Amar.
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