SA system explained for Consoles

  • Thread starter TT92


SA system explained for Consoles

I asked a while ago for help with my abysmal SA rating and even though I got really well intended responses there was a distinct lack of understanding generally.

I took the advice given and struggled on doing what I thought was best and what was recommended and my SA rating dropped from an abysmal 13 to 12! To say that I was a little perplexed by this would be an understatement.

So I Googled and Googled and Googled some more until I came across the following article from Felixdicit

I have already posted the link in the original thread where I asked my question but here I will detail what I have found applicable to consoles (PS4s anyway).

As the poor brethren of the PC fraternity (even though we spend more, go figure that one) we lack a lot of the depth that the PCs generally have.

Firstly let me start off by saying this game has to be the worst documented and poorly understood game that I have ever played. This is not the first time I have stated this here and probably won’t be the last.

Rather than drag this out with a lot of tedious writing I have taken screen shots of the journey so can back up what I have found with pictorial facts. A bit like a comic book (sorry graphic novel).

So the journey begins.

This is where I started at SA13 and after trying to ramp up my SA the score actually dropped to 12. Even though I was getting some great safe races in the average still went down. The reason (as explained in the link by Felixdicit) is the most recent score is based on the last 750kms driven but really it looks at the last 1,500kms. More will become apparent at the end so bear with me.

SA Start 13.jpg

In this next shot you will see the first green starting to fade out as is the red

SA red starting to go
SA 27 Red Starting to Go.jpg

At this stage after each race the SA rating was only moving up by about 1. I feared this was going to be a long hard slog
SA 36 Red All Gone.jpg

After I reached this stage the rating started going up by about 2 or 3 each race. As you see all the red is now faded out.

SA 56.jpg

After I reached 56 the scoring accelerated out of this world. I think it took 50 races to get to 56 BUT it took a further 5 to get to 99. The scores were going up 12-14 each race :-)

SA 99.jpg

Now let me explain the methodology here. To accelerate SA I raced in wet conditions with all assists off and AI at 90/90 and used GT4 cars because they are slower and so less chance of accidents ;-) The track I ended up using mostly was Paul Ricard. It is wide, flat, heaps of run off with very little hit and it has that long straight where you can sit in the red zone next to other cars.

Red Proxinity graph.jpg

As in the pic above sitting next to other cars with the red proximity indicator on is the best way to generate SA points.

Now to explain the bars in the graphs, see the last pic where I am at 99. Each green bar is a 50km race at Paul Ricard. The height is determined by how much safety points I generated which was determined by how close (without contact) I was to other cars. So by counting the bars you will see the last 15 are very green (15x50km =750km) and the next 15 that are starting to fade add up to 1,500km. So basically the console is the same as the PC except we only get a graphical interpretation and not hard data. BUT having said that it appears the last 50 races (2,500kms) is shown and perhaps still counted (shrug). They are faded out and also have been scaled down. To verify this look at the previous pics and see the magnitude difference.

This may sound tedious but it actually ended up being quite fun. Where I would just go out and race the AI for fun I got to try different cars, did a lot of wet testing, learned a lot about how the AI thinks (?) and so learned how to avoid them because they will drive straight into you given the chance. Also the higher the AI settings which made for closer racing and so generated more SA points also made the racing fun. I was staring 15th out of 20 all the time so I could work up through the pack and gain that close racing for extra SA as well as the win (9/10 times) and so my RC (Race Craft) also went up..

"What was the point?" I hear you ask. Well I wanted to race online and now I can can chose any lobby. Also with such a huge average SA securely tucked away I don't have to be fearful of losing any valuable points when push comes to shove ;-)

Not mention it is another facet of this game I figured out and beaten ;-) After all, isn't this what gaming is all about.