I never once mentioned that military servitude or service, should be intrinsic to someone’s manhood. What I actually recall saying is that one’s significance into their respective man/womanhood’s is in the eye of the beholder…or something to that degree.
This you?
And call me old-fashioned, but much like one getting their Driver’s license at 16, a young woman having her first period, filling out a draft card is a right of passage for young men.
It's as intrinsic to manhood as a girl getting her period is to womanhood in your eyes.
This kind of thing really makes discussions difficult. I'm NOT accusing you of consciously lying about this. I'm an optimist, and I like to assume the best about people. I think this was probably an "honest mistake". But it also is not conducive to active discussion. When you drop in to make comments only to disavow them later, it feels like a waste of everyone's time.
The way I see it, the world needs poets, artists and Betas as much as it needs Navy Seals. Both (and everything in between) are needed for a balanced society.
Betas... oh boy. There's a red pill thread, maybe we need to unpack that nonsense before we can make headway here.
And in regards to war, battle, athleticism, strength, and everything else that goes with competitive sports or physical adversity, a man will out perform a woman 9 times out of 10. That’s who we need protecting this country, and our society. Alpha Men, and Alpha women (whom are willing to throw their hat in the ring)
Seems a bit WWII and somewhat out of touch with the drone-flying space-craft-pointing, cyber-security military of today.
What we have today is a volunteer military (I know some would argue with volunteer) that is better equipped and higher tech than any other military on the planet. The idea that we just need young men to go hold guns (badly) someplace in order to keep ourselves safe is so far in the rear-view mirror that it's very difficult to see. Vietnam, for example, is not a pro-draft argument.
I also do truly believe that a person doesn’t realize their full potential, unless their forced, or their life is in danger (and that’s where Darwinism comes into play)
Sweet mother! So not only is a draft intrinsic to manhood (which I know you backed off from, but you did say), it's good for you because you need to be in a life-threatening situation to live up to your potential? What kind of potential? Technical prowess? No. Caretaking? No. Teaching? No. Artistic? No. What kind of potential are we talking about? Oh right... it's moving your muscles again. You need to be shot at to see how fast you can move.
Holy hell. Yea that's probably true that I would never move my muscles as fast as if someone was shooting at me and I had the adrenaline of my life being in grave danger pumping through my veins. Why on earth do I need to know what my muscles can do on that much adrenaline? Why is this important?
But hey, if their was a necessity to activate a draft for a war; Men are much better suited for that job, and women are much better suited in Western culture to hold down the fort at home
If it's necessary to get more people for war, my view is that you should be able to get them to sign up voluntarily, or you don't have a war worth fighting.
For all the faults in the Israeli government, and especially their current PM, I sort of wonder if their idea of civil service would be a good idea for here in the US. Not necessarily joining the military - though that could be an option if one elects - but perhaps other federal agencies like the National Park Service.
Pressing people into jobs is the opposite of rights, and the opposite of American ideals. I do think that pressing people into service strengthens their connection to some kind of nationalism, but it's massively hypocritical for the US to do it.
It's somewhat amazing to me that the people I'd see supporting this idea (or the Israeli idea) would be the same people who complain about taxes. You don't have a right to my tax dollars but you do have a right to order me around and tell me what to do?
Perhaps civil service jobs should be recruiting heavily at universities and high schools instead.