Silent Hill 3... Anyone ?

  • Thread starter Flerbizky


Has anyone tried Silent Hill 3 yet. As far I can see an read in reviews it rulez...

Is it out allready ? just goes to show i keep up with this kind of stuff :P

I don't know if i will get it allthough it looks great and everything ..But for me these kind of games have no playability life ..I've got the 2nd one.. Completed it and i,ve not played it since...

I might rent it for a couple of days :)
Apparently I am but a misinformed worm who spreads lies and misinformation... I read a review in a game mag and just assumed that it was out... :grumpy:

I humbly apologise for my behaviour and will crawl back to my place under the rock...

The screenshots in the mag looks BALLS though... Hang on a few secs while I dump them in my scanner...





I WILL look deeper into this and hear IF they have the game already... More later...

edit: Sorry about the crappy quality. I blame it on the Agfa Snapscan
Heh, this is why i love silent hill. They go for the "make you piss your pants constantly" scary, while Resident Evil goes for the Give you a mild scare every so often:)
Originally posted by space
Heh, this is why i love silent hill. They go for the "make you piss your pants constantly" scary, while Resident Evil goes for the Give you a mild scare every so often:)
And THAT is exactly why I want it.. LIKE YESTERDAY DAMMIT ! :grumpy:

Still haven't gotten an answer from the editor... Will tell you when I do..
I just bought SH2 for the PC, and I must say it looks damn fine at 1024 x 768. It also has preview movies of SH3. A bargain at $20, metinks. :)
It may just be that I'm accustomed to using a Dual Shock, but having the shoulder buttons comes in handy. Someone who hasn't played it on PS2 or Xbox would probably be able to use the keyboard just fine.
Well - Gamez Magazine does indeed have, what used to be the final game. Except Konami decided on some small changes (he won't tell) hence the release date pushed from late april to may the 20th...

How the FU** the managed to get their stupid little hands on an exclusive first review agreement with Konami is beyond my comprehension :grumpy:

Searches office for his camouflage suit and nightvision goggles

edit: A little more from the Editor in Chief. Bit of a let-down actually.. Their tester completed SH3 in around 12 hours. Seems a bit short for me.... And another thing : Their sources at Sony also says that GT4 will be at E3 but won't hit the streets b4 Q1 :grumpy: So suck it up guys. Looks like it is GT3 for a little while more...
I don't recall the exact number, but I'm pretty sure that I finished both SH 1 and 2 in well under 12 hours each. But I likes 'em a littleon the short side anyway...
SH3...29th May its due out in the UK, i believe that Konami are releasing it in the UK before Japan and the US...(dont know why) but when i play it i will be sure to give you all a full account so as to know what to look forward too...
my time for completing SH2 is 7h 12 mins in Hard/Hard mode...and SH1 a little longer...

i have had Sh2 since it came out and have just also bought the directors cut last month, i have completed the bonus Maria scenario first time ever in 1h 37 mins but i am sure i can do it faster second time now i know where to go...

i havent played the main scenario on the platinum disc yet....does anyone know if its much different than the original SH2 main scenario?...says on the back of the box that there are new places and items and that just in the Maria scenes or are there bonus sequences in the main scenario too....??

i will play it this weekend startting at 9pm and hopefully finish it by 5am...we shall see...