SMS: Can We Use Our Wheels & DS4 At The Same Time Please? RESOLVED IN PATCH 2.0PS4 

  • Thread starter VBR

PS4 Wheel users; would you like to be able to use your wheel & DS4 at the same time?

  • Total voters
I think he meant exactly what he said. It's still incorrect though.

Anyway, back on topic. DS4 & wheel at the same time please!
I read an article on IGN just yesterday where they said Logitech were updating the software for their Harmony remotes so they'd work with PS4 but they couldn't get them to turn the console on, you had to use the pad first then the remote would work, so I was just going by what they said.

the only device other than my pad I have is my T300 and that doesn't turn the PS4 on, only works after using the DS to power the console up. what did you use to turn the console on? signal via HDMI CEC? that might work. if you have a remote that works let me know which one because I need one.
I'm thinking more & more that this game is still gonna be unplayable even when the Fanatec fix for my GT2 is released in 1.4, because I just cannot navigate menus on a wheel.

Just for that reason? Don't get me wrong, I would definitely prefer to use a controller, but is spending a few extra seconds on the menus really game breaking?
Just for that reason? Don't get me wrong, I would definitely prefer to use a controller, but is spending a few extra seconds on the menus really game breaking?

Yes, for me it is. Having to use a Fanatec GT2 to navigate the game is clunky & slow compared to a controller. And remember what @Awong124 said, sometimes in certain menus you need to use analog sticks as they're the only thing that works. I don't want to keep having to turn my wheel off & my DS4 on every few minutes.

what did you use to turn the console on?

The power button on the front! ;)
Yes, for me it is. Having to use a Fanatec GT2 to navigate the game is clunky & slow compared to a controller. And remember what @Awong124 said, sometimes in certain menus you need to use analog sticks as they're the only thing that works. I don't want to keep having to turn my wheel off & my DS4 on every few minutes.

The power button on the front! ;)
ha i was really hoping that was not what you meant... :rolleyes:
so my point still stands? we can't even turn the console on with our wheels, just the pad? also i did not know you could use pad and wheel at the same time in The Crew. that gives me some hope.
Yes, for me it is. Having to use a Fanatec GT2 to navigate the game is clunky & slow compared to a controller. And remember what @Awong124 said, sometimes in certain menus you need to use analog sticks as they're the only thing that works. I don't want to keep having to turn my wheel off & my DS4 on every few minutes.

I think most of us want this so we can assign more functions. Looks like it's getting noticed on their forum. Good job!
The most important benefit of dual control is being able to assign extra functions to the DS4 or a bluetooth keyboard for driving would be very helpful. 2 player games on PS2/3 allow one wheel input and one controller or 2 controllers at once.

An alternative solution for the driving would be to allow one button to be programmed as a "shift" or switch button that would allow buttons to be programmed with a secondary function. For example the shift button and arrows could be used for moving the seat position. Other functions that aren't needed so immediately but could still be used include.

-Request Pit Stop
-Changing brake bias/rollbars
-Turning driving aids on or off
-Ignition/Starting engine


From a menu navigation point of view using the wheel's direction arrows adds a lot of unecessary extra wear and tear. In my case Thrustmaster aren't exactly known for their robust buttons. So again dual control would be a big benefit.
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More than navigate trough the menus, the use of the DS4 with the wheel at the same time is use it as a button box. Right now i have to choose between "look around" or change the HUD, turn the lights and the windscreen wippers... that's really sad.

With the DS4, i could use the wheel's D-Pad to look around and the controller to others stuff.
I just PM'd Ian Bell regarding this issue, let's hope we get a response SMSoon!

It's been one week since I posted a similar thread to this one over on the official Project CARS forum, & so far there has not even been any kind of reply from SMS. Not even a quick one simply acknowledging the issue. Certain people at SMS are very quick to get involved in threads on the forum, so sad that they've chosen not to respond to this issue yet.

Ever since PCARS was released... I've got the feeling they've been very slow in responding to issues, or potential improvements.
On PS3 Logitech wireless keyboard works fine along with G27 and controller. Perhaps the USB ports are prioritized.

On PS3, having wheel plugged into the first (left hand side) USB port will limit the functions of the controller wireless or physical using the second (logical or physical) port. The keyboard works no matter what.

I think somewhat the same thing is happening on the PS4. I will try this evening to use my keyboard on the PS4.
But I really cant help much because I have a G27 and it wont work on the PS4. But someone with Thrustmaster and wireless keyboard can do the test. Just use the first (left hand side) USB port for the wheel.

I would love to hear that Logitech will address G27 issue with console vendors and allow it to be used next gen.
The only reason to not do that is Logitech wanting to make consumers spend more money.
I'd like this to be implemented too. Navigating menu's and trying to type a message using a wheel is quite a chore. Using the controller (DS3/4) is soooo much easier.

Hopefully someone will notice and it gets added. How hard can it be?
And it will be easier for the use of the move the camera for instance
Please hear our complains SMS!!!
We have had responses from Richard Steer (User Interface Programmer) & Stephan Viljoen (Game Director/Designer) over at SMS;

Yes, it is possible to manage multiple controllers in different contexts, where some keypress on some controller might interfere with another, and handle some kind of hierarchy of input focus, there are many complications to do with how the active controller binds to the OS, and what happens when various controllers are plugged in or unplugged at different times - honestly if I gave you all the details you'd be here for days. And if we were a mature product such as the ones mentioned elsewhere in this thread, which have had vastly more man hours of design and coding time to fine tune and fix these issues, then we would have the setup that you expect. But this is a first generation product. It is shiny new just off the factory floor.

Multiple input controller handling for an interface system fundamentally designed for single input, non hierarchical, focus lead input, on a brand new platform with a new API, for an unreleased title, is NOT 'basic'.

To back up Richard here, it has been on our radar for a good while, from before release, but had to be prioritized for post release. It's not a simple flick-a-switch and it works, as Richard explained very clearly.

As I thought, this issue is already logged on our bug database. I will update the bug report with a link to this thread, so if anyone has any further information they would like to add, do so here and it will be available to the coder who fixes this - likely to be JamesB as he specialises in controller issues; though it could be me if it comes more under GUI specific code.

I will also add in the notes that the task priority needs looking at, given the discussions here!

Thanks to Richard & Stephan for responding to the issue. If you have anything further to add, then I suggest that you do so respectfully in the thread on the Project CARS forum.

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Sounds like we won't be getting it anytime soon. Project CARS 2 maybe.
What a shame. I would have liked some more positive news (a date or timescale?).

I think what Richard Steer said was very promising actually, he said; "I will also add in the notes that the task priority needs looking at, given the discussions here!", so it will probably be given a higher priority & we'll get it sooner that it was scheduled to be implemented.

I don't get it. The Crew on PS4 allowed the use of T300RS and Dualshock 4 at the same time no problem. Why Project CARS and Driveclub can't do it?
I don't get it. The Crew on PS4 allowed the use of T300RS and Dualshock 4 at the same time no problem. Why Project CARS and Driveclub can't do it?

It's not a case of not being able to do it, but a case of priorities, & SMS are already aware of this issue. has been on our radar for a good while, from before release, but had to be prioritized for post release.

The good news it that the priority of the issue is gonna be re-evaluated, so we will get it sooner than we would've otherwise.

I will also add in the notes that the task priority needs looking at, given the discussions here!

I don't know if anyone said this already, but since PCARS is fundamentally a one player game, couldn't the controller be set up for use by controller 2 (Player 2/Red light/Guest) on PS4? With the "2nd Players" only ability being user interface control? Or is this what everyone is already suggesting? Because I'd understand that there would be complications with 2 controllers registered under controller one on a home console, but the 2nd player thing could be an option, right?
This issue has been resolved in Patch 2.0; "Added support for the use of all active controllers for menu input. You can for example now use a steering wheel to race, and a gamepad to control the menus and photo mode."

Thanks SMS!


As far as I can see, this is not the only issue people are asking to be resolved. It is a lack of keys in race as well.

Certainly like the idea of being able to navigate the menus properly:cheers: but we need more buttons in race as well:confused::confused::confused:

Edit: Added from OP:
Awong124 said
There are also a lot of things the game simply doesn't allow you to do with the wheel alone. You can't scroll things that require the right analog stick to scroll, like I can't even see some of the lap times the during practice and qualifying because I can't scroll up and down that list. You also can't take photos because you can't move the camera around without the analog sticks.

Edit 2: From the patch notes:

Enable support for USB keyboards to be used for in-game controls.:cheers::cheers::gtpflag::gtpflag::gtpflag::bowdown:
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@VBR , well done, you deserve some credit for this feature to be re-prioritised.

This is only one example among many others that SMS mean it when they say that they listen to the community.