(PS4) Grand Theft Auto V - Roleplay Events

  • Thread starter bscar27
Quinten Hull
Role Play experience: I mess around in GTAV a lot with role playing


Name: Xavier Jones

Age: 21

Job/Career/Money Source: Photographer, Street Racer
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Well, Xavier comes from a family of Artists from Michigan, but decides that its time to live his dream in Los Santos, So he moves, and is living out of his apartment, He is in need of money badly, so he takes his Dinka Akuma and begins to earn money toward his Apartment. Eventually he buys his self a DSLR camera and travels around the city taking pictures of different adventures he has gone on and daily thing throughout the day that would just be funny. He hopes to take his photography game to a next level and will do anything to take it to the next level.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Xavier's personality would be Passive, Laidback, Calm, and Quiet.

Vehicle: Dinka Akuma

Photograph (If available):View attachment 271053
You're accepted! Welcome to the club!
Getting GTAV on PS4 at the end of this month, would love to do this. always wanted to do a proper roleplay on GTA and this seems perfect. Would I post the character info now or when I get GTAV?
Getting GTAV on PS4 at the end of this month, would love to do this. always wanted to do a proper roleplay on GTA and this seems perfect. Would I post the character info now or when I get GTAV?
It doesn't matter to me, just whenever is most convienent for you. :)
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Jason
Age: 16
Role Play experience: Garry's Mod, GTAV, GTAIV, varied types of RP on several games

In Character (IC)

Name: John Garrett
Age: 26
Job/Career/Money Source: Professional Hitman
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): John was born in Liberty City and was born into a poor family in Hove Beach. When he was 16 he made a name for himself for the Russian Mob, he moved to Los Santos when he was 21 and started doing odd jobs for the Martin Madrazo. In 2010 he started doing assassinations for Lester Crest and in 2013 he started boosting cars for Los Santos Customs and Simeon Yetarian. He now does a number of jobs from Boosting Cars, to assassinations. He has started his own criminal organisation, the Garrett Crime Family, and is looking to overpower the other major criminal organisations in San Andreas.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): He is calm and collected and very rarely talks to anyone. He will only speak to the people he works with if it is absouletely necessary
Vehicle: Ubermacht Sentinel & Bravado Banshee

I like chicken nuggets
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Bloodmime's computer is playing up and he'd like me to tell you he accidentally invited somebody to the clan you invited him to when he was trying to mute someone.
I got GTAV with my PS4, so here is my post again, I'd love to do this when PSN is back up

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Jason
Age: 16
Role Play experience: Garry's Mod, GTAV, GTAIV, varied types of RP on several games

In Character (IC)

Name: John Garrett
Age: 26
Job/Career/Money Source: Professional Hitman
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): John was born in Liberty City and was born into a poor family in Hove Beach. When he was 16 he made a name for himself for the Russian Mob, he moved to Los Santos when he was 21 and started doing odd jobs for the Martin Madrazo. In 2010 he started doing assassinations for Lester Crest and in 2013 he started boosting cars for Los Santos Customs and Simeon Yetarian. He now does a number of jobs from Boosting Cars, to assassinations. He has started his own criminal organisation, the Garrett Crime Family, and is looking to overpower the other major criminal organisations in San Andreas.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): He is calm and collected and very rarely talks to anyone. He will only speak to the people he works with if it is absouletely necessary
Vehicle: Imponte Dukes

So, am I in this then? Haven't seen a reply. But then again, the previous post was 2 months ago.
Sorry about not getting back with you, yes you are accepted. The club has been going rather slow lately as we're a growing club and with all the PSN issues recently on PS4 it's been difficult to get a meet together
Sorry about not getting back with you, yes you are accepted. The club has been going rather slow lately as we're a growing club and with all the PSN issues recently on PS4 it's been difficult to get a meet together

I'd just like to add that I'm in UK so theres a chance I might not be able to join a lobby past 8PM EST as thats 1AM for me
Can I just ask when this will start again? Haven't seen anything on here for a while?

Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Chandler
Age: 18
Role Play experience: Pinkintron's Roleplay events on Playstation 3

In Character (IC)

Name: Eric Wright
Age: 24
Job/Career/Money Source:
Mechanic, Underground Street Racer, Clothing Owner, Is willing to just about do anything to get money.

My Characters Bio:

Eric was just a regular white boy born and raised in Houston, Texas. Eric's mom was killed in a car accident when he was 2 years old, so his dad raised him by himself. Eric's dad (John) is very active and outgoing. His dad is a retired professional motocross racer and in his spare time he always took part in illegal street racing. Eric got his first dirt bike at the age 4, his dad got an offer to work at the Famous Redwood Lights Tracks in Los Santos, San Andreas so Eric and his dad moved to the city. When they got to Los Santos, they were surprised on how big the street racing community was around there and how big motocross was.

Eric was home-schooled the first year in Los Santos, and in the meantime his father started to work at Redwood Lights Track. But one day Eric went down to
Cluckin' Bell to get some Chicken Nuggets (One of his favorite fast food places to eat in Los Santos) for him and his dad for lunch. When he came home, he saw his dad dead on the floor of their house. The local gang had robbed Eric's house while his dad was in the home and they shot him right in the head and took almost everything. After Eric's dad's, passing he took his dads position at Redwood Lights Track and when Eric was born Eric's dad always said that when John dies Eric can have all the inheritance money so when John died Eric took his dads inheritance money. What Eric did with the money was put into some cars that he has been wanting since he was little. The first thing he did with his dads inheritances money he started building his dad's project car and he has modded it up to the max and after that he started making a lot more money from street racing and car shows that he enter the car into and he still drives that car today. Eric drives his truck and SUV most of the time when he isn't Street Racing and when he is heading out to Redwood Lights Track for some Motocross Practice, But you will find him also in his Street Cars.



Cars & Trucks:

  • Annis Elegy RH8
  • Karin Sultan
  • Obey Rocoto
  • Benefactor Schwartzer
  • Bravado Bison


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Would you guys be interested in a lobby This Sunday? Times are up for debate :)
I would

Quick update on John Garrett

During Garrett's time on holiday in Vice City, the FIB raided his apartment and all of his businesses, leaving him with nothing. When he landed back at LSIA, an FIB agent approached him and said that if he wanted to stay out of jail, he would have to work for the FIB. He is down to driving a black, government issue Declasse Asea, catching criminals (Anyone with a bounty) for the FIB. He operates out of an apartment at the Weazel Plaza and a lockup in Murrieta Heights.
Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Glen Whiting

Age: 30


Role Play experience: Very Experienced

In Character (IC)

Name: Donald Olson


Job/Career/Money Source: News Reporter, Photographer

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): As far as I can remember I’ve had a camera round my neck I remember my first back when I was 8 years old, I remember taking shots of my sister and her friends in the back yard right before that sick **** came and took her away.

That sick **** was my father he was an abusive drunk who often touched my sister it was only until I reached my teens I did something about it I followed him one night and found it disturbing to know my father was a killer he killed and raped a young teen girl I took photographs and made sure he was put behind bars my own father would be locked up because of me what would my mother say?

My mom overdosed shortly after the incident I guess you could say it really doesn’t matter anymore what she would say after that huh?

I was pushed around from foster home to foster home sometimes my doing sometimes their own that was until I got taken in by the Olson’s Merrick Daniella and Spade what a family true love will always find you and I was loved by these guys Merrick Olson was a news reporter or journalist he’d often take me out to meet the local Celebrities he’d be interviewing it was then decided that I would be just like him. Daniella on the other hand was not into the whole idea of invading people’s lives she would vent how immoral it was to get paid for other people’s misfortunes but she was happy with her nine to five job as a clerk at the mayor’s office as for spade well spade is a dog he’d just sit there mostly the only movement he’ll ever really do is when he passes wind.


Donald is a workaholic he’s generally happy but sometimes has flashbacks of his abusive day’s way back when and has fits of rage.

Vehicle: Zirconium Stratum
Always wanted to do a roleplay but every club I joined never hosted a single event

Out Of Character (OOC)




Role Play experience:None yet, I've roleplayed on my own a lot but its not the same.

In Character (IC)

Name:John Smith


Job/Career/Money Source:
Weapons Dealer/ Business man

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
John was born in Vice City.His father, Eddie Smith, was a very successfull business man. He was mostly known for starting the Warstock company which actually began as an illegal underground company for selling weapons to criminal organizations. Once Ed found out that his company would sell for 20 million he sold it and moved his family to Liberty City when John was 17. liberty City was a whole new game for Ed. Hos first year in LC was all about business. He bought and sold fast food franchises and other big name companies and made a killing. After two years he was a millionaire. But he wanted more. He began to use his weapon selling experience again in Liberty City and used a large amount of his money to keep himself protected with hitmen and bodygaurd, he practically had his own army and was practically untouchable. He did deals with all of the major crime families in LC, the Russian Mob, Lost MC, Angels Of Death and any other organization that would pay big money. Meanwhile, in those 3 years his son John had other plans. He was interested in law which became a big family barrier. when his father found out he was disowned, thrown out of the house and warned to stay away from his fathers business or there would be consequences. John continued his life of law enforcement and once he became a member of the LCPD he led an attack on his father which didn't end well. John and his team walked into a bloodbath and he was the only one who escaped. His partner and best friend was killed right in front of him. John was kicked off of the force. He was filled with anger and spent the next two years training himself to become a one man army so he could get to his father. At age 24 he executed his father during a deal with the Russian Mob. He managed to escape but his life was going to be very different. He changed his appearance and moved to Los Santos. He inherited his fathers money so he could now start his own life. He joined the LSPD but also wanted to be a business man so he bought the Vanilla Unicorn Strip Club and a large portion of the Ammu-Nation gun club which includes every store in the city. He sells weapons under the table to the police force, military and other government organizations. He works undercover with the FIB as a street racer and weapons dealer to criminal organizations. He recently had to pay a politician nearly all of his money to convince him that the weapon selling is ok so he is currently low on cash.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): John is a dedicated business man and feels that he has no room for family and close friendships. He is short tempered and has killed a lot of people for the police force and he gets enjoyment out of killing gang members. He has had a long hatred for them but he is learning to deal with them through his undercover work with them. He wont come after anyone or have anyone killed unless they get on his bad side or cost him money. He is on the boarder of being an important figure in the law or an important figure in the criminal world and he may soon find himself having to pick a true side. And he loves chicken nuggets.

Vehicles: Ubermacht Sentinel XS, Vapid Slamvan, Bravado Buffalo. Saving up for a muscle car (stallion or dukes)

OOC: I am also wondering what happens if your character gets killed? Do you have to start a new character? And do you ever get to go back to your original character? I have seen a lot of different ways that RP clubs deal with this I'm just wondering what you guys do. Thanks for taking the time to read my long bio and I changed it
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