Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
I am hoping the .45 reviews are clean. This is a good sign!

This has been a bigger surprise than Donald Trump getting elected as the President of U.S. Michael, the super long gun guy..... With two handguns. Within weeks...... and SUPER STOKED. :nervous::lol: Like @Xavier2342 I also can't wait to read your take on the 1911. 👍

:lol: :lol:

Fun thing is I started shooting with a love for handguns, but the law did not allow me to apply a license for them at that time (I was 18 and you need to be 21+) so I went with long guns you can get here when you're age 18. And got stuck there. Totally love rifles for their power and accuracy and range which is far superior to pistols and revolvers, but handguns are just damn cool. Simple as that. :D
I'm seriously considering another 1911(Kimber is really beatup). Two guns that interests me the most is the one you got, the 8-round model & also the high-cap 13 round model. Standard 8-round will no doubt have that nice thin grip, but for 13 round capacity, if I could shoot it well enough, I'd love to sacrifice to traditional 1911 grip for a fat one. How do you like the rear adjustable sights? Adjustable sights currently is a must for me.

I thought about getting the hi capacity model myself, would have cost me 100 bucks more, but I really liked the slim grip and nature of the single stack pistol. I took a quick look at the hi cap model but the frame where the magazine was, looked swelled up and it was wider than the slide. So it was not just uncomfortably huge in the grip area, it also looked kinda off, aesthetically. :indiff: Then I thought how important a big mags is for me and then I realized for a 1911 and my applications they're not necessary at all, and that looks are more important with a 1911 than with lets say a more ''modern'' service gun.
Also, the gun is fairly heavy as it is, I can only imagine how heavy it becomes as a hi-cap .45. Just too many downsides for me.

If mag capacity bothers me I'll just buy a couple more mags, maybe get the +1/+2 mag extenders.

The sights I like so far, but I have to put some rounds downrange to form a valid opinion about them. Elevation and windage adjustment is very nice though,a step up from the Glock sights for sure.

[Edit: You didn't put idiot scratch on your gun, did you, when you took it apart? :P

Uh oh, I just googled it how that happens, I'm gonna be extra careful next time I reassemble it. But nope, didn't happen to me. Took a toothpick and aligned the barrel link with the frame hole and then the slide stop just slipped straight in with no complaints whatsoever. I may have very little experience with pistols but I have a ton of experience with taking rifles apart to their smallest bits and pieces, scratch-less. Maybe that helped, taking the 1911 apart completely and putting it back together felt very natural and it was fun.
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Totally love rifles for their power and accuracy and range which is far superior to pistols and revolvers, but handguns are just damn cool. Simple as that. :D
I couldn't agree more. Totally different animal, but love both.
I thought about getting the hi capacity model myself, would have cost me 100 bucks more, but I really liked the slim grip and nature of the single stack pistol. I took a quick look at the hi cap model but the frame where the magazine was, looked swelled up and it was wider than the slide. So it was not just uncomfortably huge in the grip area, it also looked kinda off, aesthetically. :indiff: Then I thought how important a big mags is for me and then I realized for a 1911 and my applications they're not necessary at all, and that looks are more important with a 1911 than with lets say a more ''modern'' service gun.
Also, the gun is fairly heavy as it is, I can only imagine how heavy it becomes as a hi-cap .45. Just too many downsides for me.

If mag capacity bothers me I'll just buy a couple more mags, maybe get the +1/+2 mag extenders.
Good points. I was looking at the pics of both again & standard definitely looks sexier. I think one of the nice features of standard single stack 1911's it's slim enough to conceal carry if you had to? I really like high capacity though. I need to research more, look around more.
The sights I like so far, but I have to put some rounds downrange to form a valid opinion about them. Elevation and windage adjustment is very nice though,a step up from the Glock sights for sure.
Love Glocks but yeah, those sights. :crazy: I still plan on getting adjustable sights for my G19. I may do that before I buy another handgun, we'll see. :crazy:
Uh oh, I just googled it how that happens, I'm gonna be extra careful next time I reassemble it. But nope, didn't happen to me. Took a toothpick and aligned the barrel link with the frame hole and then the slide stop just slipped straight in with no complaints whatsoever. I may have very little experience with pistols but I have a ton of experience with taking rifles apart to their smallest bits and pieces, scratch-less. Maybe that helped, taking the 1911 apart completely and putting it back together felt very natural and it was fun.
It is kind of fun once you get used to it, though I will take my super simple Glock/HK disassembly every time over 1911's! I can't remember if there was a idiot scratch on my Kimber before I got it. I definitely scratched it trying to pop that slide stop back in there though. It was so awkward way you click that thing back into the frame, I screwed up. :(
Michael88 in due time you will become more comfortable handguns. Just like you and a6m5 I prefer rifles but handguns are fun as well. During the summer I primarily shoot handguns because it's just too damn hot outside (113 °F/45 °C). Plus I don't care much for shooting rifles at an indoor range. The rest of the year I'm outside trying to shoot as far as I can.

I've got to agree with you as well about the ergonomics of the double stack 1911. I shot one a few months ago and wasn't a fan from an ergonomics perspective. John Browning did a damn good job considering how relevant the 1911 is still to this day.

That idiot scratch a6m5 talked mentioned, brother you aren't the only Michael88 that was smart of you to use a toothpick to line up the slide and barrel.
that was smart of you to use a toothpick to line up the slide and barrel.
Yeah upon realizing how the gun operates I thought there was no way that the link hole and the frame hole would magically align itself, so I convinced it a little. :D

What surprised me the most was how easy the bushing was to take off, I have seen lots of people struggle with it and they had to use a bushing wrench. I asked at the gun store for that tool but they didn't have one.
:lol: :lol:

Fun thing is I started shooting with a love for handguns, but the law did not allow me to apply a license for them at that time (I was 18 and you need to be 21+) so I went with long guns you can get here when you're age 18. And got stuck there. Totally love rifles for their power and accuracy and range which is far superior to pistols and revolvers, but handguns are just damn cool. Simple as that. :D
Congrats on the purchase.

It seems like there's something more personal about handguns from a shooting and handling perspective, looks too. I've only handled a few rifles, but I always found handguns to be just more fun.

A little tangential, but I'm currently thinking about moving out of the US to finish school and work in Germany. I've been researching the move for some time and weighing pros and cons and man, I never thought that the fact that I could own so many different guns in the US would be something that I would care about.

I always entertained the fact that when I got older, I would buy some land in Montana or elsewhere in the Midwest, set up a small range for shooting and go hunting from time to time.

I've mentioned me wanting to buy a Mark 23 on this site before. Some of you mentioned how insanely expensive they are, but I wanted that to be a college graduation present to myself. Now that I'm thinking of moving, I don't know... Maybe it'll be something I'll keep for holidays in the states, if I do move..
Congrats on the purchase.

It seems like there's something more personal about handguns from a shooting and handling perspective, looks too. I've only handled a few rifles, but I always found handguns to be just more fun.

Funny, I've noticed the exact same thing now that I own handguns too. Maybe its the size, the ease of concealment and the potential to always have it with you due to the compact format. I get the same feeling when carrying a one and a half handed sword and the historical sidearms/backups that go along with it, a small Falchion and/or a big dagger. While the sword is vastly more capable and the sidearms you only carry as backup or for really close quarters where the sword can no longer be used effectively there is something about those small, secondary weapons. Its strange.

I've mentioned me wanting to buy a Mark 23 on this site before. Some of you mentioned how insanely expensive they are, but I wanted that to be a college graduation present to myself. Now that I'm thinking of moving, I don't know... Maybe it'll be something I'll keep for holidays in the states, if I do move..
I've actually shot a Mk23 once, in .40 S&W. I remember it was a very accurate, soft shooter but BOY, it was BIIIIIIG! I remember a guy with a Desert Eagle showed up that day and it wasn't much bigger than the 23. :eek: I also heard that its obscenely expensive, like close to or above 2K.

Of course, its a very iconic, very high quality firearm and if that's the reason why you want it -more power to you. 👍
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A little tangential, but I'm currently thinking about moving out of the US to finish school and work in Germany. I've been researching the move for some time and weighing pros and cons and man, I never thought that the fact that I could own so many different guns in the US would be something that I would care about.

If you're single with no spouse and kids I say go for it. Finish your schooling overseas and enjoy your time overseas. You can always purchase a new gun(s) when you come back home to visit and put them in a good quality gun safe either at trustworthy relative's house or a storage facility.

I know the feeling when you realize just how important guns are to you. For me this is something that often comes to mind when my wife talks about the possibility of living in other parts of the US that aren't as gun friendly as Arizona. I'll gladly visit but I won't overstay my welcome.

I always entertained the fact that when I got older, I would buy some land in Montana or elsewhere in the Midwest, set up a small range for shooting and go hunting from time to time.

I know the feeling when you realize just how important guns are to you. For me this is something that often comes to mind when my wife talks about the possibility of living in other parts of the US that aren't as gun friendly as Arizona. I'll gladly visit but I won't overstay my welcome.

Would you label me as a crazy If I said that I always feel slightly uncomfortable when traveling because I do not have any gun with me and no access to any? Its no big deal and I don't live in a part of the world where being armed is essential by any means, but the feeling is there.
Would you label me as a crazy If I said that I always feel slightly uncomfortable when traveling because I do not have any gun with me and no access to any? Its no big deal and I don't live in a part of the world where being armed is essential by any means, but the feeling is there.

Nope not at all... I'd rather have a firearm and never need it as opposed to needing a firearm and not having one.
I got my AR dust cover today. It's not a home run, but not bad for $17 shipped or whatever it was. Fast turnaround.




Navy rising sun flag's little off-centered, but the image came out pretty good. I wish they had different font samples to choose from(you can request by font "name"), but they came out okay in my book.

The keeper c-clip warped when I took it off the pin though. I tightened it with a plier, but I should get a new clip. :crazy:
It seems like there's something more personal about handguns from a shooting and handling perspective, looks too.
This is the sentiment I couldn't put into words. Well put. 👍
Would you label me as a crazy If I said that I always feel slightly uncomfortable when traveling because I do not have any gun with me and no access to any? Its no big deal and I don't live in a part of the world where being armed is essential by any means, but the feeling is there.
Nope not at all... I'd rather have a firearm and never need it as opposed to needing a firearm and not having one.
Exactly, it's insurance.

I think it depends on where you are. If I'm in Japan, I couldn't care less if I didn't have this "insurance". Guns are super rare, somebody coming after you with a gun is even rarer(like never).

In the U.S., you see from time to time anti-gun people ask "why would you need a gun?" I'm sorry, but if you are asking that & you are an American, you either haven't seen what I've seen in real life(ie, maybe you live in a nice neighborhood, not observant, just lucky in life?, etc., or all of the above), or you are just simply a ignorant person on the subject. Guns are good insurance in a country like the U.S.

I've seen these type of videos for the AK47 and M4/M16. This is a pretty cool illustration of how a Glock works.

This video is so well made. 👍
I think it depends on where you are. If I'm in Japan, I couldn't care less if I didn't have this "insurance". Guns are super rare, somebody coming after you with a gun is even rarer(like never)

In Japan you get hunted down and sliced by Hayabusa-riding Yakuza with Katanas and Shuriken! :dopey:
In Japan you get hunted down and sliced by Hayabusa-riding Yakuza with Katanas and Shuriken! :dopey:
Yakuzas are known to use tantos, can be armed with firearms, but unless you get involved in their business, they will keep to themselves. Here in the States, trouble finds you..... again, unless you’ve just been lucky, or you live in nicer area. :crazy:
Oh boy oh boy I had so much fun at the shooting range. The 1911 and the Roni Glock were much more fun than I had anticipated! :dopey: :dopey:

Learning curve with my 1911 was steep, my first few shots ever with this pistol were all over the place, but they were at the target at least. 3 Magazines later I could keep all the shots in the black at 25 yards and with my last magazine it even looked a little more promising.
I wish I could have started at 15 yds but the min. range at my shooting range is 25. Also the pistol was amazing fun to shoot, love the sights and the trigger and it was out of the box perfectly reliable for 100 rounds. No malfunction! The only problem I ran into every now and then is that the slide hold open did not always work on the last shot. I suspect borderline weak ammo or maybe the mag, not sure but not big deal.

This was my last group with my 1911 at 25 yds.


And this was the target with my G17 in the Roni, 30 rounds at 25 yds rapid fire offhand (about 1 shot every 1 second). I shot it then, recovered the dot roughly back in the black and immediately fired again, that was my procedure. Short trigger reset of the Glock makes this easy.


First I had troubles sighting in my G17 in the RONI because it was waaaaay off target and could not see the impacts, I suspected it to shoot way low so I held way high - and I was right. A couple dozen clicks on my Holosight later I was in the black and then I did a little fine tuning. Mind you, I shot it offhand exclusively. No sandbag resting to sight it in super accurately.
This was such a fun shooting machine, I tested my 33rnd Glock mags and they were perfectly reliable, 200 rounds with no malfunction. Recoil was absolutely minimal.

Come to think of it, I shot 300 rounds with 2 handguns out of the box (But with some lube added) and I had not even one malfunction. :D

Also I am a little proud of my finger strength, I loaded two Glock 33 round magazines with no Glock tool, just bare hands. Years of weight lifting has turned my fingers into little hydraulic pistons. :dopey:
I wish I could have started at 15 yds but the min. range at my shooting range is 25.
Yeah, that would've been ideal for someone who never shoots handguns. Not surprised you picked it up quick though. I am concerned about how 1911 didn't hold open at times after the last shot, but very nice to hear it went fine otherwise. 👍

I hear you on sighting in Micro Roni. I'd imagine it'd be pain in the butt trying to zero newly mounted red dot at 25yd shooting range on something like that. I was able to do it at 10+ yards or something in the middle of the woods, so it wasn't bad for me. :D
I went shooting today as planned, but man, I went with three people from work I've never hungout with, and I got almost nothing done. Between shooting coaching & other discussion flying around, I just put away the .45's I've wanted to test shoot(Kimber & USP), and focused on my .22 rifle. :crazy:

With the Kimber, I shot at 25 yards like I shot from 50 yards couple weeks ago. Accuracy with USP was consistent. But again, too many guns & too many mouths, I just kicked back with my AR & TCR22 at 50 yards & enjoyed myself. .45 testing & training will have to wait until next time.

The kid who was trying to coach me was a good shot & I got to shoot his RIA 1911, also one of those "ghost" AR-15s. When I shot his Glock 19X(19 slide, 17 frame), I did the same exact thing I do with my Glock 19: They all hit low & left. Maybe I should work on fixing that before I get a adjustable sights on the G19. :crazy:

I hope to go again, before they close the area for wild fire season, but hopefully with my usual crew, by myself, or fewer people. :(:lol:

When I shot his Glock 19X(19 slide, 17 frame), I did the same exact thing I do with my Glock 19: They all hit low & left.

At 5:21

Dude, what did you just say!?
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a6m5 essentially what he's saying is that the gun recoils in the path/direction of least resistance.

Edit: Try out the technique in the video above. Despite the gun in the video being much smaller than yours, the technique still remains the same.
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Yeah, that would've been ideal for someone who never shoots handguns. Not surprised you picked it up quick though. I am concerned about how 1911 didn't hold open at times after the last shot, but very nice to hear it went fine otherwise.

I'm nearly 100% certain that the last shot hold open issue is caused either by my grip or the ammo. I can rack the slide so it ejects a case and recocks the hammer without getting the slide far enough back to engage the hold open. Hold open is pretty much the last thing happens at the very end of the slide travel.
So I guess what happens is that my grip or the ammo makes the slide not to go all the way back to engage the hold open.

I was experimenting a lot with grip technique and used just one brand of ammo in an out of the box gun so....
a6m5 essentially what he's saying is that the gun recoils in the path/direction of least resistance.
I just joked, because he mentions exactly what I experienced with the Glocks: Low & left. :lol:

I checked out a handful of search on this Glock low/left after that video & there were different suggestions on how to fix it, but the answers were consistent as they all talked about grips. I've also mentioned in the past how I didn't care for Glock grips & there was a messageboard discussion on this very topic talking about how some hit low & left. I agreed with one postor who mentioned how it could be remedied with grips, but this problem is unique to Glocks with a lot of shooters & one could also opt to go with many other fine handguns out there instead.

Well, I do like Glocks, so I will be trying all of the grip correction suggestions I looked up on youtube, including one you shared(👍) until I'm shooting straight. I'm hoping next weekend, I can pickup right where I left off with handgun accuracy testing couple of weekends ago. Wish me luck! :D
I'm nearly 100% certain that the last shot hold open issue is caused either by my grip or the ammo. I can rack the slide so it ejects a case and recocks the hammer without getting the slide far enough back to engage the hold open. Hold open is pretty much the last thing happens at the very end of the slide travel.
So I guess what happens is that my grip or the ammo makes the slide not to go all the way back to engage the hold open.

I was experimenting a lot with grip technique and used just one brand of ammo in an out of the box gun so....
I've never seen that happen with any handguns I've owned, but thinking back, I feel like one of my buddies who owns hand-cannons saw something like that when he brought out either the Desert Eagle, or FN Five Seven. I'll have to ask him.
My bad a6m5 I didn't catch the joke. I also didn't realise that this was an exclusive issue with Glocks for so many people. I use to have this very same issue with most semi-auto handguns when I first started shooting handguns. I still have it from time to time but in my case it boils down to my grip, trigger pull and not anticipating the recoil. In your case I guess a set of adjustable sights are in your near future to compensate your shot.

Michael88 the next time you go to the range, try shooting the gun one-handed and see if the problem still persists. While shooting with both hands on gun, pay close attention to your support hand resting against the slide release. I think the issue could potentially be with your support hand resting against the slide release. You're too big and way too strong to be limp wristing a .45
My bad a6m5 I didn't catch the joke. I also didn't realise that this was an exclusive issue with Glocks for so many people. I use to have this very same issue with most semi-auto handguns when I first started shooting handguns. I still have it from time to time but in my case it boils down to my grip, trigger pull and not anticipating the recoil. In your case I guess a set of adjustable sights are in your near future to compensate your shot.
No sweat. And it doesn't seem to be exclusive to Glocks, because I watched a few more youtube vids & in those, they didn't even mention Glocks.

I did think about doing the adjustable sights anyway, because in my case, it's happening only with Glock pistol grips? It's just so odd. I'm still kinda going back & forth, but yeah, I should try fixing my grip first. It's just odd & disappointing that I'm holding Glock wrong, even after all these years of shooting. :crazy:
@a6m5 you of all people should know about that tenouchi waza
I am sick & tired of your sex jokes! j/k


I figured it was kendo. :lol:👍
a6m5 that deal for the Ruger AR pistol would be too difficult to pass. It's one thing when they're priced that low online, but it's a completely different ballgame when they're locally being sold at that price.

Lasort(sp) is hilarious :lol:. There is so much truth in that video. It's almost like playing Bingo at the range when you come across these different types of people. I always feel weird shooting another person's gun without offering them some ammo or letting them shoot one of my guns.

This is one of my favorite videos. I'm a cross between "Mr. Can't Handle The Pressure" and "Mr. Extranious Equipment Guy." I plan my range visits at least a day or two in advance and I hate not having equipment I could potentially need at the range like an Allen key, cleaning rod, spotting scope, etc :lol:.

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a6m5 that deal for the Ruger AR pistol would be too difficult to pass. It's one thing when they're priced that low online, but it's a completely different ballgame when they're locally being sold at that price.
That's what I was thinking, too. This might've been a sign from the universe though.... I was going for it, I looked for my last 3 electric bill, because when you aren't U.S. Citizen, you need to provide latest 3 months of utility bills + the Green Card to prove your residency. I couldn't find the latest electric bill... I misplaced it somehow!

I was thinking about switching from Micro Roni to a AR pistol, but it is what it is. Maybe it'll go on sale again in the near future. Meanwhile, this wouldn't been a problem had I been a U.S. Citizen. It's time I look into applying for the Citizenship. Like most Japanese, I've always liked the U.S., but I identify more with this country than Japan at this point. :crazy: Faster background check, conceal carry would be a plus, too. lol
Lasort(sp) is hilarious :lol:. There is so much truth in that video. It's almost like playing Bingo at the range when you come across these different types of people. I always feel weird shooting another person's gun without offering them some ammo or letting them shoot one of my guns.
My good friend & guy who got me into shooting is a "Can I Shoot It Guy". Like you, when someone lets me shoot their guns, I offer them mine. Also, I don't need to shoot the whole mag, 2, 3 rounds plenty for me. I want to practice shooting my guns, not theirs. My CISIG buddy's so shameless, couple of my other friends refuses to go shooting if he's coming along. :lol:
This is one of my favorite videos. I'm a cross between "Mr. Can't Handle The Pressure" and "Mr. Extranious Equipment Guy." I plan my range visits at least a day or two in advance and I hate not having equipment I could potentially need at the range like an Allen key, cleaning rod, spotting scope, etc :lol:.
Soon after getting my Kimber years ago, I forgot & left the darn thing at home one time. Ever since then, I pretty much run a simple checklist to make sure I absolutely have everything I need/may need to go to range, or plinking(all the tools, etc.). It's simple, because everything's pre-loaded to backpack, rifle bag, or in my car. Like in that "Extranious Equipment Guy" clip, I've been able to help out other shooters out there more than once. :lol:

P.S. I'm watching the Cardinals, packing ammo for shooting tomorrow, so this discussion is right on topic. :P Speaking of baseball, one thing a no-no about Colion Noir is his casual switching of MLB hats. I'm a Braves fan & I feel like I'm cheating on my team when I wear the Cardinals, or the Red Sox hats(my 2nd fav & my AL team). Mixing Yankees hats & Red Sox hats would be crime in some states I'm pretty sure!

I am most definitely Mr. ''Can't handle the pressure''. I can only shoot 3 guns effectively when I go to the range so I have to carefully select which one I take with me. Then in comes factors like ''Man haven't shot this poor gun in months!'' and ''I wonder if it retained zero, I need to check'', or ''This gun is so fun I should take it to the range EVERY TIME'' also ''I have to check my new reloads with this rifle'' etc. And then I am lost. I switch out guns like to the last minute when I leave for the range and its always a terrible compromise! :scared:

I've never seen that happen with any handguns I've owned, but thinking back, I feel like one of my buddies who owns hand-cannons saw something like that when he brought out either the Desert Eagle, or FN Five Seven. I'll have to ask him.

Now that you mention that, I remember many many years ago I fired a Desert Eagle loaner gun at a shop, it was chambered .44 and I experienced malfunctions like failures to engage the slide stop and failures to pick up and chamber the next round. I went back to the shop owner and he gave me hotter ammo and the problems were gone.

I also bought some hotter ammo yesterday, cant wait to try it out.
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a6m5 you're already thinking about switching from the Micro Roni? Can you apply for dual citizenship in the US? Having a conceal carry permit definitely makes the background check process much easier. In Arizona you fill out your 4473, the FFL makes a copy of your driver's license and conceal carry permit. You pay your transfer fee and depending on the establishment you can easily be in and out the door in less than 15 mins with your new firearm. It's also nice to have a conceal carry permit when you travel to other states that honor your permit.

Similar to you I have a dedicated range bag with most of the spare items I may need while out shooting. Depending on where I'm going or what guns I plan on shooting, the only other items I might be missing are: shooting rest, rear shooting bag, spotting scope and water. Everything else remains in the bag until needed.

As for Colion Noir's Baseball hats, people have been calling him out about that for

I am most definitely Mr. ''Can't handle the pressure''. I can only shoot 3 guns effectively when I go to the range so I have to carefully select which one I take with me. Then in comes factors like ''Man haven't shot this poor gun in months!'' and ''I wonder if it retained zero, I need to check'', or ''This gun is so fun I should take it to the range EVERY TIME'' also ''I have to check my new reloads with this rifle'' etc. And then I am lost. I switch out guns like to the last minute when I leave for the range and its always a terrible compromise! :scared:

You just described the thoughts that go through my mind when I'm preparing for a range day. I feel your pain... :lol:

I shot handguns for HOURS today. Still testing the .45's, also tried out the new handgun/Glock shooting techniques from the youtube videos.

Did the new techniques work? In fact, yes. I still shoot like a noob(what grouping), but it's not that disaster it was before. Still, it takes so much effort to shoot it accurately though. Maximum range, about 20 yards for now.

Interesting results with the .45's. Still much better with Kimber. Putting it on paper from 30 yard's not a problem. However, as I got better with the Glocks, I could not shoot the USP! After altering my grip for the Glock, USP felt like a gun I never shot before. Weird grip, weird trigger. Weird weird. :(
Now that you mention that, I remember many many years ago I fired a Desert Eagle loaner gun at a shop, it was chambered .44 and I experienced malfunctions like failures to engage the slide stop and failures to pick up and chamber the next round. I went back to the shop owner and he gave me hotter ammo and the problems were gone.

I also bought some hotter ammo yesterday, cant wait to try it out.
I forgot to ask him about that. :crazy: Hopefully the new ammo or the break-in remedy the issue.
a6m5 you're already thinking about switching from the Micro Roni?
Had I bought the AR Pistol..... We'll see how it goes. :P
Can you apply for dual citizenship in the US?
Not with the Japanese Government, though if I applied for U.S. Citizenship, I don't think they have any way of knowing.
In Arizona you fill out your 4473, the FFL makes a copy of your driver's license and conceal carry permit. You pay your transfer fee and depending on the establishment you can easily be in and out the door in less than 15 mins with your new firearm. It's also nice to have a conceal carry permit when you travel to other states that honor your permit.
I thought conceal carry was allowed without permits in Arizona! As far as background checks go, it's usually about 15 minutes here in Oregon as well. Mine generally takes an hour or two, sometimes carrying into next day due to store hours. I wish CNN would do a story on this. They'd call it a racism towards immigrants! lmao
Similar to you I have a dedicated range bag with most of the spare items I may need while out shooting. Depending on where I'm going or what guns I plan on shooting, the only other items I might be missing are: shooting rest, rear shooting bag, spotting scope and water. Everything else remains in the bag until needed.
I have folding table, tripod & spotting scope in the back of my car. Water, I usually load up the day before. :lol:
As for Colion Noir's Baseball hats, people have been calling him out about that for
It's purely fashion for him. :lol:
a6m5 seeing your pic makes me wish I was going shooting in the morning. Sadly, I have to get some rest before going into work. But on a more positive note, that's awesome that you were able to make some improvements with shooting your Glock.

Although Arizona is a constitutional carry state, I still believe it is important to have a conceal carry permit. I say this because this allows me to carry concealed in any of the 37 reciprocating states that I may travel to throughout the year. It also helps with background checks because I can easily be in and out of my FFL's establishment (home business) in the amount of time it takes me to fill out (by hand) a 4473; but instead I usually stay longer to talk about guns and cars :lol:.