Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
No, it has now (as in 6 days ago) moved into Alpha stage. This means it is now feature complete - there is not going to be anything more added to the game in terms of features (game modes, options, etc.), and now it's time to make them all work properly and polish things off.

Interesting. So, how does multiclass racing works?
In career mode, it is scripted; the field will scale the number of cars in certain fields. How it works on the consoles, I'm not sure, but I should imagine it works the same. As far as online is concerned, people are still free to choose their own cars. Bear in mind that feature complete does not neccesarily mean that all of the features that are confirmed have yet been implemented in game, if that makes sense. When we do get a finalised list of all features, we'll let you know.
In career mode, it is scripted; the field will scale the number of cars in certain fields. How it works on the consoles, I'm not sure, but I should imagine it works the same. As far as online is concerned, people are still free to choose their own cars. Bear in mind that feature complete does not neccesarily mean that all of the features that are confirmed have yet been implemented in game, if that makes sense. When we do get a finalised list of all features, we'll let you know.

This works for me. Multiclass racing is a must for me.
In career mode, it is scripted; the field will scale the number of cars in certain fields. How it works on the consoles, I'm not sure, but I should imagine it works the same. As far as online is concerned, people are still free to choose their own cars. Bear in mind that feature complete does not neccesarily mean that all of the features that are confirmed have yet been implemented in game, if that makes sense. When we do get a finalised list of all features, we'll let you know.
Is there a list somewhere of these features or is it still State Secret?:nervous:
Is there a list somewhere of these features or is it still State Secret?:nervous:

No, there isn't a completed, it should come sometime in the next week or so. There was a huge download last week as they moved over to a new listing and scheduling system, which resulted in a 4.6Gb download. The scheduling and production guy is just working through what has been completed and what is going to be added/finished, and we should have an update soon for you guys. As soon as we have, and it's safe for release, we'll let you guys know.
There was a huge download last week as they moved over to a new listing and scheduling system, which resulted in a 4.6Gb download.

Ah that would explain the large chunk out of my rapidly dwindling monthly Gb allowance. 👍
As an addenum to what I mentioned above, SMS have just announced work on the Ginetta G55 GT4, something that wasn't on the list.
The G55 has the same chassis as the G50, it has a slightly larger engine and front aero though, on FLX's list it says it's replacing the G50
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The G55 has the same chassis as the G50, it has a slightly larger engine and front aero though, on FLX's list it says it's replacing the G50

Well yeah, thats how I understood the announcement. Dont think they will have time to do both the G50 and G55 GT4 and I dont think anybody will miss the G50 if the G55 is there, tbh. I m not wiser than anybody, though - just my understanding of the post about the G55 GT4 @ WMD.
G50 is dying out it was a good choice, in the Ginetta Supercup there are no G50's this year, its used by privateers for a cheap but competitive GT4 car
Grid Autosport inspired me to pop in the original Grid again, and after a couple hours on that, I have to say I'm ready for a game that actually treats a race like a race weekend, instead of throwing you into a frenzied 2-3 lap sprint around tracks you might not remember very well in a randomized grid position (or last place every time) with no qualifying or opportunity to get a feel for the car/track.

It's great that Project CARS seems to combine the better qualities of both PC sims and console sims.
Yeah, but a maximum of 20 laps per race, that's a bit short isn't it? That means, with the longest track specifically for racing (ignoring Nurb, that's a tourist track - I'm not going to get into a flame war here, so don't bother replying to that comment) is Le Mans, and that's going to be over about an hour in a LMP car. On a track like Donnington, that would be over in 30 minutes.
For WMD members please check this out:

Please comment on the issues he has with the game like the cars being undrivable without stability control and the AI being worse than before? I guess they will also fix that bug with the gear lights not hitting the limiter on the steering wheel?
Also i noticed a bot spinning and crashing in the sandbox and afterwards his car just laid there for the remainder of the race, will they simulate cranes having towed it away when you arrive on the next lap? :D
Ok, fair enough he has mentioned that the game is in development, and he's not going to post videos going 'OMGZ!!!11!! Thiz iz teh pantz!!!!!', but I don't think he is being fair. The way to look at the Formula B is not a GP2 car, but a late 90s F1 car, which has much less downforce than we are used to now in simulations. When the tyres are cold, they don't have much lateral grip, which is only natural; he hasn't driven a warm-up lap, so the tyres are stone cold at start. The tyres are not undriveable without SC, just with his settings, which he's not happy with.

I think the main issues with his set up are the FFB masks, which need to be disabled to get the most informative feel (not necessarily the most realistic). The lights not going up to the maximum LEDs on the wheel I think was something to do with changing the design of the wheel, it will be fixed before release, it's just a 5 minute fix.

As regards to the AI, there as a huge change in the AI at the start of April, with much better collision avoidance, much better lines, and so on, but it was a bit soft and unwilling to challenge. This was found to be a fault with the coding of the AI, and was also causing odd crashes. Since then (about a week ago), they released another change to the AI system, and it was competely wrong; the AI had no avoidance system, would turn in on you as if you weren't there, kept driving off track, blah blah blah. They are working on the AI now, with some more updates, stopping the AI driving off track, stopping them getting on to the racing line at the start, more work on avoidance systems, so once they are all compiled and tested, they will be released to us. I'll post a vid to show what happens when it does get updated.

Lastly, this was an example of what I was saying about being feature locked; although it is not in game, it will be implemented soon. We will have a crane that comes along and picks the car up out of the gravel trap. We're not sure about marshalls (I think it was dismissed on not having a high enough Return On Investment - ROI), but the cars will be removed from the gravel traps and the track (in the event of it the car stopping on track) under a full lap yellow. From what I remember we won't have pace cars on release, but it should be a week one update.
For WMD members please check this out:

Please comment on the issues he has with the game like the cars being undrivable without stability control and the AI being worse than before? I guess they will also fix that bug with the gear lights not hitting the limiter on the steering wheel?
Also i noticed a bot spinning and crashing in the sandbox and afterwards his car just laid there for the remainder of the race, will they simulate cranes having towed it away when you arrive on the next lap? :D
If I've understood the vibe here correctly, this type of video showing issues with the game still under develpment should not be public. It's silly to make criticisms of the game under development as if the game is finished.
It's something VVV does a lot. It's mainly because news is so slow that there is nothing else to show, and how else are they going to justify a £3000 PC?