****Old Muscle Car Madness Championship****

  • Thread starter reefer
Colin, I appreciate your words mate, thanks. Same to you Suts. Good lads!

Well, I guess it's time to put the big brutes to bed now. Judging by the replays the last race was full of action, maybe the most action packed event of all along with Silverstone?

Got to apologise to Tom_Ascar and Jammy. I came off and, looking at the map, thought I had enough time to rejoin safely but instead came back on the track in front of Tom. Sorry mate. Same to Jammy for the tap onto the grass at the start of Race 2. (Replays are a great thing.) Had some great battles this morning and throughout the championship. In the main we had great turnouts, hard but considerate driving, good banter and a wonderful time watching Jocke's videos. I loved chillin' out with fad, Tom_Ascar, Al, richy and others during the weekday practices and my usual post-race chats with Tooma. To me it's more about the people than it is about the TROPHY 'cos without the right people the trophy means nothing. Jammy is the real winner anyway and I'm sure will continue to grow as a driver. Thanks again to all for giving up your precious time to race in the Madness Series and to Jocke for making all your videos and to the track creators for affording us these unique experiences. If this was a success, it's only because of you guys! As Al would say "Good driving friends." :cheers:

Sure Joe the most important in the championship is to have fun with good people :dunce: cleanest as we could be :scared: in race knowing incident happens
basically means having the balls and not being children who wants to win any cost (no offences to girls here lol) :bowdown:
looking forward to the next championship :cheers:
Weekday practices! That's where I'm going wrong.

Any way have some words from me as well - Thanks for your efforts Joe, it's been a blast. Congratulations on the win.

Shame I missed out on the first half of the "season", I'd even got all the cars prepared. But I enjoyed the races I did get involved in.

Good fun at the last meeting, the track worked better than I thought. I had some really close scraps. Sorry again to Fad for the bump in the second race - those GTO's have very dim brake lights. We had a good battle following that though.
I really enjoyed all the races that I could join you. It was interesting to get to know those custom track, they gave me nice the challenge to learn them and find drivinglines. Thanks to all creators for those tracks.
Thanks to Joe for series :cheers: It's always take a lot of times to get things to work and run series like this.
Also nice to get to know all those old muscles cars.
Thanks to all drivers was fun to races with all of you 👍
Great video jocke, cool to hear all the chat. Thanks to all for waiting for me to arrive, really kind. The whole time watching it I'm shouting "read the thread, read the thread, I'm not going to make it!" Shows the good spirit among us and the great vibe Joe has created. Very touching.
Really cool to hear and see all our chat, Jocke.
Thanks again to all for giving up your precious time to race in the Madness Series and to Jocke for making all your videos and to the track creators for affording us these unique experiences.
Thanks to all drivers was fun to races with all of you
Judging by the replays the last race was full of action, maybe the most action packed event of all
Thanks guys. Yes the final race at Raebrook was a scorcher. Really enjoyed it.
Really nice track, Paul.
Weekday practices! That's where I'm going wrong.

Any way have some words from me as well - Thanks for your efforts Joe, it's been a blast. Congratulations on the win.

Shame I missed out on the first half of the "season", I'd even got all the cars prepared. But I enjoyed the races I did get involved in.

Good fun at the last meeting, the track worked better than I thought. I had some really close scraps. Sorry again to Fad for the bump in the second race - those GTO's have very dim brake lights. We had a good battle following that though.
np ;-);-) we hat a good race and fun ;-) must say i had ;-);-)
I´ve enjoyed a lot with you in this championship. I lost the second place in champ, but It was realy fun and the podium is really well. Thanks Joe for this fantastic chalenge, thanks to all pilots through good times and thanks for these fantastic tracks. See you on track.

Moonshine Pass TT Results

1st - joe_kerr__________8
2nd - Fadmad_gt5______7
3rd - IfAndOr__________6
4th - Tom_Ascar_______5
5th - bloodyboyblue____4
6th - guitar3rich_______3
7th - funkybuttoms (not in the 'ship)
8th - flr3str0m____(not in the 'ship)



Final Standings
After Eight Meets (16 races) and one Moonshine TT
(after calculating dropped scores)

1st - joe_kerr__________296
2nd - jam_my21________238
3rd - autope10_________237*
4th - bloodyboyblue_____203*
5th - Tom_Ascar________180*
6th - sutsagrd__________172*
7th - Fadmad_gt5_______171*
8th - guitar3rich________146**
9th - JockeP22__________140
10th - iamtooma________133*
11th - buybon355_______124
12th - IfAndOr__________82*
13th - flaviousbutterus____41

The best 14 results from 16 races (8 week championship/2 races per meet minus the two lowest scoring races) will count towards the driver's total points score. This means anyone who misses a week won't be penalised.

ALL previous results can be found on post 2.

*Cleanest driver of the Day +12 points
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Are you going to do this again? Looks like I missed all the fun.

Back in the UK now. :)
The Muscle Series was set up partly with you in mind as you skipped across the pond. It was great fun! Don't think we'll do it again though. @bloodyboyblue has set up a very interesting series over here running with 1000 horses under us. Come play