slipSHOTS: GT5

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
Loving your presentation style Slipz, you really put some effort into them and it shows in overall quality 👍
I like the pictures and the way you presented them. I notice you included rumble strips in all of them and that you tilted the camera down in order to be able to photograph the cars from a lower angle - nice key note. ;)
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The main 4 all kinda have the same angles and feel but all are really strong in their own way. Bold and sharp, really well done slip!
That is one mean looking Ford..... :drool: That alone would have been a brilliant photo for an update but to combine it with those other 3 is something else! You've really got the corner angles down to an art now, that Prius shot is remarkable, how did you get that car to look so good?!




(click on images for full-size)

Update Info: Figured an update was needed after the Auto-Resizing feature's been implemented into the boards. One of my most favourite cars, some HDR shots similar to what Aston did with the DBS back when it was new, so I figured why not play off their ad for the One-77? Will be redoing the front-page to play nice with the auto-resize. Enjoy!

Morf - Thanks! The Prius is actually kind of fun to drive!

T12 - Out of business? The more the merrier round these parts :D

SVX - Heh, that's exactly why I kept it, that reaction.

S4A - I really need to take the GT out again somewhere suitably evil. It's an awesome car... and the sound, oh, the sound. I demand anybody who hasn't yet driven it to go buy it and equip the race exhaust. Car pays for itself after that.

Sixtoes - I've actually been lazy lately, these are all pretty basic Photoshop dealings. I do have something more advanced planned, but it's taking forever to set up...

Fido - You're too kind, sir! :cheers:

TVR - Thought you might like that one. Those kinds of shots always work well with the Elise, I find. Shows off the curves 👍

Swiss - :D. You may have just guessed what the original plan was for the GT. I didn't want to do an HDR motion shot, though... but what the hell, that's part of the advantage of this being GT!

Bram - I can fake it! The presentation didn't have a lot of thought put in that time, at least not on the level of the Bullitt work. Just a black bar to tie some previews together, and some quotes! You'll like what's coming more, though...

Chromey - Thank you, it photographs quite nicely as long as we stay a way's away.

Magic - I realized I haven't done many racing shots, so these had to fill the gap. Rumble strips are necessary then! ;)

RG - Yeah, didn't realize how similar they all were until I got the presentation done up. I guess corner blurs just give more of an action feeling when it comes to pass attempts... but gotta find some new angles!

Sej - Seasonals man, they do all the work for me! :lol:

Moglet - Kind of surprising, huh? I couldn't believe the Prius almost was, wait for it... sporty! It handles pretty decently, has a nice slug of torque, and obviously with a stiffened suspension, likes to dance :D

Es - I might, yeah, provided they're cars I enjoy. I didn't bother with the C4 since it wasn't a road car and didn't mesh with the update. As for the Z... I don't have one :(

S12ken - Mwa ha ha, I figured everyone would get a chuckle out of that one. CR-Z didn't stand a chance!
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Thats really nice, presentation is top notch. Nice choice of car colour.
Off topic if you have a chance take a quick peek at my gallery as I would really like to know what you think
Finally Some Aston Love,don't know why this beauty got neglected by the Photography pros such a wonderful car Brilliant job Kyle
Great location, it suits the DB9 pretty darn well. Hmm, you don't see the DB9 very often around these parts, I wonder why. Perhaps we're all pining for a DBS or a One-77. Excellent update nonetheless, Astons are always so gorgeous, I'm going to have to shoot my DB9 soon.
Nice post-processing on the DB9 photos. The small one from the rear is my favourite. 👍

Also, a big :lol: at the Prius caption.
I wish I had the time to do seasonal events. Matter of fact, I wish I had time to do any event at all! :( At least I have your awesome pics and from others to enjoy. :) This batch looks very business, I love it. Nice font choice, too! :D
The DB9 looks sexy indeed, and the location suits the car pretty well. A pity about the road texture on the last one :scared:. Nice presentation as well. 👍
These look like they could be real promotional photos 👍 I like the last one especially, every inch of that car is pure art!
Gotta love the weapon of choices gallery, my battery is bigger than yours lol, autoresizing seem to have molested your awesome front page quite badly :(.
:drool: That DB9 is just incredible. Simple as that. Great great location, it really suits the car well. Hints of HDR? Im just floored by it man.



(click on images for full-size)

Update Info: Well, this had to be done... another round involving the fun Seasonal Events! The i-Miev is painted the Legnum's Trigger Mauve Pearl, I already had the Volvo as it was going to be my Snowy White PMC entry before the Evora, the Challenger you may remember from this previous update, where it's since had some small changes. The Golf is painted my favourite mkIV colour and is a really sweet drive around the 'Ring on stock rubber. Enjoy!

Spyda - Thanks sir, will do my next go-round of the galleries!

SirClive - Really? One of my least favourite in the gallery... but glad someone likes it!

SVX & TVR - Thank you both of you, 1 is undoubtedly my favourite as well :).

Sems - Cheers! I think the reason we don't see a lot of Aston is because many of us have seen it for years in Prologue. Even though there was no Photomode... we want the shiny newness!

Rev - Yeah, there weren't a lot of locations that felt right with the Aston, but Lucern works mighty well. And yes, hurry and shoot yours, there is no such thing as too much Aston!

Photographer - Like I said to Rev... can't go wrong with Aston love 👍

GPR - Thanks! #1 is in my folder of "shots I should print... someday" :D

Diabolical - I almost had that shot as the main large image, but I liked how the lighting gave a halo effect in the one I did chose, but not the normal HDR-halo effect, just actual lighting. Hope you like this eco-car as much :lol:.

Sejtur - Next time you get an hour or so with the game, do them! It's an easy 3 million for all 5, and it encourages buying some fun new cars! I only had to buy 2 this time around, so more profit for me. The font was hard to match exactly with Aston's ad work, but I got pretty close, thanks!

Ken & Magic Racer - Thank you, thank you :cheers:

Luis - Yeah, I was hoping nobody would look at the textures for too long! :lol:

Moglet - High praise indeed, thank you very much :). I look forward to whenever you get around to doing some Aston work!

Onion - Gotta love the fact the Prius isn't utterly terrible to drive! Yeah, weekend gallery business: fixing the front page...

Swiss - Thanks Swiss, I've been making an effort to get cars in the right location; the colour and surrounding area seem to affect shots more than the specific model, really. Yep, a bit of HDR - they're 5-shot images, but I didn't want to go overboard, just bring out the sky and reflection details 👍
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Very cool! Lots of variety in this update. How you got the i-Miev sideways I'll never know. :P
Nice wheel choice on the C30 too, I've always had a bit of a thing for that car, it's so quirky-cool. I love the first Challenger pic, I believe I took one myself of a very similar idea, the Challenger peeking out behind the car ahead doing big smokey powerslides. Very nicely done :D
Those seasonal events are so handy to have! I did the Challenger one as well. Demolished them and was ready to take some photos and accidently pressed exit :ouch:. Too lazy to go back in race it again. The shots look great slip. All very crisp and clean, vibrant colors, lots of action, and 1 important thing 99% of my shots have been lacking, other vehicles. That was one of the reasons I was going to take some shots of the Challenger to mix it up, but I fail. Keep up the great work! Favs are the two i-mauve shots and the first challenger shot 👍
:lol: Those captions are brilliant not as brilliant as the photos though ,always a pleasure watching your work Kyle The challenger shots are my favourite. 👍