Overview of GT7 Telemetry Software

  • Thread starter snimat
Ok, when changing the ports to 33339 and 33340, telemetry is received whith GT Sport, but unfortunately en ecxeption occurs, saying "unpack requires a buffer of 296 bytes". I need to investigate further.
Idea is to play GT Sport with rig and a PSVR1 :-)
You need to change the port and as well the crypto key for GT Sport.

KEY_GT7 = b'Simulator Interface Packet GT7 ver 0.0'
KEY_GTS = b'Simulator Interface Packet ver 0.0'

Now it is running :-)
Does telemetry give live intervals ? Annoyed it still not implemented in VR. So would it be technically possible to use text to speech every lap or every minute for intervals to leader / front and behind ?
Does telemetry give live intervals ? Annoyed it still not implemented in VR. So would it be technically possible to use text to speech every lap or every minute for intervals to leader / front and behind ?
no live intervals or any information on other cars on track is in the data coming from the game.

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