Praiano's Tunes: Waiting for GT6 & FERRARI ENZO FXX.

  • Thread starter praiano63
I'm so glad you have the Toyota GT-ONE tune up, literally hours before I got mine :D I had never even seen one in the game before, never been in the UCD and never seen one online. It's an amazing car, and a great tune! Very good control, and if you lose it, you can powerslide it back with traction control on 1 o.o
I'm so glad you have the Toyota GT-ONE tune up, literally hours before I got mine :D I had never even seen one in the game before, never been in the UCD and never seen one online. It's an amazing car, and a great tune! Very good control, and if you lose it, you can powerslide it back with traction control on 1 o.o

Hi ,yes a very good car,the best Le Mans till now for me, i'm waiting for one UCD now. Don't know how is this tune online. Need one to check if ok.
Yes my friend. I give a quick run with this car from a friend and i've found it very bad. I've tried to make it better with a quick tune but nothing happen. Like the pescarollo Jude car. I'll not tune this. Have a good day.

Hi Praiano. I've come up with a handling setting that I'm happy with on the Nissan R89C Race Car. Can you work your magic on the gearbox & transmission for me? (The car is shared.) Thanks & have a good day... :)
Hi Praiano. I've come up with a handling setting that I'm happy with on the Nissan R89C Race Car. Can you work your magic on the gearbox & transmission for me? (The car is shared.) Thanks & have a good day... :)

Hi ,ok. i'll check in a few time.
Hi Praiano. I've come up with a handling setting that I'm happy with on the Nissan R89C Race Car. Can you work your magic on the gearbox & transmission for me? (The car is shared.) Thanks & have a good day... :)

I was wrong ,this tune you have found is very good ,i just wasn't able to set this car. With this tune it's top 4 LeMans car. I test it full power 1043hp and still easy to control.
You can reveal the tuner who do this , or publish it if it's your, good one to share.

Gearbox settings NISSAN R89c ’89 (with max power 1043 hp)

Transmission how to process: SHIFT AT 8250 RPM
1- Select default
2- Select final gear at 3429 (stock) for Suzuka exemple
3- Select top speed at 430 km/h=267,2 mph
4- Set each gear at this ratio:
1: 2912
2: 1895
3: 1426
4: 1103
5: 0879

It 'll give a top speed (above on the right) of 391 km/h = 243 mph

Tracks: All around / adapt with final gear to each track, you can use 3160 for the ring top speed
Thanks for the settings, mate. Gonna try it now. The tune was my own. I played around with the normal settings, but what finally made it behave was the addition & positioning of a bit of ballast. I'll publish those settings after I've tried it out. Thanks again! :)

Edit:Thanks Praiano - did an easy 3:26 clean lap on La Sarthe. All aids off except ABS 1. (Just have to be gentle on the throttle! :) )

Ha ha! Forgot the power limiter was on 72% - did a 3:21:something - clean. Note LSD change.

My other settings:

Aero: 55/85
Ballast 10kg moved right to front. (-50)
LSD: 10/27/17
RH: -10/-15
DE: 7/9
DC: 8/7
Cam: 0.5/1.5
Toe: 0.00/0.00
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Hei praiano, thanks a lot for your tuning, great job, the setting of the toyota minolta was very very useful, awesome dude!
Anyway... well if its not too much, can you do a setting for me of the peugeot 908 for the daytona road course with 600kw? Its for a championship, thanks ;)
Hey praiano and jaywalker thanks for the R89C.Going to try it today
Thanks for the settings, mate. Gonna try it now. The tune was my own. I played around with the normal settings, but what finally made it behave was the addition & positioning of a bit of ballast. I'll publish those settings after I've tried it out. Thanks again! :)

Edit:Thanks Praiano - did an easy 3:26 clean lap on La Sarthe. All aids off except ABS 1. (Just have to be gentle on the throttle! :) )

Ha ha! Forgot the power limiter was on 72% - did a 3:21:something - clean. Note LSD change.

My other settings:

Aero: 55/85
Ballast 10kg moved right to front. (-50)
LSD: 10/27/17
RH: -10/-15
DE: 7/9
DC: 8/7
Cam: 0.5/1.5
Toe: 0.00/0.00

Really great !! Top 4 Le Mans Cars..

Hi Praiano!!!

Could you please make a tune of these car for Nurburg?

Mercedes Benz 190E Evo II

Thank you

Hi, this car is special, lot of oversteer, I’ll see tonight. Why do you choose this car?? There is a lot better in this categorie…. Ok ,later.

Hei praiano, thanks a lot for your tuning, great job, the setting of the toyota minolta was very very useful, awesome dude!
Anyway... well if its not too much, can you do a setting for me of the peugeot 908 for the daytona road course with 600kw? Its for a championship, thanks ;)

Hi,thanks, the tune for daytona is the same. Just need to adapt the max speed for daytona but i don't think it's necessary. The existing one is ok for the ring so....Use power limiter or take out some parts like turbo to go down to the 600 kw..
The only thing you can change perhaps is the brake, if you have problem in the first left. From 7/9 you can set a classic 8/6 or 7/4.
Have a good day

Hey praiano and jaywalker thanks for the R89C.Going to try it today

Hello, the Nissan R89C is not my tune but Jaywalker tune, he did a great job really. I’ve just do a gearbox for him. Try it you will love it. Very good tune. I’ve tested it with max power 1043 hp , it stay perfect. Just change final gear if you need more or less max speed.
Really great !! Top 4 Le Mans Cars..

Hi, this car is special, lot of oversteer, I’ll see tonight. Why do you choose this car?? There is a lot better in this categorie…. Ok ,later.

Hi,thanks, the tune for daytona is the same. Just need to adapt the max speed for daytona but i don't think it's necessary. The existing one is ok for the ring so....Use power limiter or take out some parts like turbo to go down to the 600 kw..
The only thing you can change perhaps is the brake, if you have problem in the first left. From 7/9 you can set a classic 8/6 or 7/4.
Have a good day

Hello, the Nissan R89C is not my tune but Jaywalker tune, he did a great job really. I’ve just do a gearbox for him. Try it you will love it. Very good tune. I’ve tested it with max power 1043 hp , it stay perfect. Just change final gear if you need more or less max speed.

Hei praiano, I don't want to contradict you, but nurburgring and daytona road course are very different tracks, nurb has a lot of curves that rise and fall, loads of ups and downs, daytona is simply a flat track, with tight curves after long straights, so it needs another setting up, or im wrong?
Hei praiano, I don't want to contradict you, but nurburgring and daytona road course are very different tracks, nurb has a lot of curves that rise and fall, loads of ups and downs, daytona is simply a flat track, with tight curves after long straights, so it needs another setting up, or im wrong?

Hi ,yes my friend ,you are right but i think in part.
If you take a road car, with no or few aerodynamic downforce, you will set it diferent for ring ( bumps ups and downs) and daytona. Generaly daytona allow stiffer springs. (Or the ring ask for softer)
I think that for a Le Mans car it's diferent because it's already very stiff to compense the huge downforce generated by aerofoils + very high speed and the result with stronger springs for example will not be positive. I think.
Of course you can change the general balance of the car like TOE, dampers value, but if this car is very well balanced on the ring ,i don't see why it will not be on daytona.
The only thing i will change is the brake balance ,like i've said, because the one (7/9) of the tune have for objective to help dynamic braking for sudden change of direction on the ring.(succesion of curves). It will not help for daytona and like i have constated with other cars (not le mans) it can generate huge oversteer for the first left turn letting the car very unstable. I don't know, i haven't tested it. This is what i think, but of course it need to be tested driving. I'll do this later after the job. Hope that my bad english do not let my explanation confused...:)
Have a good day
If using an automatic trasmission, will your gearbox tunes be useful?

generaly, on cars with a turbo3 high rpm and a big majority of engine, the automatic trasmission will be able to shift perfectly to use the max power.

For the NISSAN R89c ’89 when full power ( not with power limiter that spread the power all over the RPM) i ask to shift at 8250 rpm. This is not possible with AT, the rev is higher.
You have to check the peak of power on each engine. For eaxmple:

1- with a power curve that increase and decrease with same amount it'll give
if you have 2000 rpm between 2 shift:
Max power 7000 rpm / shift 8000 rpm/ retake 6000 rpm.

2-some engine as you can see on the power graphic, lost all the power only after the peak. In this case you'll have to shift at the max power rpm.

3-some engine conserve the power after the peak, in this case you will shift at a certain rpm that will make retake the upper gear at thebeginning max hp peak ,so with higher rpm shift.

On all my gearboxes i try to make closer the rpm between shift and retake. The objective is to use the powerand the most efficient way. The power is not everywhere, principally on TURBO stage 3 engine.

Depending of the power graphic ,you have to adapt this moment. Generally the AT will resolve this. But not everytime. There is some others special case like this one.

Have a good day.
Praiano, i've choose these car becaus we are driving these cars every time so i need a good tune of handling for nur

Ok, i was talking about the road version off course. i'll check this later if i'm not too tired, lot of job, or tomorrow. Have a good day.
Hei praiano, thanks a lot for your tuning, great job, the setting of the toyota minolta was very very useful, awesome dude!
Anyway... well if its not too much, can you do a setting for me of the peugeot 908 for the daytona road course with 600kw? Its for a championship, thanks ;)

OK I've finished to test it Daytona road, 804 hp = 600 kw. Just moove final gear at 2.700 and spring rate 15.5 / 14.0 .finaly it 's good to doo this to avoid vibrations at high speed on oval part turn.

Good luck with the race.





Enjoy your drive.


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Ever tried the BMW 320i touring car?
How about the RX-7 and RX-8 LM race cars?

The 320i touring car BMW is an excelent stock tune. Anybody can adapt to his own style starting from stock. Just need a gearbox. I didn't touch annything on suspension, TOE, Camber...nothing.

RX-7 and RX-8 LM race cars are on the list too. One day ,don't know when. I want to tune some road cars for the moment.


Not a drift car ,hahaha, i'm a very bad drifter, but it's possible with this fun easy car to achieve powerturns in certain conditions.

A Fully tuned classic Japanese car to have in your garage and to use also. It’s a pleasure to drive on the ring with sport soft tires.

Transmission how to process:
1- Select default
2- Select final gear at 4100 (stock)
3- Select top speed at 340 km/h = 211,3 mph
4- Set each gear at this ratio:
1: 2646
2: 1929
3: 1467
4: 1160
5: 0946
6: 0797

It 'll give a top speed (above on the right) of 321 km/h = 199,5 mph

Tracks: All around / adapt with final gear to each track

power 399 hp
weight 1065 kg
perf. Points: 505 pp

Downforce 00/00

LSD front 08/28/12

Ride Height -10/00

Spring Rate 8.5/8.0
Extension 6/2
Compression 5/2
Anti-roll bars 5/4
Camber 1.0/1.5
Toe -0.06/+0.14

Brake Balance 5/4

tires S3/S3 or Racing tires too.

Enjoy & have fun.
OK I've finished to test it Daytona road, 804 hp = 600 kw. Just moove final gear at 2.700 and spring rate 15.5 / 14.0 .finaly it 's good to doo this to avoid vibrations at high speed on oval part turn.

Good luck with the race.

Thanks dude, so I've just to set my 908 with your nurb setting, and change only those 2 things?
Thank you Praiano! The tune is amazing as usual!!!

Thanks. This is the best i can, not easy , but it stay good. You didn't tell me for the tires but i tune sport soft for this pp.

Thanks dude, so I've just to set my 908 with your nurb setting, and change only those 2 things?

Yes my friend ,that's all. My tune is not specific for the ring. I do all my tunes on Suzuka first and after i test on several tracks including the ring of course.
It's an allround tune.
Have fun and good race.
Appreciate your passion. I have used numerous tunes of yours. They are all enjoyable to drive. It seems your driving style and mine are a close match. Every once and a while i find myself tweaking a few settings to suit my style. Some other tuners and my driving style do not match as well. I try their set ups and wonder how the heck they drive around the course and be able to keep it on the track. not yours.

This beast i have been unable to tame, no one seems to have a tune. Do you think you could help me?

Lotus Carlton.