Photonrider described the problem, I have the solution

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Well known double poster
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
@photonrider posted a thread describing his disappointment in the direction he feels the GT forums are heading HERE. In his opinion it's devolved into a battle of those that love and those that hate the franchise and every thread ends up in a battle of wills between the two sides and it makes every thread repetitive and ugly. I understand his disappointment and as a fellow Canuck I'm here to tell him and you, there is a solution to this and it's within your control. So everyone please listen up, school is in session, Mr. Johnny is here:D.

The solution to this "trolling" dilemma as described in the in @photonrider's OP is quite simple. A well worded, well thought out, tightly defined original post, followed by an OP that maintains control of the thread through active participation. If you want relatively troll free threads, you need to define the conversation first and foremost, and this will also gives others that are interested in maintaining a neat, tidy and positive discussion the tools to do the job.

Now before you jump up and down yelling, "Johnny is nuts, that won't work":irked:, yes it will. I don't start a lot of threads around here, but when I do, I often keep a tight reign on the discussion and it starts with a narrowly defined OP. Ever been into one of my Undocumented Changes threads? Read the OP. It spells out exactly what I want in that discussion and what I don't want. Then watch my posts throughout the thread. When someone drags it off topic, I gently push them back. The responses aren't always pleasant from the participants, I think "dictator" has been hinted at a few times, but I don't care. It's my thread, I posted the OP as to what I want to discuss, and I'll report anyone that tries to derail my thread after being warned first. Doesn't win you a lot of fans, but it sure makes for a nice, neat, tidy discussion.

So if you want a discussion where you can control the trolls, you must take charge of the thread, starting with a well worded OP and followed up with actively cajoling people back into line and as a final resort, reporting those that don't heed your warnings. These are the tools the @Jordan has given us and the mods allow us to use and they work well and most importantly, you will get the active support of moderators to allow you to do this. That's what they are here for, to ensure that you get to have the types of discussions that you want to have. When you entitle a thread, "Hey look, a new VGT", YOU left the door wide open to any response, and it's your own fault if the discussion devolves into a trail of posts criticizing Kaz, GT, the VGT Project etc., because YOU didn't define the discussion and you're well aware of how things are around here these days. If I were starting a VGT thread and wanted to control the off topic nonsense, this is something I might do:

First, assume that many posters will read the title, not read the OP and just start to post. So your title has to help define what you want, like this:

The Ford VGT Positive Discussion Thread
Catchy eh?👍 But it tells you it's about the Ford VGT and it's positive and that's what counts.

Now to the OP. I'd do something like this.

The new Ford VGT is upon below...blah blah blah. The purpose of this thread is to discuss the pros and cons of this particular car and to celebrate it's imminent release. Everyone is entitled to express their like or dislike for this car, suggest improvements, wishes for performance, compare it to other VGT's etc. etc.

What this thread is not about is bashing the VGT Project, the GT series, the lack of real car DLC, Kazunori Yamauchi or any aspect of Gran Turismo. You are still free to do that in the appropriate thread which I have linked HERE. Please limit your discussion to the new Ford VGT

That's all you have to do. You've narrowly defined the discussion and given yourself the tools to reign in anyone that posts off YOUR topic in YOUR thread. The worst thing that might be acceptable would be something like, "That's the ugliest car I've ever seen" or, "it's boring and uncreative" etc. etc. Anyone expressing dislike for the car should be ok and you as the OP have to ensure that those that like the car don't try to actively target someone who says they don't like the car. If you as the OP decided that dislike of the car is acceptable in your thread, you have to manage that as well.

When the inevitable joker:dunce: pops in with (paraphrasing), "GT sucks, VGT sucks, Kaz sucks, lolwut" etc. my first move would be to quote the portion of the OP that tells them that's unacceptable to them, suggest they stay on topic, and if they continue, then you report them. Just make sure you aren't reporting posts because you don't like them, even if they fit within your OP. You will get mod support if you have tightly defined the conversation and the violation you are reporting is clear and precise. If you report everyone that makes posts you don't like, but are actually within the spirit of your OP, expect to get ignored.

The power is within you, to create the kind of :gtplanet: that you want. This is your :gtplanet: Expecting random chance to make it work the way you'd like it to work doesn't work. Expecting the mods to babysit this place and read your mind as to what you want doesn't work either. Take charge, take the bull by the horns, make :gtplanet: the :gtplanet: you want it to be, or to put it bluntly, stop whining and complaining, about whining and complaining, because if you don't want to be part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

Do something about it.

Now having said all this, if the mods think I'm way off base here and overstepping my authority, feel free to close this thread:guilty:
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Sticky, because rules before posting threads? Ha.
Good post.

I think many issues arise from people feeling some replies aren't actually contributing to the topic at all and are simply 'playing the man and not the ball'.

But some good advise in the OP so I'll leave it at that.
Good post.

I think many issues arise from people feeling some replies aren't actually contributing to the topic at all and are simply 'playing the man and not the ball'.

But some good advise in the OP so I'll leave it at that.
And my response would be, the narrower your topic is, the more tightly you can control your thread. If one feels that the forums are overrun by negativity I can dig that because it's true. I think it's understandable and I have no issue with it given the state of the game, but I also believe that if you're one of those people that don't want to be immersed in that negativity because you really love the game in spite of it's flaws, you have the power within yourself to change the way things work around here. You can't control every thread, but you can control what threads you enter and you can control the threads you start. The mods won't do it for you, that's not their job. The community won't do it of their own free will because free will. What's left is you. IMO you lose the right to bitch about the state of the community if you aren't willing to man up (or woman up as the case may be) and take the bull by the horns. Make the threads, word the OP's appropriately, and then most importantly, put in the time and effort to manage the thread and keep things on track. Absentee OP's and broadly defined OP's are the reason the community is the way it is. The power to change that is with you.

Anthony Robbins speech over:lol:
I've always thought trolling would be brought under better control if the thread starter could somehow be able to moderate their threads, meaning the ability to delete posts, ban users from the thread, and lock their threads if things get out of hand. This way there would be no interaction with the troll whatsoever, and the best way to fight trolls is to dispose of them without drawing attention to them.
I've always thought trolling would be brought under better control if the thread starter could somehow be able to moderate their threads, meaning the ability to delete posts, ban users from the thread, and lock their threads if things get out of hand. This way there would be no interaction with the troll whatsoever, and the best way to fight trolls is to dispose of them without drawing attention to them.
So, you're suggesting that thread creators have mod powers? Have you any idea what kind of chaos that would cause, not to mention it's completely impossible to do on any forum.

There's a report feature, and an ignore feature for a reason... Let moderators be moderators and do the volunteer job they've been appointed to by Jordan.
So, you're suggesting that thread creators have mod powers? Have you any idea what kind of chaos that would cause, not to mention it's completely impossible to do on any forum.

No, he's suggesting that thread creators take responsibility for their threads getting out of control, and report to the mods as necessary.

I don't know if you've ever tried to moderate, but this is a really big board. The moderators can't be expected to actually read every new post, and so they can only act on stuff that's reported. If the thread creator defines their thread well and then reports anyone who tries to derail, it cuts through a lot of the BS.

Moderation power should stay in the hands of the mods, but thread creators can help the mods out by pointing out where their power could be used well for making the board a friendly and happy place. If you simply expect the handful of mods that exist to do all the work on their own, you're going to have a bad time.
@Johnnypenso good job this topic, kudos...! 👍

@N0t_L3fty also has a (cat) point :D

@CommandrCyclops in an ideal world this might work, but since this is not the case it might be not a good idea to give every thread starter these tools. In my opinion this is still a moderators task. I'm not guessing, I have been moderating another forum for over 10 years and we already tried something like that, not succesfully I may add.
The reporting tool should do the job...
No, he's suggesting that thread creators take responsibility for their threads getting out of control, and report to the mods as necessary.

I don't know if you've ever tried to moderate, but this is a really big board. The moderators can't be expected to actually read every new post, and so they can only act on stuff that's reported. If the thread creator defines their thread well and then reports anyone who tries to derail, it cuts through a lot of the BS.

Moderation power should stay in the hands of the mods, but thread creators can help the mods out by pointing out where their power could be used well for making the board a friendly and happy place. If you simply expect the handful of mods that exist to do all the work on their own, you're going to have a bad time.
He clearly said thread creators should be able to moderate their own threads by taking those actions he mentioned.. which are moderator powers.

I'm a moderator on a larger board, the report system is the best way to handle issues aside from directly PMing a mod.
I've always thought trolling would be brought under better control if the thread starter could somehow be able to moderate their threads, meaning the ability to delete posts, ban users from the thread, and lock their threads if things get out of hand. This way there would be no interaction with the troll whatsoever, and the best way to fight trolls is to dispose of them without drawing attention to them.

That's why I originally bought Premium membership, to lock a thread that had come under attack by trolls until the mods had a chance to sort it all out, which they thankfully did.

When GT Planet moved to the new forum software, Premium members lost their ability to lock & move their own threads. I would like to see them get these abilities back, as well as having the power to moderate their own threads as you described.

Alright, never mind then! I actually had other boards in mind when I typed that. I'd say this place is well above average on the civility scale compared to other boards I go on.

One board I'm on has a sub-board specifically for flame wars, and it seems to work pretty well at keeping that sort of thing out of the regular discussions. If an argument starts to derail a thread, mods will order the combatants to "take it to the pit", and they're out of everyone else's hair.
He clearly said thread creators should be able to moderate their own threads by taking those actions he mentioned.. which are moderator powers.

I'm a moderator on a larger board, the report system is the best way to handle issues aside from directly PMing a mod.

You're right, for some bizarre reason I thought you were replying to the OP.

I apologise, I seem to have gone temporarily blind and insane. I'll go get myself a beer and see if that cures me. ;)
I believe the ability for users to ignore a wayward or offensive post has become a lost art. I watch these threads explode and its very easy to do the forensics on them. You can see the one post that's about ten words long then here comes the walls of text.
I bet we'll see threads with "positive" in the title rise like mushrooms in the GT section now :D
Makes the discussion about a topic a bit restrictive though.
Wise words indeed @Johnnypenso 👍

ps Spelling mistake in the thread title tho :sly:
Thanks, now corrected 👍

I believe the ability for users to ignore a wayward or offensive post has become a lost art. I watch these threads explode and its very easy to do the forensics on them. You can see the one post that's about ten words long then here comes the walls of text.
Absolutely, one should ignore posts they don't like or agree with or that are just cleverly disguised pieces of flamebait. Let me find an example. Here's one:

The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.

Be brave Johnny, you can kick the habit.
A guy writes a long and passionate OP about how to solve the problem of threads being spammed with off topic nonsense and repetitive criticism of the game he loves and someone else comes along and makes a silly post like this. Obviously it's flamebait. Why? First, it has nothing to do with the subject at hand. Second, it's personal, it's about me, not the topic. Third, it's an obvious analogy to alcoholism and/or addiction. Fourth, it's cleverly disguised as a joke when the intent if obviously to encourage a response from me like, "what addiction", or "I have no problem", and then make me defend myself.

So you do what I usually do with jimi's flamebaiting posts. Just ignore the troll, don't give him any attention and he goes away most of the time. He's openly stated before [I can find the link if need be] that he likes to "stir up the whiners and criers" and this is a perfect example of that.

I bet we'll see threads with "positive" in the title rise like mushrooms in the GT section now :D
Makes the discussion about a topic a bit restrictive though.
That all depends on how many will step up to lead rather than just continue to sit back and complain and do nothing about it. We'll see how that turns out. And one can always create a more open discussion thread of their own if they like. I look at it like I would a discussion going on in my own home. If I don't like the tone of something, I shut it down. A thread I create is a my little slice of GTP and so if it's something I care about, I control the conversation. I don't think it's fair to the moderators to spam their inboxes with whiny complaints like, "So and so is saying he hates VGT's" because if you didn't narrowly define the conversation to begin with, negative posts like that post are within the AUP. We have the tools to reshape the GTP landscape if we desire to, but it takes effort.
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Good topic Johnny nice info this is something GTAForums could definitely use especially in the online section
That all depends on how many will step up to lead rather than just continue to sit back and complain and do nothing about it. We'll see how that turns out. And one can always create a more open discussion thread of their own if they like. I look at it like I would a discussion going on in my own home. If I don't like the tone of something, I shut it down. A thread I create is a my little slice of GTP and so if it's something I care about, I control the conversation. I don't think it's fair to the moderators to spam their inboxes with whiny complaints like, "So and so is saying he hates VGT's" because if you didn't narrowly define the conversation to begin with, negative posts like that post are within the AUP. We have the tools to reshape the GTP landscape if we desire to, but it takes effort.
Dunno i'm all for open discussions including negative and positive views about any given topic, as long as people get along and try to respect each other.

We shouldn't reshape the GTP landscape to a place where everyone creates his own little thread and there's tons of specific thread AUP's apart from the site AUP. You will always have folk that can't swallow what they don't like to hear and exaggerate those opinions as if they were sprewed by Satan himself. In fact that sounds more like whining to me than people complaining about what they don't like about any given topic/ game.
A guy writes a long and passionate OP about how to solve the problem of threads being spammed with off topic nonsense and repetitive criticism of the game he loves and someone else comes along and makes a silly post like this. Obviously it's flamebait. Why? First, it has nothing to do with the subject at hand. Second, it's personal, it's about me, not the topic. Third, it's an obvious analogy to alcoholism and/or addiction. Fourth, it's cleverly disguised as a joke when the intent if obviously to encourage a response from me like, "what addiction", or "I have no problem", and then make me defend myself.

So you do what I usually do with jimi's flamebaiting posts. Just ignore the troll, don't give him any attention and he goes away most of the time. He's openly stated before [I can find the link if need be] that he likes to "stir up the whiners and criers" and this is a perfect example of that.

It was actually a joke.

You defined the terms of reference in your OP, the title of which clearly states problem as the subject matter.

Changing thread rules retrospectively and digging up a year old post to justify it is creating a different set of problems.
It was actually a joke..

I'd believe that if you didn't follow it up with a defense of your actions. Which you did. So no, it wasn't a joke. It was off topic, it was playing the man not the ball, it was classic flamebait.

You defined the terms of reference in your OP, the title of which clearly states problem as the subject matter.Changing thread rules retrospectively and digging up a year old post to justify it is creating a different set of problems.

Really? Which rules did I change? None. So no, no rules were changed nor am I asking you to limit your discussion of the topic in any way. If you read the OP you'll notice that I put no limitations on the discussion at all, but any discussion can be trolled or flamebaited regardless of what is in the OP. First indication is always a post about the poster and not a single mention of the topic at hand which you so conveniently provided. I need more examples of flamebaiting to illustrate how one single troll can come into a thread and attempt to derail a positive discussion about how to resolve ongoing issues for some community members. As you know I usually just ignore your flamebaiting comments but in this case it serves a useful purpose

You are no different than those that many think are bringing too much negativity to GTP. In fact you are worse, because many of the negative posts come from genuine concern about the future of the franchise and GTP is the best place to express those feelings without being trolled. There is no genuine care or concern on your part with your first post here, just another jimi attempt to stir the pot and derail the thread, the very behaviour @photonrider is addressing in his long and passionate OP.
If it was a false accusation you are perfectly free to report it.
Same applied to Mr. Johnny.

Ambiguity is a reminder to think.

"The first step is admitting you have a problem" means that the hard part is over. We've recognised the issue, and now we can take steps to resolve it.

Thankfully, school is in session and Mr. Johnny has the answers. :D
With his help, we can finally kick the habit.

Or perhaps just cause the community to become even more fractious, as per @mister dog 's warning.
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