RayquazART > Personal Update?

  • Thread starter D-Mind
Wow seriously?
Tonight ill probably start shooting for competitions. Tomorrow i might check your gallery
looks spooky, but in a nice way. looks like the tires were still smoking after doing a burnout or a long fast run. good one mate!
I have no idea who you are, so I looked back some pages. Your shots are stunning! :embarrassed: I see that you have great zoom blurs in some of the old shots. They look nice.👍 Can't wait for the update. :)
RayquazART, I looked through the whole thread and there's only one thing I can say: WONDERFUL!!! Really nice pictures :)

Can't await more :)

Best wishes,

S-Line Audi Fan :cheers:
Niicee 👍 I like the Elise and especially in this colour ;) All is fitting perfectly :)..

Go on this way, buddy 👍

Best wishes,

S-Line Audi Fan :cheers:
Thats a great artistic picture, with a fancy car on it!! Great mood all over the shot!!
2009 is starting real good around here, way to go Ray!!

It is good to see a new update from you, even if your latest update is not your best work.
Wooooo guys!
I've finally got to buy a new PS2! So now i'll be updating more regularily :)
So watch out for updates! Might take a while, but hey.

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Well my first update in like months. Dodge Viper GTSR Concept @ New York.

Great shot...the reflections are amazing, the colors are great...and I love how the background is out of focus. Also nice to see yet another person coming back to GTP.
Find some spare time in my work to come here Ray...thats one hell of good looking picture. Good "mature" tones and quite realistic:)

You still have the touch alright 👍
great detail on the car. the noise level however is a bit much for me. you should've used another layer and masked the noise and left out the blurred areas, that way it's not too blocky if you know what i mean. a little extra saturation wouldn't hurt either. but i like the way it's turned out still. it's got a realistic angle and the light is nicely balanced.
Have to agree with him on the noise level, but the realism is kick-ass! The tones are muted yet vibrant. I have to say that I just love your gallery man:tup: