Post a pic of your real car

  • Thread starter Sparxxx
I really, really miss this view. I hopped in the pickup and was having some nostalgia this afternoon. I remember when I was a kid barely being able to see over that dash, the old school bug shield wasn't broken or faded, there was no dirt on the windshield or peeling clearcoat, no rust anywhere, it was all shiny and waxed up nice...pretty much brand new. The start up..was something special...flip 4 switches, suddenly you heard that Holley fuel pump just a buzzin' away out back; turn the key and suddenly she roared to life (and was actually surprisingly quiet on the inside going down the road, you can actually hear the radio at low volumes as road noise isn't nearly as loud as one would expect from an 80s pickup). The whole thing would just shake as it idled, not violently, but a rumble yet smooth enough shake to let you know something was brewing under the hood. I always got a kick out of the fact it had "FORD" written in big white letters across the entire back. When I was a kid new trucks coming out were doing away with that. That was something I though was really cool and love to this day. That loud power steering whine as it turned...always thought that was cool cause it was something no other car or truck did. Just cruising along on a late Saturday morning, smelling that burning race gas, hearing those big tires hum rolling down the road. And then suddenly out of nowhere 800 horsepower into your big squishy bench seat.

I miss that 'ol red Ford.