slipSHOTS: GT5

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
BMW 1 Series (7th pic) is my favorite. The white car, white strip, blue sky, composition, and sense of speed are great. Well done again.
Very cool stuff! My favorite has to be the Evora 👍 While the colors and HDR are very well done, the detail that gets me the most is how you were able to show the grooves in the road (further brought out by HDR.) I've never been able to pull off a decent driving shot with high shutter speed, you nailed it.


(click on numbers for full-size)

Update Info: A quick one while he's away... I'll be away for a few days, and have a small collection of Jag shots I wanted to share. The new XKR-S was inspiration... this is missing the wild bodykit and new headlights, but it's got the specs right. A lot of fun at La Sarthe - barreling down the straight over 300kph and all. There will be more shots with North America's GT Academy champion, but they'll be later. Enjoy!

20832 - Thanks! I'm glad someone likes the RX-7 shot, as I was least happy with that one before posting :)

ashes619 - Heh, I wonder how many people didn't know it'd happen, which is why I edited the update to make it a bit more clear!

Primus Ortus - The 1-series shot is one of my favourites... but probably because I did one very very similar a while ago ;).

rev91 - Thanks!

Dolp - It just wouldn't be right to go to Indy and not take at least one!

ceiling_fan - My favourite's the Evora too; the colour turned out wonderfully. High shutter speeds are hit and miss for me too, but that one just felt right. Thanks :cheers:

Nato_777 - Glad to hear, hope you like this one too!

FishyJuice - :embarrassed:
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I just love number 2 and 5. Amazing stuff, again.
And that is French Blue, right? ;)
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Great set and format. I like all of the shots, but the fifth shot is amazing. I love the texture of the road in combination with the perspective of the Jag. Great sense of action. The tones are well done, but I'm still undecided about the color of the car. (Just a personal preference, not an observation on the quality of the picture, which is great.)
Great updates Slip, how about you post some bad pics so I can say something different :P
Nice updated dude! The soft blue looks really nice on the XKR-S. And the presentation of the shots is pretty clever as well. Nicely done! 👍




(click on text for full-size)

Update Info: This took a fair bit of planning ;). I wanted to get some of the old GT4 vets together now that we all can finally race each other. Some couldn't make it, but considering we had to find a time suitable for both California and Australia, I think we did pretty well. It was a lot of fun to "meet" everyone. If you're wondering who's in what car, the names roughly match up to their locations in the image. Enjoy!

Dice - I don't know if that will subside this update or not...

FishyJuice - French Blue indeed! No other option, really!

Primus Ortus - Yeah, the fifth is my favourite too; I was trying to portray that feeling of slow-motion, like the R8 in the Prologue intro, actually. The colour takes some getting used to, I'll admit, but it was done only because of Jag's own press shots of the real car :)

SVX - Clever :lol:. Thanks!

Nato_777 - Thanks! I've grown to really enjoy it, as it's now replaced my previous XKR as my "personal" ride.

725 - Heh, I'm on it! Promise! :P

Grand Prix - :cheers:

TVR - Definitely a favourite, it seems, glad people are liking it so much.

arsenal1992 - As FJ guessed above, it's French Blue (from Triumph, since there's two other companies with it as well).

rpanico14 - I've said it before, and I'll say it again: layouts are a lot of fun, and they really keep things interesting. I recommend them for everyone!

440 - Thank you 440, good to see you popping in! Shame you couldn't make it!
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Damn, the pics of the Jaguar are so... blue. I mean, BLUE. Heck, the tail-lights are supposed to look THAT blue? O_o

anyway, the second picture hits me. Where is that? I want those lines.
Nice! I need to get working on the pics I shot at the meetup... I've been holidaying the past week so haven't had the chance to! Nice shots though! And great to meet you guys also :)
Impressive work. Lighting, reflections, perspective and all other variables have been taken into account and the result is just great. Well done. 👍
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The title says it all :)

About the pics, both are stunning! The edit is really nice!!! And racing at Daytona with all those guys, gotta be great!! Nice selection of cars as well!! :)

Great panel too :)


(click on image for full-size)

Update Info: The Hangar returns, August 1st...

Nato_777 - Thanks!

Cano - For some reason, they really hung onto the blue hue. It was something I forgot to touch-up during the final editing, woops!

ceiling_fan - It is an epic 8C, isn't it? :D

Dice - Maybe you should start posting shots more often then... ;)

Rev - The amount of shots in a whole group setting are kind of limited, but there's a lot of fun duels to be watched if you're patient 👍

TVR - Yep, the first shot's my preferred one as well!

Skython - Thanks, I'm glad they went over so well for so many people!

Magic Racer - Good to see you back, sir, thank you as always :cheers:

NTX - It was a lot of fun, and we're hoping to organize another one before summer ends... what say you? ;)

FishyJuice - You don't see many group shots at Aso, it seems...
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