Praiano's Tunes: Waiting for GT6 & FERRARI ENZO FXX.

  • Thread starter praiano63
Audi R8 LMS Race Car (Team Playstation) '09 // 644 pp // ONLINE OK
I made alot of cash all of sudden and bought this car. Your tune made this car even better then my "Pilot Ferrari". Thanks!

Good you like it, it's one of the car i will retune in a few. More race cars this year, and perhaps a good race season with the new connection at my new house next week.

Anyway, the Audi R8 LMS Race Car will have a new tune.


Another fast 550PP , 6'38" on Nurburgring Nordschleife online.


Pictures by slowGTR.



Last edited:
// 500PP S3 & 550PP R3 // ONLINE OK

Both amazing fast cars in their PP & TIRES range. Can fight against the best easy, but with style, lot of style please.





Enjoy your drive.

New Update Lambo Miura 550PP & 500PP
Hello Praiano, review for you here on the TVR V8S 'Military Special' :lol: Came up with that name because of the colour. And let me just say, I can't imagine how good it will be without wet weather. But it was good, even in wet weather. Read on and see. ;)
Ola Praiano, well i got to say i follow your tunes quite a long time now, and you just keep getting better and better! That 550pp supra rz it´s amazing, corners great and the straight line performance it´s just WOW, and now i can put new rims on it, so my world is complete! :) One question, i put your skyline gtr R33 tune in a Nismo 400R and it work´s very fine! no understeer very stable and sharp, but the car on the straight´s is a disaster, i dont understand how, with 541HP/1271Kg it is so slow in straight line... any tips? maybe the lsd it´s not good for the car, or the gearbox? thank you in advance my friend.
Hello Praiano, review for you here on the TVR V8S 'Military Special' :lol: Came up with that name because of the colour. And let me just say, I can't imagine how good it will be without wet weather. But it was good, even in wet weather. Read on and see. ;)

Good morning my friend, nice review, i have to say that the color fit perfectly to the weather.... GB car & Belgium , needed to be a rainy test !!!
In dry conditions, i love the precision of the direction, few cars handle like this one in the game, another is the Alfa duetto, seems like real driving, not even a simulator.
Put a bright color and test it on a shiny Laguna Seca or Monaco, enjoy your drive.
Thanks and have a good day.

Ola Praiano, well i got to say i follow your tunes quite a long time now, and you just keep getting better and better! That 550pp supra rz it´s amazing, corners great and the straight line performance it´s just WOW, and now i can put new rims on it, so my world is complete! :) One question, i put your skyline gtr R33 tune in a Nismo 400R and it work´s very fine! no understeer very stable and sharp, but the car on the straight´s is a disaster, i dont understand how, with 541HP/1271Kg it is so slow in straight line... any tips? maybe the lsd it´s not good for the car, or the gearbox? thank you in advance my friend.

Hi, good to know the tune fit also to 400R, for the top speed i don't know what can it be. I'll test it. There is some strange things in this game , can be one of them, things like a "Kubel wagen" handling better than an Impreza at 400PP ....????!!!!!:crazy::crazy::dunce:

I'll tell you later if i discover something. Have a good day.
Ola Praiano, well i got to say i follow your tunes quite a long time now, and you just keep getting better and better! That 550pp supra rz it´s amazing, corners great and the straight line performance it´s just WOW, and now i can put new rims on it, so my world is complete! :) One question, i put your skyline gtr R33 tune in a Nismo 400R and it work´s very fine! no understeer very stable and sharp, but the car on the straight´s is a disaster, i dont understand how, with 541HP/1271Kg it is so slow in straight line... any tips? maybe the lsd it´s not good for the car, or the gearbox? thank you in advance my friend.

This car have an excellent top speed, perhaps one of the best top speed of the 550PP cars.
First , i just did weight reduction 1 ,the car is 571 HP for 1395 kg, no ballast (the R33 tune have but the R400 work well without, but need a special tune later).
The only thing you have to check is your power band.
571hp / 6700 rpm
455 ft-lb / 6500 rpm
The red zone is at 9000 rpm and if you go there you'll not have any power anymore.
So ,for the max speed at the ring for example set the top speed at 440 kmh = 273 mph. It's very high yes but you have to shift at 7500 rpm max, lot before red zone.
Like this you'll reach 312 kmh end of straight , like the few best 550pp cars.
I did not make a special gearbox, only fix the top speed at 440 kmh, it give 449 kmh above on the right of the panel. This speed is a theoritical speed at 9000 rpm..

It's ok now. But i'll do a new tune for the 400R later , it's a very good car that need a own setting.
Have a good day.

EDIT: If you want to try to draft with a veyron for example and the margin you have till 9000 rpm , perhaps you'll pass 400 kmh with this 550PP car... ?? !!
This car have an excellent top speed, perhaps one of the best top speed of the 550PP cars.
The only thing you have to check is your power band.
571hp / 6700 rpm
455 ft-lb / 6500 rpm
The red zone is at 9000 rpm and if you go there you'll not have any power anymore.
So ,for the max speed at the ring for example set the top speed at 440 kmh = 273 mph. It's very high yes but you have to shift at 7500 rpm max, lot before red zone.

I think this was my problem, i´m kind of noob on these thing´s... my top speed was set to 320 km/h, and i was shifting in the red zone and felt like the car had no power... i will try this and see if that work´s. i have another 400R and i will put just weight reduction 1 and try it!
Well, first off let me say I just got back into Gt5 a day or two ago after go-carting, so I'm a tad rusty on driving (understatement). After a few runs, I blew whatever money I had left on your racing tires tune for the BMW M3 Coupe 07. First turn I noticed it handles beautifully; nice amount of grip throughout turns and when I do push it too hard, I can regain control easily. Another thing, the car can hold it's own during a straightaway for a decent amount of time; I usually never see that in cars that turn so well. This is a pretty good tune, and I will be trying more once I get some more cash dollars. One question though. I notice you drive manual, since you make specifications on gears for certain turns. I'm assuming that means if you drive automatic that the car isn't performing to it's full potential, correct? I've been driving automatic for the most part, which I know is nooby.
Well, first off let me say I just got back into Gt5 a day or two ago after go-carting, so I'm a tad rusty on driving (understatement). After a few runs, I blew whatever money I had left on your racing tires tune for the BMW M3 Coupe 07. First turn I noticed it handles beautifully; nice amount of grip throughout turns and when I do push it too hard, I can regain control easily. Another thing, the car can hold it's own during a straightaway for a decent amount of time; I usually never see that in cars that turn so well. This is a pretty good tune, and I will be trying more once I get some more cash dollars. One question though. I notice you drive manual, since you make specifications on gears for certain turns. I'm assuming that means if you drive automatic that the car isn't performing to it's full potential, correct? I've been driving automatic for the most part, which I know is nooby.

Hi, good you like the M3 and good you come back to GT. There is a lot of good cars in this game and the same quantity of good tunes & tuners around here.
For the gears, 95% of the cars in this game can be driven on Automatic, just a few have the max power before the Auto trans shift for you. Like the 400R above ,with a max power at 6700 RPM but Auto will shift at 9000 RPM where no power .
I know some very fast guys that drive Automatic, like my friend Adrenaline. When people ask him why he drive auto, he say he's lazy..... It's just a game , anybody drive the way he want, some are faster other less .... I think there is no noobs , just player that enjoy the game a different way, that's all . At the end ,everybody have fun. That's the most important.

Have a good night.
Hi Praiano,
Man recently found you garage and i love your tunes! They are fast, but save and even the tire wear is excellent. I also learned how to setup gearbox. Well, I got confused because now and then you set the speed to above standard and not, like you recommend in your tutorial to the left, but that is not the problem I have.

The question i have to you is about this car:

The Nissan SILVIA spec R AERO S15 RM.

I tried to adopt you standard version of the Silvia, but the handling doesn't feel right on the RM

I drive the car with full tuning parts but no motor tuning and no stiffing giving it 428hp and 1000kg.

Do you have any advice to setup the car in general? I prefer Racing tires, if it matters.

Thanks a lot for all your tunes and hard work for the community.

Which M3 do you like the best?
m3 coupe '07
m3 csl?
m3 gtr?

The one i prefer is the CSL, the GTR is as fast but more technical to drive
,so the best for me is CSL.

The M3 understeers a lot, Praiano.

It's a base, it fit perfectly for me with a wheel. Depending of your driving style, if you push too much in a turn , it can generate understeer yes. I like to drive in line ,at the good speed , no late braking or with too much happy tail cars.
You need to use the base and adapt to your style. If you like more agressive car , you can use:
Ride height -5/-10 //
Spring rate front 10.5 //
Damppers compression 5/6 //
LSD 10/35/5.
Try this and tell me if you feel better.
Have a good day.

Hi Praiano,
Man recently found you garage and i love your tunes! They are fast, but save and even the tire wear is excellent. I also learned how to setup gearbox. Well, I got confused because now and then you set the speed to above standard and not, like you recommend in your tutorial to the left, but that is not the problem I have.

The question i have to you is about this car:

The Nissan SILVIA spec R AERO S15 RM.

I tried to adopt you standard version of the Silvia, but the handling doesn't feel right on the RM

I drive the car with full tuning parts but no motor tuning and no stiffing giving it 428hp and 1000kg.

Do you have any advice to setup the car in general? I prefer Racing tires, if it matters.

Thanks a lot for all your tunes and hard work for the community.


Hi, the RM version of the Nissan SILVIA spec R AERO S15 RM is a totally different car than the no RM. I don't have net connection at home till friday or next monday. I'll check offline tonight.

For the "Very close gears setting method with tutorial" link in my garage, it show only a way to have the closer short gears as possible for a given max speed , know as well as tranny trick. It just fit to some specials cars. The problem is that you can have a too long 1st gear , too much to make a good grid start for example, or not adapted for some kind of power band where the max power is spreaded in the middle high RPM.
The other classic method i present first , is ok for any cars and work very well. It's always the same, a 1st gear as long as possible to the left and a last as short as possible to the right. The other intermediary gears are spread the best way between , sometime you fine tune them to fit a special track.
The pre-selection of your final gear and top speed like showed in the "Very close gears setting method" as the most extreme short gears, can be modulated to have the range that cover the best RPM range of the car you're tuning in particular.
Have a good day.

PS: I don't know why , but most of the pictures i had posted with "image shack" , are not appearing on my computer today ...!!!???? Strange, i hope it's only me and just for the moment.

hey Praiano have been using your tunes for a while now, your awesome. any chance of an Art Morrison Corvette'60 tune? thanks

Yes ,some chance to do one, it's a very good stock tune, very fun to drive or race with everybody the same car , stock. But i'll see if i can let it more fun. In this case ,yes i'll publish something for it.
Hi praiano, i tried do set the gearbox on the 400R like you said and it worked very well! :D the car as a very good top speed now, it´s kind of funny because i´m used to change gears when i hear the engine reving high, but in this car u cannot do that, it´s wierd but it work´s!!! Very nice, thank you for the tip!
PS: I don't know why , but most of the pictures i had posted with "image shack" , are not appearing on my computer today ...!!!???? Strange, i hope it's only me and just for the moment.

I can see your images just fine, but I would recommend either Imgur or Photobucket if you need to use another provider. 👍
Hi, the RM version of the Nissan SILVIA spec R AERO S15 RM is a totally different car than the no RM. I don't have net connection at home till friday or next monday. I'll check offline tonight.

For the "Very close gears setting method with tutorial" link in my garage, it show only a way to have the closer short gears as possible for a given max speed , know as well as tranny trick. It just fit to some specials cars. The problem is that you can have a too long 1st gear , too much to make a good grid start for example, or not adapted for some kind of power band where the max power is spreaded in the middle high RPM.
The other classic method i present first , is ok for any cars and work very well. It's always the same, a 1st gear as long as possible to the left and a last as short as possible to the right. The other intermediary gears are spread the best way between , sometime you fine tune them to fit a special track.
The pre-selection of your final gear and top speed like showed in the "Very close gears setting method" as the most extreme short gears, can be modulated to have the range that cover the best RPM range of the car you're tuning in particular.
Have a good day.

Hi there,
Thanks for your fast answer.
Now I fully understand the Gear Setup Methods.

For the Nissan SILVIA spec R AERO S15 RM take your time. Offline setup would be cool, but an online setup would be the icing of the cake.

I sure can wait until next Monday or whenever you are back online, and bet it's worth it. I yesterday did the latest >700pp seasonal event with your 600pp Audi R8 5,2 FSi and i beat the LM Cars with ease with that car.

Thank you for your support, and making this game much more fun:
I can see your images just fine, but I would recommend either Imgur or Photobucket if you need to use another provider. 👍

I know why now, the new fish processing plant where i work have some network limitations with non authorized sites like youtube , facebook, or image shack.... This is the rules of this industry for their employees not loosing time on it. Anyway, it's ok if you can see them , that's the important...:)👍
Thanks again.

Hi praiano, i tried do set the gearbox on the 400R like you said and it worked very well! :D the car as a very good top speed now, it´s kind of funny because i´m used to change gears when i hear the engine reving high, but in this car u cannot do that, it´s wierd but it work´s!!! Very nice, thank you for the tip!

Yes, there is some few cars like this, mostly when you use turbo 1 or 2... It's important to check where the power is everytime. The difference can be big.

Hi there,
Thanks for your fast answer.
Now I fully understand the Gear Setup Methods.

For the Nissan SILVIA spec R AERO S15 RM take your time. Offline setup would be cool, but an online setup would be the icing of the cake.

I sure can wait until next Monday or whenever you are back online, and bet it's worth it. I yesterday did the latest >700pp seasonal event with your 600pp Audi R8 5,2 FSi and i beat the LM Cars with ease with that car.

Thank you for your support, and making this game much more fun:

Ok , perfect. Good it help you with the gears.The R8 is a beast, need a few to be as good as the 458 ... For the "Nissan SILVIA spec R AERO S15 RM " i make an offline tune yesterday, try it and tell me please. I'll wait for my internet connection to publish a definitive "ONLINE OK" tune.

LSD 10/32/8


Suspension: (front/rear)
Ride Height: -5/-15
Spring Rates (kgf/mm): 7.0/8.5
Dampers Extension: 6/6
Dampers Compression: 4/5
Anti-Roll Bars: 1/2
Camber: 2.0/1.8
Toe: +0.04/+0.08

Brake Balance (front/rear): 7/5

Enjoy your drive.
Hi Praiano

Hope your holiday was very good for you. I just wanted to let you know about the Toyota GT1 tune you did not long ago. First this is my favorite car in the game. I really love the racing cars much more than all others. I have been trying to win the "B" Spec race at Le Mans going on 7 times, I had used even the very fast Sauber C9 (Tuned down to 700pp) without winning that race.

I finally got "my" dream car (Toyota GT1) and right away went to the race. I came in 7 place. :ouch:
:idea:I then remembered that you had tuned the GT1. So I installed your tune.

I took the car on-line to my lounge and ran Le Mans, and the Ring. This car is even faster than I remember in GT3 and GT4. (Or maybe I am just getting old:guilty: ) But it is just a joy to drive after your tune.:sly:

"This car really show’s what the PS3 and GT5 can do as far as reproducing the sensation of speed. If you have never driven this car, get one from the UCD and use this tune.
I thought the Sauber C9 was fast. (And it is) It may be faster than the GT1 at full engine power. But the GT1 gives up very little. It feels like all hell is breaking lose when you press the gas pedal. But it’s under control.

Just as I thought, the first gear was smooth and did not upset the car in mid turn if I down shifted. This adds control in tight turns. Gives the driver flexibility and is safe especially if you like to gear down to slow down.👍

Excellent turn in and a very balanced feel overall. The speed is just insane so it's a no brainier to dial in full down force. Your suspension settings give firm base, and excellent grip. On the Le Mans course the car simply rules (IMHO) in my humble opinion.
Yes, throttle control is a must with ANY high speed car.:nervous:

On the ring, the uneven/bumpy nature of the course slightly upsets the cars balance. But again backing off the gas will help keep you on the track. And the rings bumpy surface throws many lesser machines for a loop. Not this one. The GT1 just plows ahead, giving the driver good input about what the tires and suspension are doing, and how to respond.

Your LSD settings have taken some of the drama out of putting your foot down in the GT1. The break settings just haul the machine down without drama and without shredding your tires too much.👍

Between the suspension/gearing and LSD setting you have managed to give this car both grip, and tire ware endurance. I ran two pretty fast laps at the ring and Le Mans (at least for me).

This car gives the driver confidence. Because it has speed and control. You are never out of a race (in my opinion) with this car as you have tuned it. The rear is just loose enough to let you slide it without losing it. You tamed the excessive wheel spin. :)

I chose to use Racing Medium for my test drives. I almost never use Racing Soft for racing either on or off line. The B-Spec race uses Racing Hard. That said, after two swift laps at the tracks I named, I had a little under half my tire life left on the rears. Trust me, with the power the GT1 has, that is saying a lot.:dopey:

On my Next try at B-Spec, I placed second using your tune of the GT1. And I know for sure it was due to my "Bob" going off track once at the "Mulsanne" hair pin. :dunce:

That was on the second lap. After that this car performed flawlessly especially with the rain intermediate tires.👍

All that to say, this is one heck of a tune Praiano. It's a really good car to start with. You have made it even better.
Thank you for making me 6 million credits.:sly:
All that to say, this is one heck of a tune Praiano. It's a really good car to start with. You have made it even better.
Thank you for making me 6 million credits.:sly:

Nice thanks, i love this car since the GT3 licence with the chicane (under compression) on a track with no name. I've spent a long time to gold this one.... :)
The Bentley also is awesome to drive .. and very easy too. But i win the seasonal with an Audi R8 Race Car &#8217;01.

Enjoy your drive my friend.
Hi Praiano,
Man recently found you garage and i love your tunes! They are fast, but save and even the tire wear is excellent. I also learned how to setup gearbox. Well, I got confused because now and then you set the speed to above standard and not, like you recommend in your tutorial to the left, but that is not the problem I have.

The question i have to you is about this car:

The Nissan SILVIA spec R AERO S15 RM.

I tried to adopt you standard version of the Silvia, but the handling doesn't feel right on the RM

I drive the car with full tuning parts but no motor tuning and no stiffing giving it 428hp and 1000kg.

Do you have any advice to setup the car in general? I prefer Racing tires, if it matters.

Thanks a lot for all your tunes and hard work for the community.


Oh man, I would love a tune for that car as well!
Oh man, I would love a tune for that car as well!

Hi, i've posted an offline tune yesterday for this car, waiting my internet connection to approve it online. Test it, any feedback will be welcome to finish it, this week end i hope.

Have a good day.

Nissan SILVIA spec R AERO S15 RM.

LSD 10/32/8


Suspension: (front/rear)
Ride Height: -5/-15
Spring Rates (kgf/mm): 7.0/8.5
Dampers Extension: 6/6
Dampers Compression: 4/5
Anti-Roll Bars: 1/2
Camber: 2.0/1.8
Toe: +0.04/+0.08

Brake Balance (front/rear): 7/5

Enjoy your drive.
Hi, i've posted an offline tune yesterday for this car, waiting my internet connection to approve it online. Test it, any feedback will be welcome to finish it, this week end i hope.

Have a good day.

Nissan SILVIA spec R AERO S15 RM.

LSD 10/32/8


Suspension: (front/rear)
Ride Height: -5/-15
Spring Rates (kgf/mm): 7.0/8.5
Dampers Extension: 6/6
Dampers Compression: 4/5
Anti-Roll Bars: 1/2
Camber: 2.0/1.8
Toe: +0.04/+0.08

Brake Balance (front/rear): 7/5

Enjoy your drive.

I tested it offline at Spa and it's amazing. The Car handles way better. 2.22,010 at 5th Lap, and I'm not very familiar with that track.

I already tested it online, and even there it does pretty good, a little much oversteer for my taste. But maybe I push too hard.

I did all test's on R3.

Praiano you are fantastic!
I tested it offline at Spa and it's amazing. The Car handles way better. 2.22,010 at 5th Lap, and I'm not very familiar with that track.

I already tested it online, and even there it does pretty good, a little much oversteer for my taste. But maybe I push too hard.

I did all test's on R3.

Praiano you are fantastic!

Thanks a lot. Not so difficult with a good base like this to do a good tune. I hope i will be able to fine tune online this week end. Will do my best to let it more agressive this time, at least with an option with more oversteer.
Let see.
Have a good day.
Hi Praiano , i am attending a time attack at Autodromo di Monza , with a Cien Concept at 640pp .. i need a tune who give fast speed and good balance, with as minimum aero as possible .. time to beat is 1, 31 4 , all aids on and race soft tyres ... may you help ?
have a good day
Hi Praiano , i am attending a time attack at Autodromo di Monza , with a Cien Concept at 640pp .. i need a tune who give fast speed and good balance, with as minimum aero as possible .. time to beat is 1, 31 4 , all aids on and race soft tyres ... may you help ?
have a good day

Good morning my friend. I already have a tune for the Cien. Just detune to 640PP. It's tuned no aids with only abs 1, like all my cars. Adding aids don't need special tune i think, so you just have to slide the final gear to reach the ideal max speed for the track.

Have a good day and good race.