Snail Division 3 - January Season

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United States
Fort Worth/Texas
Division Manager -

Host: @racingchamp30
Backup Host: @TEX36

Opens and manages the lobby, including qualifying and race start times.

Backup Scorekeeper: @JLBowler

Live scoring, updating the score sheet after each race.

Replay Uploader: @racingchamp30
Backup Replay Uploader: @Drummer79

Upload race replays. Deadline to upload is 8PM EST Monday. (If replays are not uploaded by then, we are subject to lose prizes for that week)

Data Specialist:
Backup Data Specialist:

Enter race details, stats post race and post them to the main thread.

Backup Data Texter:

Post pertinent messages in the lobby. Also post messages to any non-Snails that join the lobby.

Driver List:
@Drummer79 (NEP)
@MajorBlixem (HON)
@JLBowler (HON)
@CdnSweetTee (NEP)
@Tier1_bear7 (NEP)
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Please let me know who can fulfill which duty for the January season. Happy new years :cheers:
Unless another member has stepped forward, I will be the Backup Host for our Division.
Thank you for your faithful and dependable Hosting each week, RC.
I'll take scorekeeper when I'm there. Fair warning that I will not be there for every race night so finding a dependable back-up, or primary and making me the back-up, is highly advisable.
I'm interested in the details of being a scorekeeper. My attendance is high, but not always 100%. My tech savey is high for my age. Sadly it's an inverse proportion, so with my advanced years the tech savey is low by today's standards. Still not bad though. I had a similar conversation a year ago. Any way, I'm interested.
I just wanted to post and just say I had a really great time last night. I was a bit nervous with this being my Snail debut, and I hope I did alright.
On that note I would also like to ask for feedback or input, from anyone who raced last night, on my performance last night. Did anything stick out to anyone that I can concentrate on improving(braking points, cornering, etc), or did I interfere with anyone's lines?
Any feedback, good or bad, is welcome.
I just wanted to post and just say I had a really great time last night. I was a bit nervous with this being my Snail debut, and I hope I did alright.
On that note I would also like to ask for feedback or input, from anyone who raced last night, on my performance last night. Did anything stick out to anyone that I can concentrate on improving(braking points, cornering, etc), or did I interfere with anyone's lines?
Any feedback, good or bad, is welcome.

You did well last night. Over time you race in Snail you will find where your preferred braking point over others is. When i started in Snail back in 2013 in GT6, i had to learn not just what my braking line was to go faster but as well be behind a faster driver to see how i can go faster over time with clean passing and racing. Welcome to D3 and glad you have enjoyed yourself. As well patience is key to advancing to each position before going into first during the race. It will feel natural to you the longer you race in Snail and having fun while doing it.
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I see I'm listed as scorekeeper. I would like to sign up for the training seminar. lol.
@racingchamp30 @JLBowler

I never done the scoring so i wouldn't know how to do the whole scoring thing. I think i might have added you to scorekeeper by accident. Did you want me to take your nickname off as scorekeeper?
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I just wanted to post and just say I had a really great time last night. I was a bit nervous with this being my Snail debut, and I hope I did alright.
On that note I would also like to ask for feedback or input, from anyone who raced last night, on my performance last night. Did anything stick out to anyone that I can concentrate on improving(braking points, cornering, etc), or did I interfere with anyone's lines?
Any feedback, good or bad, is welcome.

It is exactly one year ago I first raced in SNAIL. You did waaayy better in your debut than I did in mine. Your car control was good. You dealt with traffic well. And you turned consistent lap times. Everything that makes a good racer. Were you fast? No. (Big lol there). I was initially slow (read "moving pylon"), but I have improved. It's taken time and I work at it. I can now occasionally hang with the pack for a bit. I'm a mid-field kind of guy trying for the front.

Here's what I saw in the replays, from my rookie point of view:
- Your basics are great.
- Areas where you can improve: braking ( braking point? how much? how long?), conferring ( gear? apex early/late/mid?), when to accelerate/exit point. I actually just cut and pasted my "to-do" list here.

What I do to improve:
- I get as much track time as possible for each combo.
- My biggest gains have been from talking to fellow racers on track and getting critiques (not to be confused with criticisms) about my driving. Thanks @the_jw1010 @SAMHAIN85 @Fudman420 @Neutty @llNovall I know there are others. Thanks. I especially enjoyed one lobby, attended by many, where Sam described his approach to Barcelona in a Gr 3 car (I think). He did a track walk of the circuit pointing out things; brake points, cameras, poles, lines. My "Aha moment" was when I learned turn 9 involved a tap of the brakes, not my enthusiastic squeeze.
- I revisit the "Track Experiences" where applicable. Try to beat my new friends times.
- I have watched online guides of tracks and instructional videos
- I watch replays of SNAIL races. They can be found by searching for replays using the format YYYYMMDDDxRxRx (year, month, date, div, round, race, redundant? lol). So div 3's first race on Sunday is found searching for "20210110d3r1r1". It's kind of after the fact, but there is still much for me to learn about tracks and one combo is a repeat, like the BMW at Spa. I've even gone so far as to video a lap of interest, then in my photos I have much more control over slo-mo, which I use to locate brake points, lines, how much brake, what gear, hit gas mark. There's lots of leeway in there and often (always) I just can't brake as late as the div 1 guys.
- I pay attention to the characteristics of each car re" hp curve and rpm drop during shifts. Doesn't often figure in the grand scheme of things, but it does affect where I decide to shift. And there are exceptions. The Toyota Mr2 this week was one. It's peak hp is at 6000 rpm, below the HUD bar (is there a name for that thing?). Once the bar starts to move across the HUD your hp is dropping and after 1/4 HUD it's dropping like a stone. Short shifting and low rpms are your friend. Much more so last week when this car was at The Nurburgring GP and low rpms up the hill paid off in spades, just @FooleyCooley and @JamCar0ne . People were actually checking their hp. But this exercise is mostly for my amusement.

I'll close with the usual platitudes:
"Slow in, fast out."
"Focus down the track."
"Keep your eyes up."
"Squeeze the brakes (gas)"
"No substitute for seat time"
Every last one of them is true. I should make it my warm up mantra....I think I will.

In the words of some famous racer that I'm about to misquote: "Sports car racing is just a series of drag races, interspersed by corners." Hope this wasn't too long. OK. It was. Welcome and I'm looking forward to some good racing with you.
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I never done the scoring so i wouldn't know how to do the whole scoring thing. I think i might have added you to scorekeeper by accident. Did you want me to take your nickname off as scorekeeper?
I have never done score keeping either, so yes remove me as scorekeeper. Still interested in it though.
From what I saw on the couple of replays I was able to watch, I might be a bit biased but I thought you did great for your debut(we won’t even get into my debut).
Just like others have mentioned, practice and observing those fast drivers will pay dividends.
Keep doing what you’re doing and as long as your having fun doing it, you’ll be fine here!:cheers:
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I see I'm listed as scorekeeper. I would like to sign up for the training seminar. lol.
@racingchamp30 @JLBowler

I never done the scoring so i wouldn't know how to do the whole scoring thing. I think i might have added you to scorekeeper by accident. Did you want me to take your nickname off as scorekeeper?

I have never done score keeping either, so yes remove me as scorekeeper. Still interested in it though.

SNAIL used to do "workshops" that would cover duties. Maybe it's time we do one again for scores and data entry. I'll post in the main thread about it. Reply there if you're interested
Was disconnected from lobby right when I was asking for votes and didn't get them. So what are your votes?

EDIT: never mind, used the save video function to go back and look.
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Was disconnected from lobby right when I was asking for votes and didn't get them. So what are your votes?

EDIT: never mind, used the save video function to go back and look.

I'm interested, what's the "save video function"?
The January season is done and I'm happy to see how well everyone performed. There was good racing and some welcome additions, @CdnSweetTee , @Tier1_bear7 , @Drummer79 . A workshop was held by @SAMHAIN85 on how to do some of the duties involved in the operation of the league. It was well attended and I now feel capable of doing scoring and data entry, as well as my oh so taxing job as texter. lol. Thanks @JamCar0ne for picking up the slack last night. I tend to save and look at the replays of our league nights anyway, so I thought I could do data entry, which I believe can be dealt with after racing is over, as I'm crazy busy race night texting. lol. And I still missed 2 randos last night while I was on a bio break.

The workshop was good, but I would like to book a party chat with someone to get a refresher and pick up any hints and tips for the process. This is only if my application is successful, of course.

I did have access to the scoresheet last night and found it interesting to watch the fill process. I might be interested in swapping data entry with scoring on occasion. Here's to next season.
That's my first season done. Joining this league was a little intimidating for me so thanks to everyone for being so welcoming and willing to help. I can't begin to say how appreciative I am of the patience you've all shown me as I learn the ropes and do my best to stay out of the way when I need to:)

I'm definitely looking forward to the next season and having fun racing with you all!
Here is the data summary for last Sunday

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