Quest for the perfect gold

  • Thread starter cactusOnR
I have Tawny Gold Metallic If you need that?

Thanks for the offer but I have tawny already.

I got all the paint from either my daily paint chips or friends donations.
Only car I bought to get a paint was the Ferrari for the gold poly.

List in the OP states who manufactures the paint. An if they are UCD or new dealership cars.

Hope this is helpful.

By Medieval at 2011-02-06

Riverside Gold Metallic

I have:

and I also have 3 variations of Gold Metallic

Gold and 1 of the variations of Gold Metallic are from Dodge

Another Veriation of Gold Metallic is from Lexus

And the last one I have is from Nissan

Hope that helps......
20 Phoenixgelb metallic

This is a german colour and "Gelb" means Yellow not Gold.


Hi ultram, Yep I know gelb means yellow. Thanks for helping.

They all look to be gold. I have a beige in there and greenish yellow too.
But they all appear to be gold when on the cars.
I'm still looking for the right gold.
Found this from Subaru last night. Mustard Mica. Looks pretty good.



Trying to get this colour.
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Hi my friend,

I remember our discussion about the GOLD colour chips. I am very pleased that you found some time to make it happen to show the colours on cars ingame.
Great work here!!!

You are keeping the OP updated, right?

I have linked your thread in my DLC paints thread in the marketplace.


P.S.: I`ve seen Han Solo. Watch out!!!
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Thanks Mon,
I have found a couple more golds, and there are a couple in the DLC pack So i'll be adding another batch once early next week.

Thanks for linking.
I believe this is a comprehensive list of golds and gold looking colours

I have well over half of these.
I'll be retaking all the pics to improve position and angle.

I'll be updating the OP as I go.

I have well over half of these.
I'll be retaking all the pics to improve position and angle.

I'll be updating the OP as I go.

Could you name the missing chips (or number on the list above)? I would check my accounts then. I`m collecting on 3-5 accounts every time I go online. Monatsende has about 2,700 chips. I`d like to help you to complete your gold chip inventory. 👍

Have a look at Shell Metallic (Toyota)...
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Thanks Mon, thats great of you.,
I'll do a stock take over the weekend mate. Then I'll advise whats missing.

I also have to say thanks to Duck and Ch1potle or their great GT5 lists which this colour list came from.

If anyone could have a little look through their paint chips and let me know if they see any others that are like "Almond Beige Metallic" ones that look gold but don't use the word gold and aren't on my list that would be a brilliant help.
Just wanted to say thanks for your comprehensive list. I've been looking for golds to paint my BBS rims. This will be a huge help in hunting them down.

No worries Cult.
There are also the DLC paints which i have left off for the tie being, as I think these are probably the same as existing paints.
I'll work that out though when retaking all the pics.
Thanks seg.
I used his spread sheet to come up with this list of golds. Searched for gold an these are all the ones it chucked out.

but there are some gold like colours that don't use the word gold.
So if you know of any others not in the OP list I'd love to know about them.
Hi Mon
From my list above i'm missign teh folowing colours.
24 ,32, 36, 38, 42, 43, 44

any help on these woudl be great.


I'll be updating and reformatting the OP with the New set of pics tomorrow. colours 1 to 23 from the list. balance to follow in a couple of days.
Sorry for tripple post. But updating OP with this:

I have redone this post, to improve the pictures, add extra colours and give a better idea of what I was trying to do with this.

I really like the Japanese Tuning company TOP SECRET. As Far as I know they were the first people to make a production car hit 1000bhp with an old Supra or Skyline, can't remember which was first. But since then I have been big fan.
In every Car racing game I have ever had I have tried to make a TOP SECRET car and GT5 is no different. So i set about trying to find which gold was the closest to the colour they use.
Here is one of their cars:


It's taken some time to work out how many golds there are in GT5 but with the help of Duck's paints list I think I have found all of them, and a few colours that are called other colours but look Gold onto cars.
Here is the Full list of Gold Colours I have found so far.


I have been changing the number of he car to match that of the colour in the list. so it's easy to work out which is which.
I have taken pics of cars 1 to 23 so far. more to follow soon.
























To be continued…….
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Hi Mon
From my list above i'm missign teh folowing colours.
24 ,32, 36, 38, 42, 43, 44

any help on these woudl be great.



I`ll have a look asap and send a FR from the account onwhich I find something for you.
Please check your OP. There is one faulty picture...

Nice OP update - that took some hours. I know what I`m talking about. :sly:
Thanks Monat, Still a fair few pics to take. and yes it is hours of work to get the pics done and get the tread looking like this and linking directly to the image only not an Imageshack site page.

I'll get another batch up in a couple of days once I've taken more pics.

I enjoy it though.

I may do a selection of oranges after this. in looking for golds i seen lots of really nice Oranges in my Chip set.
Thanks Monat, Still a fair few pics to take. and yes it is hours of work to get the pics done and get the tread looking like this and linking directly to the image only not an Imageshack site page.

I'll get another batch up in a couple of days once I've taken more pics.

I enjoy it though.

I may do a selection of oranges after this. in looking for golds i seen lots of really nice Oranges in my Chip set.

# 36, 38, 42, 43, 44

I have them on Monatsanfang. They are yours tomorrow when you have accepted my FR.
Checking 24 and 32 on other accounts now and will edit this post.

#24 and 32 are sitting on Monatsende. Coming one day later as both accounts are managed from my PS3 system #1. Or I find some chips on AAA-Ticket later which is not so heavy on paints...

Regarding the "Project Orange" - I´m thinking of some people who would enjoy it very much - me included. I`m an orange-fan! I may help you with them orange paint chips as well. 👍 You name them - I search them.
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Thanks Monat,
I have accepted both FR's

And I have up dated the OP with this lot:

Texas Gold

Frosty Gold Matallic

Gold Metallic

Silica Gold

Yellow Gold

Citron Gold Metallic

Gold Leaf Metallic

Tawny Gold Metallic

Singapore Gold

Gold Metallic

Mustard Mica

Tthere are still a couple of number stil missing from the middle and the DLC colours but should have these soon.
Thanks Monat,
I have accepted both FR's
There are still a couple of number stil missing from the middle and the DLC colours but should have these soon.

So you will get the colours, at least 5 today. Maybe I`ll switch one account to my second system to send all 7 chips today. :sly:

If you have more paints (except DLC) you need, let me know. Monatsende has almost 3,000 at the moment (with duplicates of course :mad:) - I mentioned 2,700 before, well that was last year. :lol:
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Riverside Gold.

I think it's a close call between (7) Riverside Gold Metallic and (6) Olympic Gold Metallic. But I actually really like (37) Mustard Mica. a lot more yellow that the TOP SECRET gold but it's a lovely colour.

Thanks Monat,
Don't put yourself out mate. No rush. the next 2 days is just fine. No problem. just Thankful that you're helping me get the last couple.
I'll have the next batch of pictures up in a couple of days.