• Thread starter Mr Grumpy
United Kingdom
United Kingdom

The Project Cars Cross Platform Championship :)

The idea is....
10 drivers max (from any platform).
10 rounds (shortish tracks)
1 make car selection (max speed 160mph ish)
Lap count is based around 10 minutes race time (track dependant).
Point system based on old F1 style to keep it close so 1st position will get 10 points, last position will get 1.

For now all tracks will be set to default date at 12:00 mid-day with weather set to clear sky so everyone is on a level playing field.

The race setup itself will be YOU against 9 AI maximum (so 10 cars on track to simulate racing against other players) & so it's not boring racing around on your own + it adds a few unknown obstacles.

Player must start last!!

Another reason for this is that we might race on tracks that only allow a limited number of drivers & to make sure there's no physics anomalies on the base consoles.

Now the AI level can be whatever you want it to be so you're having fun (most important factor here), you can finish in any position you want.

All I require is a screen shot (via mobile is fine as long as it's clear) after the race to prove the amount of laps, against 9 AI & your total time.

It is your total time that will determine the amount of points you get & what position you will be within the championship.

You can have as many goes as you like, but as soon as you submit that screen shot, that's final (so be aware).

The championship will start as soon as we fill the full 10 player entries, a round will finish as soon as the last driver has submitted their total time screenshot.

To save clogging up the forum just post your time followed by a screenshot in spoiler form.

There is no time limit on the championship, we can make it as short/long as we like so it fits within everyone's time frame & real life commitments.

Championship settings & rules.....

01. Pick the appropriate car
02. Pick the appropriate track
03. Opponents = 9
04. Opponent skill = optional
05. Opponent aggression = optional
06. Opponent field type = identical
07. Player grid position = player last
08. Number of laps = set the required amount
09. Date type = default date
10. Start time = 12:00
11. Season = defaulted with date
12. Weather = clear
13. Start type = standing
14. Mandatory Pit stops = no
15. Rules & regulations = default
16. Driving assists = optional
17. Damage = off
18. Tyre wear = off
19. Fuel usage = off
20. Car setups = optional
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Championship Finished

01 - 88 Points = Mr Grumpy
02 - 85 Points = Morgoth_666
03 - 74 Points = Wolfe
04 - 68 Points = Napalm_LT
05 - 62 Points = gregc
06 - 53 Points = IfAndOr
07 - 45 Points = Bloodytears
08 - 33 Points = Chikane_GTR
09 - 14 Points = Corsa
10 - 09 Points = richroo
11 - 08 Points = John Wells
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Championship Information.....

Race 1 - 9 Laps = Completed
Oulton Park Fosters - Aston Martin DBR1/300
Winner = @Wolfe
@Wolfe = 10:10.656
@richroo = 10:11.923
@Morgoth_666 = 10:13.972
@Mr Grumpy = 10:15.946
@Bloodytears = 10:19.099
@IfAndOr = 10:23.319
@Napalm_LT = 10:23.560
@gregc = 10:23.956
@Corsa = 10:27.655
@Chikane_GTR = 10:31.946

Race 2 - 11 Laps = Completed
Knockhill International - BMW 320 TC
Winner = @Morgoth_666
@Morgoth_666 = 09:42.239
@Mr Grumpy = 09:45.936
@Napalm_LT = 09:47.319
@IfAndOr = 09:48.554
@Wolfe = 09:49. 415
@Corsa = 09:54.295
@gregc = 09:55.389
@Bloodytears = 10:00.926
@Chikane_GTR = 10:01.488
@richroo = Retired

Race 3 - 13 Laps = Completed
Circuit de Barcelona Club - Olsbergs RX Supercar Lite
Winner = @Mr Grumpy
@Mr Grumpy = 10:24.736
@Wolfe = 10:24.778
@Napalm_LT = 10:26.721
@IfAndOr = 10:27.859
@Morgoth_666 = 10:28.584
@gregc = 10:30.868
@Bloodytears = 10:32.959
@Corsa = 10:39.455
@Chikane_GTR = 11:03.098
@richroo = Retired

Race 4 - 10 Laps = Completed
Willow Spring Horse Thief Mile - Caterham Seven 620 R
Winner = @Morgoth_666
@Morgoth_666 = 08:59.451
@gregc = 09:01.637
@Wolfe = 09:02.840
@Mr Grumpy = 09:06.130
@IfAndOr = 09:07.208
@Chikane_GTR = 09:14.605
@Napalm_LT = 09:17.843
@Bloodytears = 09:36.529
@Corsa = 10:05.700
@richroo = Retired

Race 5 - 7 Laps = Completed
Nürburging Sprint - Porsche 924 Carrera GTP
Winner = @Mr Grumpy
@Mr Grumpy = 10:51.511
@Napalm_LT = 10:53.983
@Wolfe = 10:54.256
@gregc = 10:56.322
@Bloodytears = 10:57.104
@Morgoth_666 = 10:57.906
@Chikane_GTR = 11:00.695
@IfAndOr = 11:00.924
@Corsa = Retired
@richroo = Retired

Race 6 - 7 Laps = Completed
Brands Hatch GP - Radical SR3-RS
Winner = @Mr Grumpy
@Mr Grumpy = 10:13.216
@Morgoth_666 = 10:13.416
@gregc = 10:15.472
@Bloodytears = 10:32.918
@IfAndOr = 10:32.962
@Chikane_GTR = 10:35.643
@Wolfe = 10:36.174
@Napalm_LT = 10:39.579
@Corsa = 10:46.727
@richroo = Retired

Race 7 - 8 Laps = Completed
Sakitto National Circuit - Ford Mustang GT
Winner = @Morgoth_666
@Morgoth_666 = 10:17.682
@gregc = 10:26.793
@Napalm_LT = 10:27.541
@Mr Grumpy = 10:28.169
@Wolfe = 10:28.860
@Bloodytears = 10:35.542
@Chikane_GTR = 10:40.400
@IfAndOr = 10:44.333
@John Wells = 12:11.622
@Corsa = Retired
@richroo = Retired

Race 8 - 7 Laps = Completed
Ruapuna Park GP - Nissan Fairlady 240ZG GTS-II
Winner = @Mr Grumpy
@Mr Grumpy = 10:39.089
@Morgoth_666 = 10:40.268
@Wolfe = 10:44.005
@Napalm_LT = 10:44.499
@gregc = 10:47.409
@IfAndOr = 10:51.199
@Bloodytears = 11:14.166
@Chikane_GTR = 11:43.552
@John Wells = 12:03.162
@Corsa = Retired
@richroo = Retired

Race 9 - 8 Laps = Completed
Hockenheim Short - Ford Escort RS1600 Racing
Winner = @Napalm_LT
@Napalm_LT = 09:49.330
@Mr Grumpy = 09:49.440
@Morgoth_666 = 09:51.891
@Wolfe = 09:56.990
@gregc = 09:59.800
@IfAndOr = 10:00.521
@Chikane_GTR = 10:07.978
@Bloodytears = 10:14.403
@John Wells = 12:03.571
@Corsa = Retired
@richroo = Retired

Race 10 - 7 Laps = Completed
Mojave Boa Ascent - BMW 2002 Stanceworks Edition
Winner = @Morgoth_666
@Morgoth_666 = 09:33.120
@Mr Grumpy = 09:36.365
@Wolfe = 09:40.277
@Napalm_LT = 09:41.302
@IfAndOr = 09:43.480
@gregc = 09:45.289
@Bloodytears = 09:51.410
@Chikane_GTR = 09:52.940
@John Wells = 11:02.607
@Corsa = Retired
@richroo = Retired
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Race results




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My race results
















9:59.800 with a penalty :(



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My race results
Time - 10:23.319
Project CARS 2_20200806221427.jpg

Time - 9:48.554

Time -10:27.859
RX lite.jpg

Time - 9:07.208

Time - 11:00.924
Project CARS 2_20200911135811.jpg

Time - Don't look :crazy: (but 10:32.9 something)
Project CARS 2_20201001174137.jpg

Time - 10.44.333
Project CARS 2_20201018154820.jpg

Time - 10:51.199
Project CARS 2_20201031173215.jpg

Time - 10:00.521
Project CARS 2_20201208153446.jpg

Time - 9:43.48
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My race results.


09:45. 936








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I could if only not default set ups, some cars a really too hard to drive on pad by default and most of cars after 10 laps will have cold breaks and tires, which may be not a problem with pedals, but real problem with triggers. Anyway, I'll give a try, but with a hope for the best.

My race results:

Race 1
Oulton Park Fosters - Aston Martin DBR1/300

Race 2
Knockhill International - BMW 320 TC

Race 3
Circuit de Barcelona Club - Olsbergs RX Supercar Lite

Race 4
Willow Spring Horse Thief Mile - Caterham Seven 620 R

Race 5
Nürburging Sprint - Porsche 924 Carrera GTP

Race 6
Brands Hatch GP - Radical SR3-RS

Race 7
Sakitto National Circuit - Ford Mustang GT

Race 8
Ruapuna Park GP - Nissan Fairlady 240ZG GTS-II

Race 9
Hockenheim Short - Ford Escort RS1600 Racing

Race 10
Mojave Sidewinder - BMW 2002 Stanceworks Edition
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I could if only not default set ups, some cars a really too hard to drive on pad by default and most of cars after 10 laps will have cold breaks and tires, which may be not a problem with pedals, but real problem with triggers. Anyway, I'll give a try, but with a hope for the best.
That's fine if you want to, I'll change the rules to optional.
My race results

Oulton Park Fosters.jpg



Willow Springs.jpg


Screenshot (13).png




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We can change the cars per race if people prefer that.
For example
Race 1 at Oulton Park short in a Ginetta gt5
Race 2 might be red bull ring short in a classic lotus.
Race 3 could be brand hatch indy in a Broncho :lol:

Regarding the speed of the cars I said about 140-160mph as a base line for the ease of access for all types of drivers.

Didn't want to scare people off with 220mph hypercars or unstable classic monsters.

But it's something to keep in mind for the next one if this goes according to plan :)

It's more about putting some weird combinations together in a fun community championship that we can all enjoy regardless of skill or platform.

I quite like the idea of a different car each race - or maybe change it up 2 or 3 times a season? Should be fun whatever :)

Also, as mentioned in the initial quick discussion on the general thread, I'll almost certainly be using a default setup either way but I'm cool with allowing setup changes personally.
@Corsa welcome :) it's when all times are in, so the whole championship is flexible around other commitments. I check GTPlanet on a daily basis so I should be able to keep on top of things.

Also I will allow setups, because most importantly I want people to have fun so I'll change it to optional.

Only 4 more places available.
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@Mr Grumpy I've been thinking. Funnily enough that was late at night/early in the morning too. Strange how your mind gets active!

I'll stick it in here to save messing the thread up
Those that submit a time early are at a disadvantage - it then gives the others a time to try and chase and beat without those original entrants being able to reply. So it would be an incentive to not post a time until very late on.

I remembered the rules from the photo competitions, maybe we could adopt/adapt those. I have already changed them slightly to suit.
  • You may change your entry once. Do it clearly; edit out your previous entry, and
    either post the new one in a new reply, or in place of the original.
  • Mark your final entry clearly by adding "FINAL ENTRY" in text.
  • Once your "final entry" time is in, that's it, you cannot change it again.
  • Do not post "Honourable Mentions" just your Final Entry, that's all.
  • Winner gets to choose the next car
  • Last placed time gets to choose the next track*
Also instead of leaving the time to enter open maybe it might be better to have it on a weekly/fortnightly basis. That way we know we have to get an entry in, but it wont be too rushed, and won't be waiting if someone is on holiday etc. We'd also then get though more car & track combinations.

* Perhaps there could be a fixed selection of suitable cars and tracks to pick from.

Hope you don't mind the thoughts, just trying to be helpful. You can always ignore them. :)
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@Mr Grumpy I've been thinking. Funnily enough that was late at night/early in the morning too. Strange how your mind gets active!

I'll stick it in here to save messing the thread up
Those that submit a time early are at a disadvantage - it then gives the others a time to try and chase and beat without those original entrants being able to reply. So it would be an incentive to not post a time until very late on.

I remembered the rules from the photo competitions, maybe we could adopt/adapt those. I have already changed them slightly to suit.
  • You may change your entry once. Do it clearly; edit out your previous entry, and
    either post the new one in a new reply, or in place of the original.
  • Mark your final entry clearly by adding "FINAL ENTRY" in text.
  • Once your "final entry" time is in, that's it, you cannot change it again.
  • Do not post "Honourable Mentions" just your Final Entry, that's all.
  • Winner gets to choose the next car
  • Last placed time gets to choose the next track*
Also instead of leaving the time to enter open maybe it might be better to have it on a weekly/fortnightly basis. That way we know we have to get an entry in, but it wont be too rushed, and won't be waiting if someone is on holiday etc. We'd also then get though more car & track combinations.

* Perhaps there could be a fixed selection of suitable cars and tracks to pick from.

Hope you don't mind the thoughts, just trying to be helpful. You can always ignore them. :)
Funnily enough, I was actually thinking the same kind of thing, so once you're happy with your time then just reply ready/finished/completed, once everyone has replied then we all edit our posts & show the the screenshot (as a spoiler) at roughly the same time (where possible)

As for the car/track selection, I might let the loser only choose both, as the winner will have bragging rights :)

What do you think?

Regarding car track selection if we say no car over 160mph & no track over the 1:30 per lap regions?

That gives us 6 laps upwards.
I might let the loser choose both
I did originally put that then added the other bit. :)
With 10 drivers and 10 rounds perhaps we could all choose one favourite combination in turn.

if we say no car over 160mph & no track over the 1:30 per lap regions?
Rather than a time, that can vary from person to person, it's probably easier to stick to a maximum track length (~2miles). The lap count could be varied to suit then.

And car speed can vary so perhaps maximum power might be a better limit since that's fixed. Not sure how much though. 500hp? Less?

Perhaps we could try a preliminary test race just to iron out any problems?
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@IfAndOr Great ideas.

So, I guess no Historic spa in GT1?:). As for car selection, guess better start with something touring, they are race cars so more steady than road, and they a lower type of race cars, so not hard at some point as GT. Plus with vintage touring we have pretty good selection.
I thought was lucky, that been able to skip it for trophies in career, but it seems impossible to avoid a fate...
@Mr Grumpy Sorry for asking but something i'm still lost about is do we pick our own track and car with the giving rule guideline or is there a schedule for each track and car combo that's gonna be use?
@Mr Grumpy Sorry for asking but something i'm still lost about is do we pick our own track and car with the giving rule guideline or is there a schedule for each track and car combo that's gonna be use?
Right I'm making an executive decision,

Can you all pick a car/track combination within the guidelines (not strict) & the order of races will follow the same order as people entered.

See post 2 to see when your combination will be run.

So @Chikane_GTR your combination will be the 4th race.

Everyone ok with this?

Also I'll be posting my combination tomorrow, you guy's can post yours whenever you want.
Can it be DLC car? Assuming everyone have season pass by now?
I was actually going to ask that question to everyone.
Does everyone have all dlc?

I have all of it, the Japanese car pack, the bonus motorsports pack with the esperante, just everything.
I also have everything that's available. 👍

Does it matter if we were to pick the same car or track as someone else? Or would you prefer them to be all different?
Yep, got all the DLC.

If we all have all of it then I'm going Knockhill International, Opel Astra TCR. If anyone doesn't have that car then BMW 320TC instead.
I also have everything that's available. 👍

Does it matter if we were to pick the same car or track as someone else? Or would you prefer them to be all different?
If by chance you pick the same combo as someone else then priority goes to the person who posted their combo 1st, you'll have to change, unless you post it 1st then they'll have to change.

@gregc is that your confirmed combo?