Rate the vehicle above you (READ THE OP)

  • Thread starter Sage Ages

3/10 Never been a a pre-993 gen Porsche 911's fan (RUF's are an exception), and always thought the proportions of the older 911/912 Convertibles looked dorky, but that's just me.

Tojeiro-Ecosse Coupe rear '62.jpg

Tojeiro-Ecosse Coupe
Edit: D'oh beaten to it

2/10 for the A-Class, never been a fan of the A-Class, at any generation to be honest

Acura TLX-GT Pikes Peak.jpg

Acura TLX-GT in Pikes Peak form.
8/10. Shame Peugeot wasn't daring enough to put the Ixia in production. Would be an interesting Ferrari competitor.

5/10 The Corrado is ok, was never spectacular, especially compared to the rest of the flurry of coupes we got in the 90s

Shame Group S was killed off, loved the plans that were initially laid out.
lada Samara Group s.jpg

Lada Samara Group S