PURE | Mazdaspeed RX-7 Challenge | Series Champion: NEPALII

  • Thread starter Müle

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Thanks Nep 👍 (First of all; congratulations on the Title here). I usually don't have much free time... yet enough to sort of keep going. Unfortunately, I have massive amount of workload from last week to two weeks from now... and try as I might, completely clean races are almost impossible for me. There's always something happening!! And I need to avoid too many bad races happening in a row, or I get into a bad spiral that sends me worse races, just like JGTS' 2nd half of the season.

In all honesty, WSGTC has not been too bad for me, I believe... it's just that it could have been a little bit better. I'm looking forward to Indy. Track was fun with the GT500 and I'm expecting it to be entertaining with the GT300. I'll be looking forward to the race. Especially because I need a good result again!

I would be okay, if I could just go with the proverbial "you win some, you lose some" kind of attitude. But I'm starting to get a Chris Amon complex. (This guy was probably the most talented -and unlucky- guy to race in F1 but never win a GP).

Also, I want to clear something up. I know I probably come across as whiny, and that's probably true. But I'm fine with being 16th if I'm just slower than the 15 guys ahead of me. What I just can't swallow is being the 4th driver in terms of speed and finishing 16th because of whatever reason. I had some slow races with the RX7s which didn't upset me at all, because I was just slower. The field here was very good.
Wow, I really enjoy this RX-7 that you guys ran this season. Nice choice 👍

I wish I could have made more races. I find myself wishing there was another one next week, and the week after.

Congrats on the win and the championship Nep. Good run today Turbo, coming from where you did for 2nd.

Thanks guys for letting me join you guys for the two races. I hope I didn't mess up any of the championship points by jumping in.. But, I enjoy racing with you guys, and couldn't resist. Big 👍 to all of you

I know I probably come across as whiny, and that's probably true.
Not at all mate. I completely hear you.

I have been off to a terrible start in the WSGTC, because one reckless player has run me off the road twice on the first lap. Damaged and requiring the pits. I got disconnected in the first race. So I have had only 1 race out of the 4 I have been in.

It does suck when you don't get to compete with the people who have similar pace to yourself in the race. Practice, practice, practice, for the opportunity to compete with the best racers in the series, only to be stuck a minute back.. just turning laps, or worse, getting disconnected.

I don't think you are whiny at all.. But if you are considered whiny, then make room for me in the whiny party, because I am too.:)
Now that I've had some time to cool down I think I'll post.

Thanks MULE for putting this together, although I still think the car has too much power. :)

Congrats NEPALIIEN (see what I did there) on the win/championship. Told you it was in the bag. ;)

And about my race, not much to say really. Started off with me starting on Hards having no idea that was the case. I spent the better part of that stint wondering why the hell my car wouldn't turn. Guess after that last room froze and I quit the game it reset my car back to Hard tires. My fault for not double checking I guess.

After that stint I realized I could go 10 laps on tires, so I locked that into my brain and went for a 3 stopper. That was the only way I was going to make up time since I was at least a couple seconds off pace with the leaders. (aka NEPALII) Didn't quite work out the way I had hoped. Live and learn I guess.

Like they say, 2nd place is just the first loser.

And with that I am officially retiring from running any weekly racing series. From here on out I'm concentrating on FMSC and getting my ass back outside. Went for a 5.5 mile hike this morning and realized how much I miss doing that every weekend.

Good luck guys, see some of you tonight.:)👍
Thank you guys. :cheers: Epic series :D Im proud of beating guys like RT, fast and so darn consistent. Never seen a guy so consistent before, and able to save tires for so long. No wonder you are a GT Academy finalist. I feel lucky and suprised and proud having beaten you.

For today, I just wanted to keep it in the track and race safely. It paid off, like RT says patience is important. 👍 Had RT started 2nd, I probably wouldn't have won.

P.S. Stop calling me an Alien. :sly:
GV, no hard feelings towards you my man. Raced with you many times and know your clean and fast. Only thing to be upset with is GT5 and it's ridiculously sporadic lag. ;)

Funny the game says I have Very High connection and it sure gives me a lot of fits even so. Truly don't think any of us have control over the lag. Best connections around have happen.
Thanks guys (and Owens 👍 ), it means a lot to me. I'm just trying to make my efforts worth something! And I'm actually so stupid, because I know I just can't stop racing. The 'bug' has bitten me hard enough, I can't just drop it! :D
Was a fun series, I wish I'd had more time a couple weeks for practice, let alone made the Tsukuba race, but definitely enjoyable car on enjoyable combos overall. Great drivers too.👍

Congrats Nep, well done. :cheers:
I will have final points updated tomorrow. Somehow I completely forgot.

Congrats to Nepalii for winning the race, and subsequently, the championship. He showed phenomenal pace and Passed RT, who somehow managed to incredible life out of his tires that I didn't even think he could do and iirc only stop twice, late in the race and drove away. Great effort by both guys. Evenly matched for the most part and without question, the class of the field this season.

I never said I'd give out prizes, but if you guys want I'll give you some NCD/OCD cars. Turbo can have 1, and Nep can have 2. Whoever ended up taking 3rd in the points, I can give them some paint chips (which I have a lot of) and gear (which is kinda limited, but I might have something you like). You guys all deserve it, and it's my way of saying thanks for coming out. In fact, I'll give everyone who showed up a random paint chip, It's not much, but it's something.

With that said, I think it's time to get ready for the Integras. It's definitely next on my plate of things to run. I have an interest/discussion thread up (link is in my sig), and I would really appreciate it if you went in and gave your two cents. Realistically, we can start this in 2/3 weeks, and since I'm keeping it a 6-race series, we should have enough time to run it before Eddie and Dennis get started with their next projects.

I'll post more in the morning, but it's time for bed. :)
This was the first series I have competed in, and it has been great. Great races all along, great drivers, lots to learn from.

I have fallen in love with the car. It has the most wonderful noise, and is not overpowered imho, just walking a fine line close to insanity :)

My goal for the last race was to at least beat outlaw. That was required to keep the 3rd place. Secondarily I could not end very far behind CSL or Wardez, or they would take it.

I got a horrible start, 2nd to 7th before turn 1, and soon I went to Spoon beach and fell far behind. But when I realized outlaw was on 4 stops I got a little hope back, I was only on 3. And lo and behold, he got out from his last pit stop right in front of me! But at that point my tyres were two laps old so I could not put up much of a fight. Exciting though, and a good race anyway.

Congrats to outlaw on taking back 3rd 👍 (I know I only had it on loan ;))

And of course congrats to Nepalii for taking the crown!

And not at least, thanks Mule for making the series :cheers:
haha yes great series. I take lots of joy in the fact that I won a race in it... wait I was the only one besides RT or Nepalii to win! Wow, crazy Prost-senna battle xD, I ended up being the Mansell that snuck a win in.

Wish I had more time to dedicate to the series and that it was longer, but in retrospect it was a perfect amount of races, not too long or short. Seemed like it just blasted by. Had this car been attempted to race with any other group of people it would've been easy to make a mess of but our group was so solid that it just made the racing so close and fast we didn't have to think much about it.

One great thing about Mule's series is that we always end up finding a couple new awesome dedicated drivers that stick around for more racing with the group. This time we really struck gold with Simon (cicua), he's extremely clean, fast, courteous and just an over all funny and cool guy we all hope to see around more.

One other thing that I was amazed at about the car is how similar our fastest lap times were at tracks we visit with GT500 cars. Suzuka was pretty much the same exact pace as JGTS's races there. It could be easily thrown into a GT500 field with PURE spec' and hang.

I'm gonna throw it around Monaco a bit before I retire her to see what she can really do :D.
That's funny, Eddie. During Indy practice for JGTS, there was a quick practice race with Will and another guy (not from the championship, but with a spec car), and I used the RX7 for some kicks. I can tell you at Indy I was able to keep up. In fact, the car was so fast on the straight that a win would not have been impossible! But the other driver made a mistake, had to avoid him and went off the track. Still, at that point I realised just how fast this beast is.
Not only it is as quick as a GT500, it handles much better in my opinion. Even on hard tires, the car is pretty manegeable. It's an amazing car all around.
Oh, almost forgot the prizes. :D Hmm, I already own all NCD cars. Get me 2 fully tuned street cars. You choose them. ;)

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