Photomode Tournament - Round 1

  • Thread starter JacoJa






LOON vs. NTX1982

Theme: Hard Braking----A picture which shows hard braking (i.e. brake lights and weight transfer).
Cars: Any
Tracks: Any
Phototravel: Not allowed


SlipZtrEm vs. Moglet

Theme: Debris----Capture a shot that shows a car and some form of debris....i.e.: leaves, cones, etc.
Cars: Any
Tracks: Any
Phototravel: Not allowed


jgda9rs vs. LGforce

Theme: Location, location, location----A scenery picture where the primary focus is on the background, a car must be in the photo.
Cars: Any
Tracks: Any
Phototravel: Allowed


MINICOOPER120 vs. TVR&Ferrari_Fan

Theme: British engineering----Take a shot of your favourite British car.
Cars: Any British Cars
Tracks: European tracks
Phototravel: Only European locations


Drift2XS vs. Dead_Poetic

Theme: Honda Type R Collection--- Any Hondas with a 'Type R' badge.
Cars: Any car that's allowed in the Honda Type R meeting
Tracks: Twin Ring Motegi - Road Course
Phototravel: Not allowed


dmanbluesfreak vs. Beerzgood

Theme: Drifting----Take a picture of an action drift shot.
Cars: Any
Tracks: Any
Phototravel: If you can make it happen


Ultrashot vs. rovens

Theme: An angel in the darkness----Dark environment with bright cars.
Cars: White cars only
Tracks: Night-time locations only (headlights must be on)
Phototravel: Allowed


speedster502 vs. Rayquaza

Theme: Las Vegas shot----Photos set within Las Vegas
Cars: Any production car
Tracks: Las Vegas drag strip
Phototravel: Allowed (Las Vegas only)




Fox-Hound vs. atlop

Theme: Turbocharged!----Any shot of a car that comes from the factory fitted with a turbocharger.
Cars: Any with a factory turbocharger
Tracks: Any
Phototravel:[ /B] Not Allowed


R33GTR vs. [Empty space]

Theme: Movies----Take a picture of any cars that have been featured in popular movies i.e. VW Beetle (Herbie), Dodge Charger (Dukes of Hazards) etc.
Cars: Any which suite the above description.
Tracks: Any
Phototravel: Not Allowed


Danger Orange vs. Ev0 4 drifter

Theme: Lost it----Depict an in-race situation (at least 2 cars in photo) where at least one of them is out of control.
Cars: Any
Tracks: Any
Phototravel: Not Allowed


440 CHARGER vs. Nissan~GuruZ33

Theme: Four Bangers----Take a picture of any car with a 4 cylinder engine (in any configuration)
Cars: Any 4 cylinder car
Tracks: Any
Phototravel: Not Allowed


arsenal vs. FusionS2000

Theme: Flying low---- Car must have all four wheels off the ground.
Cars: Any
Tracks: Any
Phototravel: Not Allowed


garnettrules21 vs. lmracer

Theme: Japanese Powaa!----Any Japanese car(s) with over 250BHP (stock)
Cars: Any which fits above description
Tracks: Any
Phototravel: Allowed


art555(Ukraine) vs. GM

Theme: Reflections----Try to capture as many car reflections as possible
Cars: Any
Tracks: Any
Phototravel: Allowed


franz vs. Slick6

Theme: JGTC----Take a photo of your favourite JGTC car(s)
Cars: Any JGTC car(s)
Tracks: World Circuits
Phototravel: No night locations

Do not use pictures already viewed by other people (i.e. from your gallery), and do not post your entry in your gallery until it has been placed in the poll. You will have five days to PM me (jacoja07) your final entries. And remember, do not post your final entries in this thread.
If you can, please include a preview image (300 x 400 pixels) next to your thumbnail in the Private Message.

*Entries can only be changed once*

*Your username or logo is not to be displayed within your photos*

Have Fun!! :)

If you are still unsure of the competition rules, please revert to the following link:

3 Days is a bit pushing it, but maybe you should extend it to a week.
yeah, I was kinda worried about that too, maybe 5 days? I could do it in 3 days, but it's a lot of pressure. ;)

Edit: TVR, once my shot's in the poll, I can post it in my gallery for ya. It will fit the theme anyway. Did you notice that we both have british cars in our name and we get British Engineering? I think it was on purpose. Jacoja: did you draw out of a hat or did you pick the best ones for each person?
Alright, five days sounds like a good submitting time. I'll extend it then :)

@ Cooper: Yes I did select them out of a hat (even the themes). It was just luck that you and TVR were placed together.

SlipZ vs. Moglet :eek:

Hehe, I was thinking the same thing. That is going to be a intense battle. :D

I am liking my theme, already know what car I am going to use. Look forward to seeing what Dead_Poetic comes up with. :)

By the way, are we allowed to put our names on these, or is it completely anonymous?

Also, I gotta say the design looks great jaco, good work. 👍
By the way, are we allowed to put our names on these, or is it completely anonymous?
Oh yes, thanks for reminding me. Names and logos will not be allowed on any pictures (I think that's what happened last time).

Also, I gotta say the design looks great jaco, good work. 👍
I think it was Treefingers who created the Photo Tournament look... I simply just re-used them for this competition (though I did attempt to create another animation banner :sly: ).

And good luck for both Slip and Moglet in their duel. I think I quoted "oooh..." after I drew that.
Alright, five days sounds like a good submitting time. I'll extend it then :)

@ Cooper: Yes I did select them out of a hat (even the themes). It was just luck that you and TVR were placed together.
Thanks for extending it, but in the future remember some people have real life jobs, which eats into there time.
ooooooo-k, i almost didn't see this one. jeez, i forgot we're actually doing it. too busy setting up the cars for the spot races. but, ok. i'll do what i can do. LGForce will eat me alive :(
Wow, i'm up against my buddy speedster! This will be a great match! :)
MiniCooper I try to go easy on you, but good luck. Anyway my pick for the main game in PMC 2.0 section has to be:

jgda9rs vs. LGforce - I bet this one will be close, since jgda9rs has improved a lot over the past 2 months, however if I had to pick someone to win this, I would have to pick LGforce, because of his experience.

And I reckon this will be the pick of the round in PMC:

garnettrules21 vs. lmracer
Doh!!! :ouch:

I'm up against dman, I'm toast... :nervous:

(but it would be fun in real life, 2 guys with a busted knee racing each other) :)
Gonna be a tough one going up against NTX. Good luck man, not like you need it or anything.:)

Good luck to everybody else aswell.👍
Fun matches 👍
Foxhound vs atlop, mog vs slipz, drift vs DP will get most of my attention

long time no see Slick6 :) it's gonna be a tough match with you
Good to see the Tourney up and and running, well done jacoja07 👍 .
Some really good match-up's to get things started..
atlop + first round = I'd better bring my A-Game.. (and even that might not be good enough)
Good-Luck Everyone 👍 .
Fun matches 👍
Foxhound vs atlop, mog vs slipz, drift vs DP will get most of my attention

long time no see Slick6 :) it's gonna be a tough match with you

Thanks, but don't expect much greatness from me.
When the pics are put in the poll is it going to say who it was that took each shot? I'd prefer it be more private...
Good to see the Tourney up and and running, well done jacoja07 👍 .
Some really good match-up's to get things started..
atlop + first round = I'd better bring my A-Game.. (and even that might not be good enough)
Good-Luck Everyone 👍 .
Looking forward to your A-Game Fox-Hound! :) I'm just trying to figure out what car to use... plenty of choices there.
When the pics are put in the poll is it going to say who it was that took each shot? I'd prefer it be more private...

In the polls it will just say (for example) 'jgda9rs vs. LGforce'. Both their pictures will be placed underneath for voting (in any order), so it will not be known who's is who. (hopefully) 👍
Whoa, I get stacked up against the last Tourney's winner? Heh, and I've just used up all my "Debris" shots lately? Crappers! :lol:

Good luck Mog, I haven't fallen out in the first round yet, but if it's because of you, that's still a great way to go! 👍

Jacoja - By debris, is dirt allowed? Or does it have to be more physically massive things such as the mentioned cones and leaves?
Only 5 days? So, that would mean we'd have to submit by Friday or Saturday? I can never get a shot in by then, nor will the other half of all the people in here.

I'd like to request at least one week to submit our entries...
I get what you mean, but also that would mean this tournament would last 7 weeks or so if you count the 5 days or so what it takes to put up the poll and other stuff that goes on between the rounds, and I think that's a bit too much to keep the interest up. In future rounds, might I suggest 5 days to submit, but including the weekend? Or something like that. Just an idea. :-/
Good luck Loon:tup:
Great matches and themes, some crazy shots are going to be made.:crazy: