Should You Use Gamesharks??

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Do you think using a gameshark is bad? I personally think its cheating. at least try and beat the game then have fun for all your hard work.
So, you assume anyone who uses a gameshark is a cheater?, nice to see you`re not narrow minded about the subject then...
GameSharking is not cheating it is enhancing. Besides I can make hybrid cars with it. I can't do that with out a gameshark.crb :rolleyes: :P
My beleif is that Gamesharking is not cheating and agree that is indeed enhancing...... I went through the whole game and defeated it without and now have gone back and restarted with the gameshark....I see no harm in using the gameshark...kinda fun actually........btw if anyone know how to hybrid GT3 with the regular GS2 disk I would appreciate a few tips......😈
On another note- I can't seem to get past 98.0% :confused:


I am Tiberius - Street-Racer - Find me Race me ... but watch out for the traffic and the cops.......they'll catch you but not I
havent really heard anything on the hybrids for gt3 yet but i enjoy beating the game then using the gameshark to enhance it after all hybrid cars are fun for example put an escudo motor into the mini cooper then u have a 981 hp mini now tell me that isnt cool :)
For those who think that using a Gameshark is cheating, btw I use one too, I don't really care HOW I play games, the main thing is that you have fun, even if you use Gameshark and love it more than just playing something straight through. :)
I don't use the GS to beat the game. If I'm impossibly stuck and will never pass it, I will shark it through but I got the shark to do things with the game that couldn't be done otherwise. 2nd player autopilot is one(since I'm so good nobody will play with me, not really, I just don't have any friends)

Hybrids, a little more power than in the game, can't really use more than 1500 or so but it's fast.

Now get this, the GS code that gives the AI better hp,traction,downforce and one more I forget. So its so competitive on the same track, you can have damage on in gt2 if you llike to make it harder still.

There's a code for opening all tracks to race on, street cars on dirt, its a whole incredible world you non gs'ers are missing.
What I think of it is to unlock things that were locked up but are unable to get even if you're the best person in the world for that game. If I had a gameshark, I'd probably only use it when I had friends over. Otherwise it's always just fun winning on your own:D
Cheat cartridges are the only things that keep old games alive, without them I would probably only have two decent games left and a whole heap of black coasters ;)

well thats it.. i'm lost..
To unlock hidden things, do tricks, et cetera, the GS springs new life into games. Besides, for the GT series, you can make more difficult AI opponents, which handicaps you, not the game! You can race any car on a rally track with a GS, that's not really cheating. But using a code to race a Viper in a race for ~98hp, that's wasting your time.

But if you're using it to defeat a game for the first time, you're really just cheating yourself. There are codes that virtually do everything for you but get a cold one out of the refrigerator.