SNAIL Racing Club Corral of Assetto Corsa-(PS4 console version)

  • Thread starter llNovall
United States
Bel Air, MD
Welcome to the SNAIL Racing Club Community of Assetto Corsa (PS4) to help coordinate impromtu races, setup and stage events, and to discuss tuning hints and tips.

All GT Planet and SNAIL OLR rules will be recognized and adhered to during SNAIL organized races or events.

Please post your interest to participate in any events hosted by this club here in the forum and I will send you an invite to join the PSN SNAIL Racing Club Corral Community. Once the invite is accepted, I will update the driver's list below and add you to the PSN group message board. Looking forward to seeing some familiar racers.

PSN Drivers List
PSN/gtplanet id
II-NOVA-II @llNovall
USERID_77a23 @USERID_77a23
flip_jj @FlipJ
vsfit @vsfit
McTrucker000 @McTrucker
Z06fun @z06fun
GOTDIRT410sp (?GTPlanet ID)
DesertPenguin09 @DesertPenguin09
Alex_ONeil @Alex ONeill
OMG_mang @TomMang_68
Schmiggz @Schmiggz
gtr3123 @gtr3123

New Members
HeyZeusss666 @pretend racer
Dimse91 @Dimse91

With private lobbies coming to consoles in the near future when we can see what they will support, I will be planning a weekly series for our club. Check back later.
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While we wait for a decent online to get implemented, this might be the best solution.
Will there be a community on PSN?
I'm still new to the group and community options on psn for ps4, but as we get a decent driver's list started, I will try to start something.
If you get a community going, it's probably easier still to get people to join impromptu, because you get notified of community stuff on the PS4. I, for one, never check the threads here when I'm playing, so it could make things easier.

It's really easy to set up, there's no mystery.
Is this the American racing?
Snail hosts a very organized and very large GT6 Club League. This forum is to allow familiar faces from that club to organize and race together on Assetto Corsa. I will vouche for any Snail member you race as the cleanest bunch of sim racers, so if you see any names in game that are on this list feel free to drop in. Just please be respectful of the other racers from this group and they will gladly welcome you to race.
Japan Cup at Mugello
Started 11:53pm est
(MX5 Cup)

**Edit: Closed 12:20am est
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Marco posted this on facebook (and someone posted it to /r/assettocorsa, which is how I found it):

"Marco Massarutto

Ok, let's clarify this before it becomes the bigger flame of the year.

By today, Kunos Simulazioni is part of Digital Bros Family, and me and Stefano by today are shareholders of Digital Bros. That's it. We are still the founders of Kunos, we are still IN, also keeping our respective positions and responsabilities, with just few exceptions: the budget we'll manage by now doesn't come anymore from our personal profits, but from Digital Bros, our bigger AC fan. Keeping the same policy, strategies, DNA, development team, goals. So, if this news would not been made public, you couldn't realize that something is changed, because - by a gamer/simracer point of view - nothing is going to change.

The reason why this news comes like a bombshell is because Digital Bros is a listed company, therefore this kind of operation must a) kept confidential until the negotiation is over, b) go public when is done. That's it.

For whom are afraid that today a piece of their simracing world has gone, let me remind them that Digital Bros has published - under its label 505Games - the console version of Assetto Corsa, and it doesn't seem to me that AC on PS4/XB1 is an arcade game: definetely it isn't. Therefore, before to scream in any direction that "Kunos has been bought, The World is Over", please sit down, breath and think. Because the only news you should be interested is that by today, we have more resources, time and power to do our job, even better than before.

So: think easier, live better, stay strong. The Future is Bright.

Have a nice weekend"

Obviously, this is coming from a very interested party, but seems to me that, at least for now, we can chill a bit and wait before saying that the end is nigh (which I know no one had said, but still).
Hey Snails,
Below is a link for a nicely organized and easy to use leaderboard.
Create your username as it appears on PSN, and then edit your profile. Each time you set a lap record in a race for yourself or just hotlapping you can easily record it using your smartphone or computer. Remember to supply a screenshot to verify the time and conditions and leave any notes specific to your laptime (wheel type, stock, tire type, abs/tc,etc). Its a good way to practice since you can search by: track and car, or by driver and car, and see where you stack up against other drivers. Enjoy.

@USERID_77a23 @vsfit @gtr3123 @aerolite @Mike Lobban @SGETI @Raw10_2u @TomMang_68 @FlipJ @ONESPACE @Schmiggz @DesertPenguin09 @Gr8_Lakes
@Alex ONeill
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That is pretty cool indeed.
Let's get some times going?

How about a group challenge per week, where we choose a track/car combo and we have until Sunday to post a time? Anyone up for that?
That is pretty cool indeed.
Let's get some times going?

How about a group challenge per week, where we choose a track/car combo and we have until Sunday to post a time? Anyone up for that?
I have already dropped a few times at the Nurburgring GP GT course, and one at the Red Bull GP course. It is a nice feature.
I would definitely be down for a combo competition each week. Great idea. If there is enough interest, I'll modify the OP to include the time trial rules and deadlines. Anyone else interested, please reply and we'll try to get this ball rolling.
I'm game for it. It's a way to compete without having to be online at a set time and everything else.
Already updated the Op to get us started. I will put deatils together in the next day or 2 to get us hopefully started for the February month.