~ Ready, Steady, Go! - Chapter 55 ~ (02/03/12)(56k/MobileApp Warning!)

  • Thread starter VTiRoj
Chapter 40 - The Green Hell

The next afternoon, Yuka found herself in the pit lane of the Nurburgring, staring down the flanks of the Skyline Sedan she was about to be strapped into the passenger seat of for a flying lap of the Nordschleife. A young man around her age approached her.



Young Man: Um, hello? Are you my passenger today?
Yuka: Oh hi. I guess so if you’re you the guy offering free Nurburgring ride-alongs. I got one of your leaflets here.

Yuka held up the leaflet Hitomi gave her last night.

Young Man: Ah yes. I’m glad someone has taken up my offer finally.
Yuka: What do you mean finally? Surely you’ve had passengers before, the leaflet says so here.
Young Man: That’s just marketing… I’ve only just started doing this ride-along thing to be honest with you. I’m sorry if you’ve been misled.
Yuka: Do you at least know the track well enough to not kill us both?
Young Man: Yeah, I’ve done many laps here actually. I just get bored driving by myself so I started this free ride-along offer. I’m not in it for the money or anything. Are you considering backing out? I’d understand if you are.
Yuka: I was considering it but I’ve changed my mind. Let’s go.
Young Man: Okay! Oh wait, how rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Oliver.
Yuka: Yuka. Nice to meet you.
Oliver: It’s rare that I get a pretty girl to ride along with me.

Yuka’s cheeks turned bright pink.

Yuka: Um…
Oliver: Sorry! That just came out, I wasn’t…
Yuka: It’s okay, thanks for the compliment.

Oliver opened the front passenger door for Yuka.

Oliver: If you’d please?

Yuka got in and buckled up. Oliver ran round to the driver’s side and got in.

Yuka: It’s weird to see one of these outside of Japan.
Oliver: I imported it myself. It was quite cheap. I actually wanted a GT-R but then I saw this for a fraction of the price.
Yuka: You’d be surprised how common these things are in Japan. You can’t go a day without seeing one. I guess in Europe though it’s quite a rare sight.
Oliver: I suppose likewise for European cars in Japan?
Yuka: Kind of. Anyway I’ll be racing here in a couple of days so I need to learn the Nurburgring quickly. Could you help me out?
Oliver: I could explain some techniques I guess, sure.
Yuka: I mean more like… Don’t hold back with your speed.
Oliver: Are you sure?
Yuka: I’ll let you know if I feel unsafe.
Oliver: Alright, then let’s begin.

Oliver started up the Skyline. The V6 roared to life and idled smoothly. He put the car into first gear and set off to start the lap.

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Oliver floored it, accelerating the Skyline hard towards the first corner. Yuka hung on tight to the door handle and braced herself. Oliver dove in to the corner, letting the Skyline’s massive grip do all the work.


Yuka loosened her grip of the door handle and made herself comfortable in her seat as Oliver started a high-speed lap as per Yuka’s request.

Yuka: You’re pretty good, I’ll give you that.
Oliver: Thanks, it’s mostly the car and my track experience I have to admit.


Yuka: How modified is this car?
Oliver: It has 450 horsepower and professional suspension tuning.
Yuka: Professional eh? It feels good.


Oliver continued his high-speed lap, effortlessly sending the heavyweight Skyline around the corners like a sports car.

Yuka: Who tuned it?
Oliver: Dragon’s Tuning. I got a good deal from them.


Yuka: Are they a European tuner?
Oliver: I think the owner is from England but they have a workshop near the Nurburgring here.
Yuka: And you say they give good deals?
Oliver: Yeah.


The Skyline held the road firmly at speeds surpassing what the speedometer could read. Yuka looked over at the maxed out speedo.

Yuka: Christ this is quick. I can’t even tell how fast we’re going like this.


Oliver stayed hard on the throttle heading up to the fast left-hander.


He left off the throttle through the corner, keeping a solid hold of the road.

Oliver: I’ve come off this corner before in my old car. It was totalled afterwards so I tend not to push my luck here anymore.
Yuka: That’s understandable.


Oliver braked hard for the hairpin, navigating it carefully before speeding down the next section, a high-speed uphill.

Yuka: Have you come off that hairpin before too?
Oliver: Yeah, same car but it wasn’t totalled. I just bent the suspension arms and ruined the bodywork.
Yuka: What car was it anyway? Must’ve been tough to survive the abuse.
Oliver: An older Golf GTi. After that I went without a car for several weeks until I bought this last year.
Yuka: Oh I see.


Oliver sped up the hill towards the next series of corners. He hopped curbs at speed like they weren’t even there. The Skyline soaked up the bumps with ease.

Yuka: Holy crap buddy!
Oliver: Oh! Am I being too reckless?
Yuka: No no, keep on it! This is nuts. I don’t feel in any danger at all, it’s weird.


Oliver started to push a bit harder, taking to the curbs as a shortcut around corners.

Oliver: Is this what you meant before? To show you?
Yuka: Yeah. Thank you.
Oliver: Some cars aren’t built to take the curbs like this, but those that are gain a major advantage. Those Schwarzwald League racers are notorious for doing it. What car are you taking against them anyway?
Yuka: We’re thinking of a modified 135i… Since you’ve mentioned Dragon’s Tuning and I’ve seen how good their work is… I think it’s what we’ll go for.
Oliver: A 135i? You must have some skill to trust a 135i with one of the most prestigious German road races.
Yuka: We’re dealing with a tight budget so an M3 was out of the question.


Oliver: I won League A with my Golf, but League B disallows my Skyline for not being European. From what I heard I would’ve lost anyway. They say there’s an R8 and SLS that frequent the races. I doubt any 135i could beat those two.
Yuka: Hmm…


Yuka: I’ve not lost yet though.
Oliver: Wait, you’re that girl who’s been beating all the European championships?
Yuka: Yup. Me and my cousin.
Oliver: It’s an honour to have you in my passenger seat Yuka.
Yuka: Seriously? I mean… Wow…
Oliver: You and your cousin have made a name for yourselves already. You’re very popular.
Yuka: I guess there’s no worry about that anymore, hehe.


Oliver continued driving at an increased pace, demonstrating how to tackle each corner at speed.

Oliver: The key is to learn the track. I hope you get as much information as you can in a single lap.
Yuka: This is fine. It’s better than having no information at all.


Oliver continued driving at a safe but fast pace, explaining his techniques to Yuka as he blasted around the track.


They approached The Carousel. Oliver went full speed around the banked corner.

Oliver: It’s important not to come off this part, you could destroy your car within seconds.


Oliver continued his curb-riding throughout the course.

Yuka: Not to jinx you or anything, but you’ve not come off the track once since we began. I’m impressed and I apologise if I seemed out of line before.
Oliver: It’s okay Yuka, I understand. As long as you get something out of this lap I’m happy.
Yuka: I’ve gotten a good idea of how to take most of the corners already, I just need to learn what corner comes when…


Oliver: Once you’ve learned the track, you’ll be unstoppable here. Even in a 135i.
Yuka: I hope so.


The Skyline easily caught air over the hills.

Yuka: Weeee!


Oliver continued attacking the Nurburgring, bringing out the Skyline’s best through the corners.

Oliver: This is the Mini-Carousel, we’re near the final straight before a few corners leading to the finish.
Yuka: This track is longer than I expected, wow. No wonder we’re only doing one lap…


Oliver: Here we are, the final straight.
Yuka: It’s like a freaking motorway!
Oliver: Yup. I can hit this car’s maximum easily here.
Yuka: Go for it!


Oliver floored it down the straight, bouncing off the rev limiter in fifth gear as he hit the Skyline’s maximum speed.

Oliver: They say this car can surpass 270 kilometres per hour like this.
Yuka: 270? It’s this fast? Most of these back home barely even see 170 in their lifetime, let alone 270.


Oliver braked hard, bringing the Skyline’s speed right down to navigate the twisting road leading up to the last few corners.

Oliver: This is the last little bit, it’s worth patting yourself on the back if you manage to get this far during your first race here.


Oliver: And this is the final corner, recognise this bit?
Yuka: Yeah… I’ve never driven such a long track before, this’ll be weird, but fun!
Oliver: You’ll do fine.


Oliver finished the lap and pulled over.

Oliver: Well that’s it. How was it?
Yuka: Better than I expected. Thank you for the ride Oliver.


Oliver: You’re welcome.

Yuka unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the door. She turned towards Oliver and paused.

Oliver: Is something wrong?
Yuka: No. The opposite actually. See you!
Oliver: Oh, bye then!

Yuka got out and closed the door. Oliver watched briefly before driving off.

Yuka: I was half expecting him to ask me out like every other guy does. Maybe guys are just nicer in Germany.

Yuka continued walking down the pit lane until she noticed a familiar figure waving frantically at her from across the way.

Hitomi: Yuka! Yuka! Over here! Come quick!
Yuka: Hitomi?

Yuka walked over to where Hitomi was and instantly saw what Hitomi was excited about.

Yuka: What is this?


Hitomi: What do you mean what is this? It’s a BMW 135i that I got for only 50,000 Euros!
Yuka: It looks like a five year old went Crayola on the wheels.
Hitomi: Pfft, don’t let the looks deceive you.
Yuka: And the camber! Is it broken?
Hitomi: Alright you got me. I bought it from a hellaflush poser. It’s got potential though.


Hitomi: It has a sports exhaust, adjustable suspension and it’s pretty fast!
Yuka: I suppose once we fix the camber it’ll be okay. Still don’t like the colour.
Hitomi: And you think I do? It’s the cheapest 135i that isn’t either written off or ruined. I kind of had no choice.
Yuka: Fair enough.
Hitomi: How was the ride-along anyway?
Yuka: It was great! I think we’ve got a good chance at winning with this car now.
Hitomi: Well that’s good to hear. Lets get this thing home and fixed before tomorrow.
Yuka: Right.

Special thanks to Dragonthing for supplying the Skyline Sedan!
The 135i should be painted in passionate pink :lol: Nice to see a non GT-R Skyline gaining some love.
Hellaflush poser? I resent that. :grumpy:
The 135i should be painted in passionate pink :lol: Nice to see a non GT-R Skyline gaining some love.
It's not the first time a non-GT-R Skyline has featured but yeah, always good to show the love. :D
First off, this is some good writing! Secondly is that skyline any good?
Why does every car any character gets has to have a really weird paint job? XD

Not every car has weird paint. :P When they do, it's mostly so they stand out.
HKS Rag3:16
Got to ask you Roj, will a tune for that sexy Skyline 350gt ever be released?

You'll have to ask me...and I suppose it might :D as long as I can steal my numbers back from Roj.:dopey: I had great fun tuning it up, although my final tune might have a more sensible spoiler :sly:
Got to ask you Roj, will a tune for that sexy Skyline 350gt ever be released?
See Dragonthing's reply. 👍
You'll have to ask me...and I suppose it might :D as long as I can steal my numbers back from Roj.:dopey: I had great fun tuning it up, although my final tune might have a more sensible spoiler :sly:

Sure, I'll send them over. :P Doesn't it already have the more sensible spoiler? :lol:
Chapter 41 - VAG Mafia

The next morning, Yuka and Hitomi arrived at the Nurburgring GP circuit for the Schwarzwald League A race. Hitomi pulled their tweaked 135i into the pit lane and noticed a large gathering of Volkswagen’s and Audi’s parked together.

Yuka: What’s with all the VDub’s? Quite a few Audi’s too.
Hitomi: Well I guess this is only the A league.
Yuka: But they’re all parked up like they’re in a gang or something.
Hitomi: Not sure, maybe they’re just a huge team.

Hitomi stopped the car and both girls got out. Yuka went around the car checking the tyres, while Hitomi sat on the bonnet and watched the VW/Audi gathering in front.

Yuka: Looks like the camber did a number on the tyres. We’ve got more tread on the outside of the tyre than the inside. Stupid fad…
Hitomi: It’s fine. There’s more than enough tread left for a race. Get a load of these guys though.

Yuka sat beside Hitomi and watched with her.

Yuka: What about them? I see this sort of crowd every time I street race.
Hitomi: That’s the thing, this isn’t a street race. This is organised stuff. Why are they acting like a bunch of tough guys? Sheesh…

At that moment, one of the drivers among the VW/Audi gathering spotted the girls. He nudged a man beside him, pointed over to the girls and the pair begun walking down the pit lane.

Yuka: I think he’s coming this way.
Hitomi: There’s a lead pipe in the boot.
Yuka: Huh? Why are you telling me that?
Hitomi: Just in case.
Yuka: I doubt they’re going to start anything here but okay.

Yuka hopped off the bonnet of the 135i and opened the boot. She spotted and grabbed the pipe, just as the two men reached Hitomi.

Hitomi: Can I help you boys?
Michel: I’m Michel and this is my main man Hans.
Hitomi: Okay…
Hans: We represent the VAG Mafia.
Hitomi: Pffthahahaha!! Hey Yuka! These guys represent the VAG Mafia!
Yuka: Are you serious? Hahaha!

Hitomi and Yuka started laughing so hard their stomachs began to hurt. Yuka nearly fell into the boot of the car as a result.

Michel: What’s so funny?!
Hitomi: Oh… Haha… Nothing. Just, you represent the…
Yuka: VAG Mafia! Hahahaha!
Hitomi: Oh my god I can’t stop laughing!

The girls continued their giggle fit.

Michel: Every damn time…
Hans: VAG as in Volkswagen Audi Group! Not what you’re thinking of!
Hitomi: Surely you knew what everyone outside your little mafia would assume it meant, right?
Michel: All car enthusiasts know what VAG means.
Yuka: Pretty sure everyone knows what VAG means. Well, depending on age I guess.
Hitomi: Oh Yuka you’re terrible!
Yuka: Hehehehe!
Hans: Come on Swifty, let’s leave these immature BMW girls alone. We’ll show them the power of the VAG Mafia on the track.
Michel: Yeah, we’ll see you on track girls.
Hitomi: Bye boys!
Yuka: Good luck with your club!

Yuka put the pipe back in the boot and walked up to Hitomi.

Yuka: Oh that was too funny.
Hitomi: VAG Mafia indeed. They must never talk to anyone outside their circle of friends to really believe what they just said.
Yuka: Ah whatever, let’s just beat them and their crappy mafia.
Hitomi: Yeah.

Just then, a black BMW 120i and an orange Opel Speedster pulled up behind Yuka and Hitomi’s 135i. Hitomi turned around to look. The drivers of the new arrivals stepped out. The driver of the BMW, Steve, was an older looking man, whereas the driver of the Speedster, Anneka, was a younger woman with short brown hair. The pair approached Yuka and Hitomi.

Steve: Nice to see something other than a Volkswagen in this pit lane.
Hitomi: You’re telling me. We just had a couple of guys from that squabble over there try and trash talk us.
Steve: Ah the virgin club. They never win unless it’s noob night. It’s usually me or Anneka here who wins.
Anneka: Usually it’s me but sometimes I get cheated with my grid position. I get penalised for basically having an Elise in drag.
Yuka: I thought that car looked familiar. It’s sort of a blocky looking Elise. No offence.
Anneka: None taken. Infact I share your opinion. I love Elise’s so much but in order to race with Steve here I had to opt for it’s German twin sister.
Yuka: Oh I see. Are you two a couple or?
Anneka: Yeah.
Yuka: How sweet!
Steve: Tell me about it. Makes anniversary gifts easier to buy. Fresh set of tyres and she’s happy.
Hitomi: I’d be happy too.
Steve: Well it’ll be time to race soon, nice meeting you both. See you on the track.
Yuka: Ah yeah. I’m Yuka by the way. This is my cousin, Hitomi.
Hitomi: Hello.
Anneka: Well Yuka, Hitomi, we’ll see each other on the track.
Yuka: Alright! See you!
Hitomi: Later guys!

Steve and Anneka walked off into the garages.

Yuka: Isn’t that nice that a couple can share a hobby like racing?
Hitomi: It’s not as nice as they make out. I bet they argue a fair bit behind the scenes.
Yuka: Speaking from experience?
Hitomi: Yeah. Although I’m just overly competitive. I’d completely go ape on my boyfriend just because he tapped me off my line.
Yuka: I’m sure he didn’t mean it.
Hitomi: It was my competitive nature doing the yelling. I regret it now, he was nice.
Yuka: Awww Hitomi.
Hitomi: Well I can’t change the past. Looks like it’s time to go anyway.
Yuka: Alright! Give it your best Hitomi.

Starting Grid
1. Steve’s Black BMW 120i
2. Michel’s Red VW Golf GTi
3. Hans’ Blue Audi S3
4. Black VW Bora
5. Black VW Polo GTi
6. White BMW 2002 Turbo
7. Yuka & Hitomi’s Grey BMW 135i
8. Red Audi Quattro
9. Blue Audi TT
10. White Opel Speedster
11. Anneka’s Orange Opel Speedster Turbo
12. Blue VW Golf R32

Steve: Sheer driving pleasure indeed. Lets see those VDub boys beat me.


Michel: Stupid BMW drivers. VAG for life!


Hans: Those immature girls. VAG stands for Volkswagen Audi Group! Not… Grrr!


Bora Driver: I can’t wait to get this car onto Stanceworks after I win!


Polo Driver: I have a chance here as long as those damn BMW’s don’t take me out.


2002 Driver: I’m not feeling the looks of those newer BMW’s. I’ll stick to my classics.


Yuka: The GP track looks much easier than the Nordschleife…
Hitomi: Yeah. It’s not that bad. At least you get to drive on the legendary racetrack though.
Yuka: True. Anyway, lets win this first.
Hitomi: Right.


Quattro Driver: Rally heritage wont help here, but at least I’ve got at least that over these kids in their two wheel drive cars.


TT Driver: Quattro is the only way to go!


Speedster Driver: These VAG idiots wont stop me.


Anneka: Starting from back here again…


Golf Driver: Wob wob wob wob.


The race began, Hitomi put her foot to the floor. The 135i’s exhaust started sounding something special.

Hitomi: Woooo! That sound!
Yuka: For once we get a car with an exhaust that sounds like it wants to go faster!


2002 Driver: Although I have to admit, they’re damn fast.


Hitomi braked hard for the first hairpin, following the Polo around.


Hitomi took to the outside of both the Bora and the Polo, overtaking them both on the corner exit.

Hitomi: Too easy!
Speedster Driver: Move it!
Quattro Driver: Aw man not the Rustpel!


Yuka: We’ve already caught those mafia dicks.
Hitomi: How disappointing…
Hans: Oh no, those girls are behind us already…


Hitomi: Requesting permission to show the Audi who’s boss.
Yuka: Permission granted.


Hans: Huh? They’re going to pass me already? This is an Audi S3! How can you beat this?!


Han: Damn it… I have failed my mafia. Michel, it’s all up to you to deal with the BMW’s…


Michel: I represent the VAG Mafia you stupid women! I’ll take you and your BMW down!
Steve: Looks like the girls have caught up. Suddenly this race has gotten much more exciting.


Hitomi: Move your wimpy ass trolley!
Michel: Hah! You won’t be able to pass me as easily as you did Hans. This Golf has a VR5 swap!


Michel: Do you see?
Yuka: Ah that sneaky git. It’s like my old Civic. Powerful engine in a lightweight body.
Hitomi: So you’re saying it’s been engine swapped? Explains why he’s so fast.
Yuka: Yeah. Maybe something from a newer Golf or even something like a Passat.
Hitomi: In that case, I’ll just give it all I have!


Hitomi: Come ‘ere! I’ll draft your box on wheels!
Yuka: Got him!
Michel: Fuu…


Yuka: The 120i is just ahead, get him!
Hitomi: Working on it!


Steve: Now this is what I like. BMW on BMW.
Hitomi: Yo Steve!


Michel: Have you forgotten about me yet? I’m still here!
Speedster driver: Alright! Fourth!


Michel: Gotcha!
Hitomi: Oh hell no!


Speedster Driver: The players are all here… Lets rock!


Steve: I see you, Anneka baby.
Speedster Driver: Move Golf!


Hitomi went in and dove down the inside of the 120i, only to have the door slammed in her face as Steve cut in front.

Hitomi: That bastard cut me up!
Steve: Haha I cant let you two beat me that easily.

The Speedster flew by the Golf under braking at the previous corner.

Michel: Who is this?!
Speedster Driver: Faster! I have no time for your stupid antics!


Hitomi: Next hairpin, I’m taking it.
Yuka: Go go go!


Hitomi: Yes! Come on!
Steve: Uh uh, not today sister.


Steve cut in once again and blocked Hitomi’s line. Hitomi slammed the wheel in anger.

Hitomi: Son of a…!
Steve: It takes more than an extra 1.5 litres to beat me!
Hitomi: You want to fight?! I’m undefeated at Laguna Seca for a reason you smug git!
Yuka: His road manners are terrible! Oh crap the Speedster is catching up.


Hitomi: I’m overtaking you one way or another!


Hitomi: Yes!


Speedster Driver: Hah, this 135i is feisty. I’m going to enjoy picking it apart during these last laps.
Yuka: You got him!
Hitomi: Finally! Now we just have to stay in front.


Steve: Again? This is not my race…
Speedster Driver: One down, one to go…


Yuka: Last lap! You can do it!
Hitomi: That Speedster keeps gaining, I don’t like this.
Speedster Driver: Soon...


Anneka: See you darling!
Steve: I don’t believe this…


Hitomi pushed hard, attempting to keep the Speedster firmly behind her. She went in too hot into the next set of corners, the 135i snapped into a high speed drift.

Hitomi: Damn these tyres! That hellaflush moron ruined them!
Speedster Driver: You’re skilled but your car wont help you against me.


Hitomi kept up the pace, pushing the 135i to it’s limits. The Speedster was still gaining, albeit more slowly.

Yuka: Screw the tyres Hitomi, floor this Opel!
Hitomi: I am already! I’m pushing as hard as I can!
Speedster Driver: You two are proving to be more than what I bargained for.


Yuka: Guess we’re in full drift mode.
Speedster Driver: Unbelievable, she’s actually speed drifting without hesitation.


Speedster Driver: Now, I’ll take your victory away before you can even taste it.


The Speedster Driver began reeling in the 135i, riding its bumper and not letting go. With only two corners left, Hitomi and Yuka were feeling the pressure.

Yuka: Hitomi! He’s on our asses!
Hitomi: I know! I’m trying everything I can!


Speedster Driver: Hey! You cant jump the kerbs like that!
Hitomi: Suck on that!


Yuka: Last corner!
Hitomi: I’ll show you how we do things back home. Flat out and ass out!
Speedster Driver: Big mistake! I will pass you for certain after you completely kill your speed with your drifting!


Speedster Driver: What?!
Yuka: He’s done! He hasn’t got an answer for that.
Speedster Driver: How can she drift without losing speed?


Hitomi passed the line, only mere lengths ahead of the Speedster.

Hitomi: Phew…
Yuka: You’re sweating a bit there, Hitomi.
Hitomi: I know right? That was tough.

Hitomi completed a victory lap and pulled into the pits to receive her prizes. 25,800 Euros and a gold trophy. She collected her prizes and walked back to the car. Yuka took the money and began counting it.

Yuka: Hmm… That’s 110,000 Euros now. This BMW has already paid us back half of what you bought it for.
Hitomi: Great. Now we can go and spend it all on boosting this damn thing for League B. You’re up, Yuka.
Yuka: Mm.

Steve and Anneka appeared from behind the garages and approached Yuka and Hitomi.

Steve: Congratulations girls.
Anneka: Yeah, well done!
Yuka: Thanks!
Hitomi: Yeah, even with you cutting us up Steve.
Steve: My apologies, I am one of the regular winners here, I do need to keep my pride.
Anneka: But in the end you came a lowly fourth. Maybe I should be dating one of these girls instead of you? We’d make more money I’m sure!
Hitomi: Well actually Yuka here…

Yuka nudged Hitomi hard in the arm.

Hitomi: Ow!
Anneka: What was that?
Yuka: She was about to say I’ll be racing in League B in a couple of days, so you two should come cheer for us!
Anneka: Really? That’s wonderful, we’ll definitely come and watch!
Steve: Yeah for sure. Now if you’ll excuse us, we need some private time if you catch my drift.
Hitomi: Yeah, racing gets the blood pumping. You need to relax afterwards one way or another right?
Steve: Yeah. Anyway, see you two. Best of luck on the Nordschleife.
Hitomi: Thanks, see you.
Yuka: Have fun, hehe! Bye!

Steve and Anneka retreated to their cars. They shared a kiss before getting into their respective vehicles and racing out of the pit lane.

Yuka: Awwww, isn’t that cute?
Hitomi: Yeah…
Yuka: Those mafia boys aren’t around, guess they don’t want to stick around after being thrashed.
Hitomi: I wouldn’t either if I just got thrashed by the very people you trash talked to.
Yuka: Hah! Yeah, true that.

Just then, another 135i appeared on track. This one was purple and sounded similar to Yuka and Hitomi’s own 135i. It slowed down and pulled into the pit lane.

Yuka: Who’s that?
Hitomi: Don’t know. Doesn’t look like a normal 135i though.


The purple 135i pulled in behind Yuka and Hitomi’s grey one. The driver got out. Surprisingly, it was another woman driver.

Hitomi: This’ll be interesting.
Yuka: Maybe she just wants to congratulate a fellow BMW chick?


The woman eyed up the grey 135i, then her own, before walking up to Yuka and Hitomi.

Sapphire: That was a very impressive race!
Yuka: Thanks!
Hitomi: Yeah I think I impressed even myself just now.


Sapphire: Hmm... I gather that you girls are going to go up to the big League B race at the Nordschleife next? I'd be happy to offer some help to a fellow BMW driver against those AMG’s and M5’s...
Hitomi: Yeah. Yuka here is going to tackle The Green Hell.
Yuka: Mmm, yeah. We do need to get this 135i handling more like a 1M…
Hitomi: This is sort of the reason why I wanted an M3 in the first place, although it would probably have been banned from League A. Freaking fairness rules…
Yuka: I was actually going to see if I could get a deal from Dragon’s Tuning though…
Sapphire: It's funny you should say that actually, I happen to own Dragon's Tuning. So you've heard of us then?
Yuka: Really? Wow I feel so honoured to meet you! I got a good recommendation from a Skyline driver who gave me the free ride-along. Apparently you set up his car for the Nurburgring and from what I felt it was perfect. If you could bless our 135i with something remotely similar we’d be really greatful.
Hitomi: Of course we’re looking for a good deal. We’re looking at spending up to 20,000 Euros. Any more and we’re not going to profit from this car.
Sapphire: You know, looking at what's been done already, I think I can do it for 15,000, or maybe even less...
Hitomi: Perfect. Is that fine with you too, Yuka?
Yuka: Yup! Where do we sign?
Sapphire: Even better, how about a ride-along in my car to see what yours could be like?
Yuka: Sure!
Hitomi: You go on ahead Yuka, I’ll stay here in case those VAG morons don’t vandalise our car. Besides that 135i only has two seats.
Yuka: Oh right. Well then, let’s go!
Sapphire: Alright, get in. Oh, and I'm Sapphire by the way.
Yuka: Yuka. That’s my cousin, Hitomi.
Hitomi: Hi.

Yuka got into the car with Sapphire. She strapped herself into the passenger seat and looked around the interior. Sapphire buckled up and started up the car.

Yuka: It’s almost identical to ours… Except for the lack of rear seats and most of the luxuries are gone.
Sapphire: They really did pad out these BMWs, wouldn't you agree? And now there's a lot missing. I haven't actually done much else, besides a few engine and suspension tweaks.
Yuka: Mhm. Reminds me of my own Civic back home, although that’s been stripped to ridiculous levels…
Sapphire: There's a new tailpipe out back and new ECU and air filter up front.
Yuka: Ah yeah. I heard when you arrived. Sounded really nice.
Sapphire: Oh, and a new gearbox too, but you can't really tell until we set off. Speaking of which, I hope you're holding onto something...

Sapphire slowly pulled out from behind Yuka and Hitomi’s 135i.

Yuka: Oh don’t worry about me, I’ve endured all sorts. I know what to do.


Sapphire drove back onto the track and floored it. Yuka held tightened her seatbelt and braced herself against the door.


Special thanks to Dragonthing for the cameo!
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Nice chapter, I'm pretty glad the new chapter was added today. Took me a while till I actually said out VAG to understand the joke, my mind must be completely diffrent from other teens. :dopey:

Also, one of the pictures isn't working.
Nice chapter, I'm pretty glad the new chapter was added today. Took me a while till I actually said out VAG to understand the joke, my mind must be completely diffrent from other teens. :dopey:

Also, one of the pictures isn't working.

I nearly died when I heard what he planned to call this chapter :dopey:
Nice chapter, I'm pretty glad the new chapter was added today. Took me a while till I actually said out VAG to understand the joke, my mind must be completely diffrent from other teens. :dopey:

Also, one of the pictures isn't working.
Thanks and fixed. 👍

And yeah, clearly much different. :P
I nearly died when I heard what he planned to call this chapter :dopey:

I forgot what I planned to call it now. :lol:
I didn't completely get the VAG thing :lol: And why I don't get invited for cameos ? :lol:
I didn't completely get the VAG thing :lol: And why I don't get invited for cameos ? :lol:

Roj reviewed my Nismo 350GT tune ages ago and wanted something similar for his fanfic :D and I suppose you can guess the rest from my BMW 1M CSL at the end there...which was originally what he requested! And which was hinted at in it's photo on the RKM page, which nobody noticed :dopey:
I had to bite my lower lip to stop myself from laughing too loud at the title.
What does that mean? Anyways, nice chapter!

If you don't know then you probably haven't heard of dubstep.

I would have expected Steve to be a BMW aficionado. It's nice to see a 1-series being pitted by its elder brethren though.
Because they're quite cheap, teen's can get them, and it's a V-DUB and they think they are solid, with their GTI badge on the back, and stickers everywhere that say -DUB- well that's my opinion anyway ;)
Because they're quite cheap, teen's can get them, and it's a V-DUB and they think they are solid, with their GTI badge on the back, and stickers everywhere that say -DUB- well that's my opinion anyway ;)

I think it's a 'Chav' joke.

So yeah, basically along the lines of what you say.
Yeah it's a play on the "dub" part of VDub and dubstep. :P Funny though, because Volkwagen's press cars have WOB on their number plates. :lol:


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