So... you all ready for the draft?

  • Thread starter milefile
Because if Bush is re-elected there will be a draft. That's right. Scores of young Americans sent to their deaths for oil and Bush's ego. Everybody knows we'll be at war with Iraq, Iran, Syria, North Korea, and France for ever. Where else will all the fresh meat come from?
I dont think there will be a draft. Even bush said it plain and simple "There will be no draft as long as i'm in office" or something close to that nature. But then again there could be something to change his mind that occurs but I dont really know. I dont know if I would be able to be drafted regardless.
I'm ready. I hope they do start drafting people - democrats first. Then maybe I can go over there and die for oil. I can't wait to shoot some Iraqis - er wait - was it Al Qaeda - oh well what's the difference. As long as I get to kill innocent people with brown skin I'm fine with it.

Anaconda must be a democrat.

They should start sending over minorities, don't you think?

Your logic is flawed, milefile. We won't be at war with France forever. They pre-emptively surrendered.
Come on lets face it..

Draft soldier = Cannon Fodder

sorry, but its true :lol:
The draft is useless, the US has a professional army. They are worth 10 draft soldiers each ( at least!, the SAS would say 30!) There is no need for a draft army unless you start to take "Huge" casualties, and I mean HUGE, like 1 million or 2.

Surely a thread like this would encourage a vote towards Kerry, as draft dodging, might not be seen as "Cowardice" but instead "Intelligence" as no one wants to be cannon fodder...

Draft soldier :lol: 12 weeks training (if you're lucky) and then you are in the "hot zone".

A Professional soldier "wants" to be a soldier, and is good at his job. Draft solidier, has been forced into the battle field and will be ****ting himself, before being shot for no good reason...

milefile, you must be joking here, because a draft is the sort of thing that will make the voting public switch...real quick!
milefile, you must be joking here, because a draft is the sort of thing that will make the voting public switch...real quick!

Exactly why Kerry is bringing it up.

Milefile is not kidding here. He's as serious about this as I am about wanting to go steal oil from the Iraqis.
Can I steal oil too ? Gas is costing me way too much. Maybe I can convince bush to attack BP or sunoco...they ALWAYS have some shifty looking foriegn types trying to figure out the pumps.
There's lots of logistics and such that can be done by people who only need to have rudimentary combat training. Of course the reason we're talking about this is that if the big words on stopping the axis of evil from getting their hands on nuclear weapons were to be put into practice, well. Let's just say that Afghanistan and Iraq are peanuts compared to Iran and North-Korea.

But we all know that attacking either of these countries is not really an option, so even putting the draft back up just for 'threat' purposes doesn't seem too likely - noone will be fooled ...

I don't think either president will be able to do much good here.
Maybe we should go the way of one of the premier Socialist states in the world, Sweden, and make military service mandatory for all males.

Oh, wait... I forgot. America is a free country with a volunteer millitary.
Maybe we should go the way of one of the premier Socialist states in the world, Sweden, and make military service mandatory for all males.

Oh, wait... I forgot. America is a free country with a volunteer millitary.
Yeah... evil socialists.

Plus they eat smelly herrings.👎

Since we're freer from this side of the atlantic, mandatory service outside a war is only ok when fighting to prevent expansion of flawed economic systems.

I'm also puzzled with France... they just got rid of the mandatory military service. Are they ok now?

Dang, forgot that they're still socialists, separate issues... I see.
Since we're freer from this side of the atlantic, mandatory service outside a war is only ok when fighting to prevent expansion of flawed economic systems.

Replace "flawed economic systems" with "slavery".

...and the issue of whether a draft is ever necessary is not simple. But it is true that it should probably not have occurred in Vietnam. Drafts should probably not ever exist.
Maybe we should go the way of one of the premier Socialist states in the world, Sweden, and make military service mandatory for all males.

Oh, wait... I forgot. America is a free country with a volunteer millitary.

In Europe, Sweden, Finland and Austria still hold a draft. That's it though. Oh, and while we're at it, remind me again what you mean with socialist and why Sweden is 'one of the premier socialist states in the world'.
Well, for all you poor american bastiges trying to dodge a draft....THERE IS NO MORE ROOM IN CANADA !!! Sorry, just the way it is....( although the odd terrorist is more than welcome apparently )
remind me again what you mean with socialist and why Sweden is 'one of the premier socialist states in the world'.

Because it is. The government is involved with the sundry details of daily life. My wife's long-time friend recently moved there because her husband is from there. Upon her arrival she received mail from the government telling her to go to the doctor, who works for the government. She cannot buy a house because she does not have a "permanent contract" with her employer. All alcohol is sold by the government at grossly inflated prices. Millitary service is mandatory.

These are the symptoms and trademarks of Socialism. The government manages lives. It's like individuals "outsourcing" personal responsibility and choice to their government.
what leaves me perplexed is that other forms of totalitarian oppression were (and are) deemed fine in more "friendly" nations.

Russia wasn't a problem as long as they didn't try to spread. We attempted to learn from WWII. If there's anything Americans don't like it's the gradual decay of freedom in the rest of the world. Here at home we remove our own freedom quite willingly because we're idiots - but that's another story.
Because it is. The government is involved with the sundry details of daily life. My wife's long-time friend recently moved there because her husband is from there. Upon her arrival she received mail from the government telling her to go to the doctor, who works for the government.

Ok, so I am correct in seeing you don't fully know what you're talking about:

1 socialism

a political theory advocating state ownership of industry

The only industry that is state-owned in Sweden as far as I know is the retail of alcoholic beverages. It may have some stock in some companies that used to be state owned once, but wouldn't exactly call that socialist.

All alcohol is sold by the government at grossly inflated prices.

Alcohol is seen as a drug in Sweden which is damaging to the population, hence its sale is strictly regulated. That regulation was let go in the sixties, and in the year following half the Swedish population got drunk and hundreds got killed in car accidents, so the law was quickly reinstated and still many in Sweden support the law. But now partly under the influence of conflicting EU laws and other issues, Sweden is looking for a more gradual abandonment of this law.

She cannot buy a house because she does not have a "permanent contract" with her employer.

Is she paying the house in cash, or what? Because otherwise, we're dealing with a pretty standard mortgage/credit condition here.

Millitary service is mandatory.

Nothing to do with socialism whatsoever. The US had the same right up to the 70s. Complete and utter totalitarian states have a conscription army too.

These are the symptoms and trademarks of Socialism.

Bah. Sweden has a bunch of completely different symptoms of socialism, mostly its laborious burocracy for a lot of stuff, none of the stuff you've mentioned above. If you'd put it on a scale, it'd still easily be on the US side of halfway.
Ok, so I am correct in seeing you don't fully know what you're talking about:

1 socialism

a political theory advocating state ownership of industry

Healthcare is an industry.

The only industry that is state-owned in Sweden as far as I know is the retail of alcoholic beverages. It may have some stock in some companies that used to be state owned once, but wouldn't exactly call that socialist.
I would.

Alcohol is seen as a drug in Sweden which is damaging to the population, hence its sale is strictly regulated. That regulation was let go in the sixties, and in the year following half the Swedish population got drunk and hundreds got killed in car accidents
So the government chose for them by instituting a socialistic policy. That is anti-freedom, anti-choice.

Why do Swedes want to get drunk so badly that their government needs to protect them from themselves, anyway?

Is she paying the house in cash, or what? Because otherwise, we're dealing with a pretty standard mortgage/credit condition here.
Not here. They look at your history. There are no permanent contracts here. How could emplyers ever make changes? What incentive is there for employees to move onto something better in the future?

The US had the same right up to the 70s. Complete and utter totalitarian states have a conscription army too.
No we didn't. Conscription is not the same as mandatory sevice for all males. Conscription is need based. I don't know what mandatory service for all in peace-time is for.

Bah. Sweden has a bunch of completely different symptoms of socialism, mostly its laborious burocracy for a lot of stuff, none of the stuff you've mentioned above. If you'd put it on a scale, it'd still easily be on the US side of halfway.
I doubt that. But if Kerry is elected it would certainly change.
So, if Bush is elected there won't be a draft. If Kerry is elected there will be a draft. He has said it in many of his speeches. It is just those dumb democrats have selective hearing so that don't hear that if you tell them that Kerry will draft. They say, "I haven't heard him say that." I can give you plenty of sites that shows that Kerry is lying when he is telling people that Bush will draft. He is just getting desperate because the dummy knows he is going to lose.

I hope Bush wins.
Healthcare is an industry.

In this case, it isn't. You're dealing with a special kind of service offered to immigrants. Not all of them have EVER been to a doctor.

So the government chose for them by instituting a socialistic policy. That is anti-freedom, anti-choice.

If you do not know your options, you do not have the freedom to chose. That's anti-freedom, anti-choice.

Why do Swedes want to get drunk so badly that their government needs to protect them from themselves, anyway?

Part of the reason is that in Winter, it is only light for 4.5 hours, if the weather is good. This is at the height of Stockholm, above it gets a lot worse of course. It is generally known that on average you need 5 hours of exposure to daylight to keep a sufficient level of serotonine in your body. Since alcohol produces serotonine as a by effect (which is also the cause for just about all side-effects of alcohol, it slows you down, and makes you feel better about yourself generally), it is more addictive under those circumstances. It's a common problem in all areas of the world where the winters are dark and the summers are bright.

Not here. They look at your history. There are no permanent contracts here. How could emplyers ever make changes? What incentive is there for employees to move onto something better in the future?

You can still be fired, but an employer will need a good reason to fire someone, for instance if he gets late all the time or whatever. An employer is required to send one warning letter alerting the employee to his misbehaviour in writing before he actually fires someone. Financial problems, however, are also generally accepted as a valid reason for firing employees.

If someone gets a one year contract, a company doesn't need a good cause. In general, someone will first get a one year contract, and then a permanent contract. A company can hire someone twice for a limited period, the third time he'll need to offer the employee a permanent contract. This is to prevent employers to abuse the option for giving someone a permanent contract.

In some cases, an employer can write a letter of intent which states that the employer intends to give an employee a permanent contract after the first year. This is sometimes sufficient for getting a mortgage.

No we didn't. Conscription is not the same as mandatory sevice for all males. Conscription is need based. I don't know what mandatory service for all in peace-time is for.

Yes you did. Btw, here's a nice link:

I doubt that. But if Kerry is elected it would certainly change.

I think it's a non-issue for the elections. Neither Kerry nor Bush is more or less likely to reinstate the draft. At best, Bush' current policies seem more likely to make it necessary, but I consider it very unlikely that it will be reinstated by either politician. Today it featured in a regularly returning list of bull**** campaigning stuff that the record amount of 650.000.000$ is squandered on. I'll translate:

"Twelve more days to go, and whoever wins, it won't be the truth. Kerry keeps shouting that there is a 'big chance' that Bush will reinstate the draft in his next period if he gets reelected. The Republican side denies vehemently that any such plans exist, but Kerry keeps repeating that the chance is big. Formally, nothing is wrong, because Kerry talks about a 'chance', so he's playing it cool. But the effect on youth and parents is that they still start worrying that Bush might send them or their kids to Iraq.

A television commercial of the Republicans tries to depict Kerry to consider terrorrism as a nuisance. Kerry said in an interview in the New York Times that Americans shouldn't let the terrorist threat control their lives. He'd want to reduce terrorism to little more than a 'nuisance'. Of course the commercial takes it out of context and ends with the question: "How can Kerry protect us if he doesn't even understand the threat?"

Bush complains about the shameless scaremongering, but without wanting to shortchange the Democrats, the Republicans are doing a better job at that. Vice-president Cheney, on campaign in Cincinnati, said it almost in one breath: "Kerry isn't 'aggresive and tough' enough and there is 'a possibility that terrorists will appear in the center of one of our cities with deadlier weapons than have ever been used against us.'"
No, no. I insist, ladies first.

Sweden, being a country that takes women's equal rights very seriously and has an equal number of men and women in parliament, did, in fact, suggest that the draft should be instated equally for men and women.

(interestingly, based on personal experience and numbers in parliament, I'd say that whereas in the Netherlands the men seem on average a lot more 'liberated' and modern than the women, in Sweden the women are very liberated but the men all secretly just seem to want a career and a wife who stays home with the kids.)
Oh, while we're at it, I couldn't keep this from you, just came across it. It's from June 2004:

Military And Civilian Draft Expected In 2005 For 18-26 Year Olds

July 2004: There is pending legislation in the House and Senate (twin bills: S 89 and HR 163) which will time the initiation of a military and civilian service draft which will allow the program to begin as early as Spring 2005-just after the 2004 presidential election. The Bush Administration is quietly trying to get these bills passed now, while the public's attention is on the elections, so our action on this is needed immediately.

Some $28 million has been added to the 2004 Selective Service System (SSS) budget to prepare for a military draft that could start as early as June 15, 2005. Selective Service must report to Bush on March 31, 2005 that the system, which has lain dormant for decades, is ready for activation.

Please see website: to view the sss annual performance plan-fiscal year 2004.

The pentagon has quietly begun a public campaign to fill all 10,350 draft board positions and 11,070 appeals board slots nationwide. Though this is an unpopular election-year topic, military experts and influential members of Congress are suggesting that if Rumsfeld's prediction of a "long, hard slog" in Iraq and Afghanistan [and a permanent state of war on "terrorism"] proves accurate, the US may have no choice but to draft.

Congress brought twin bills, S. 89 and HR 163 forward this year, entitled the Universal National Service Act of 2003, "to provide for the common defense by requiring that all young persons [age 18--26] in the United States, including women, perform a period of military service or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes." These active bills currently sit in the committee on armed services. SEE FULL STORY


Time will tell if the rumors are true or the Administration's denial of such, but one thing is sure, if the draft is to be reinstituted, this time with both men and women, nothing will happen until after the Presidential Election in November. Announcing a draft would guarantee a Democratic victory. <End>


So maybe there's some credit to Kerry's allegations after all.
Nope just common sense preperations in a time of war that any one with a brain would do and understand.