Solve the puzzle - compile a sentence which matches the pattern...

  • Thread starter Famine


GTP Editor, GTPEDIA Author
United Kingdom
Rule 12
Courtesy of a friend, here's a little puzzler for you.

All you have to do is identify the pattern in the phrase below and compile your own phrase which matches it.

Please don't try and post a guess as to what the pattern actually is, and, if you think you've solved it, don't post "hints" to others. If you think you've solved it, just post a phrase of your own. I'll mark them for correctness, occasionally.

Here's your starter:

"One of the odd things about the Andes in Peru is that the range there is so slim - a lot less wide than in other territories"

And, as I'm feeling generous, another one:

"The most recent religion in Armenia is the so-called Layer Evangelists, formed via a schism with the Armenian Apostolic Church."

Remember - NO GUESSES, only phrases you've compiled that you believe match the pattern...

Have fun... :D

Cracked it Hall of Fame
1. Blake
2. The Interceptor
3. Touring Mars
4. markj_87
5. Sage
6. daan
7. amp88
8. ultrabeat
9. Wolfe2x7
10. kylenhat
11. Seanman
Are the patterns just random? I don't get it. Are they grammatical or content patterns, etc?


Seriously, this will absolutely 🤬 with you until you get it, and then you just won't be able to believe it.

There is a pattern, Compile your own sentence to match that pattern.
Looks like I've brained everyone's kill.

I'll put another example of the pattern up then, I guess.

"One of the most difficult letters to get right in German is the "ü" as in "über" - linguistically it should be pronounced similarly to "oo"."
The most irksome thing about excessive climate heat is the stickiness, which is best exemplified when the scrotum refuses to let go of your upper thighs.
While that may be true, it doesn't really fit the pattern, I'm afraid - though I should add that in Australia, gonad/leg interactions can be R-rated.

*whistles nonchalantly*
While that may be true, it doesn't really fit the pattern, I'm afraid - though I should add that in Australia, gonad/leg interactions can be R-rated.

*whistles nonchalantly*

depends on which part of the leg... I think the deviousness comes in the relationship between the gonad and the bend of the rear part of the knee...

Which I'll stop describing right now.
One of the most common misconceptions about chemistry is there are only 3 states of matter - actually there are more than 20.

Eh, best try.
How often in Canada do you see marmosets – though they are american inhabitants.
Residents of Florida are struggling to keep up with homeowner's insurance, as providers are tripling premiums to recover their losses.
There are many more letters in the alphabet- S and H are just two of them.
depends on which part of the leg... I think the deviousness comes in the relationship between the gonad and the bend of the rear part of the knee...

Which I'll stop describing right now.


One of the most common misconceptions about chemistry is there are only 3 states of matter - actually there are more than 20.

Eh, best try.


How often in Canada do you see marmosets – though they are american inhabitants.

Nope - though the fur of Canadian marmosets is an astonishing fuel, yielding up to 12 yottawatts (12 * 10^24 watts) per tonne!

Nokia's newest mobile phones are based on nokia's new platform,called "BB5",and those phones are 100% unlock proof.

Nope. Funny story about Nokia though - when their CEO (Finnish man Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo) was a child, he was often bullied on his way to school. More than once he saw his satchel sink in icy waters near his hometown of Lavia. Now one of his tormentors works in a Nokia factory. Who's laughing now, eh? :lol:

Residents of Florida are struggling to keep up with homeowner's insurance, as providers are tripling premiums to recover their losses.


There are many more letters in the alphabet- S and H are just two of them.

I'm continuing with my Nokia theme.

Although Nokia claims that their BB5 phones are 100% unlock proof,Serbian man Dean Kaljevic,who is nicknamed "God Of Nokia" ,found a solution of this problem,but,neither his solution is 100% stable-whenever you do a firmware update,phone will lock again,thereby rendering it unusable except on it's original home network.

I thought there was more smart than this on GTP... I've posted six phrases now which fit the pattern - see if you can find any commonalities between them (and this isn't one of them).
Mount Kosciuszko is the highest mountain in mainland Australia – it is higher than the other mountains on the mainland.
Mount Kosciuszko is the highest mountain in mainland Australia – it is higher than the other mountains on the mainland.

Mount Kosciuszko is the highest mountain in mainland Australia – though, it is not as high as some mountains in other countries.

Porsche are the best car makers in the world - they're better at making cars than all other manufacturers.

Big fat nope.

Compare the six phrases I've posted which fit the pattern. Try and spot a link between them.

Mount Kosciuszko is the highest mountain in mainland Australia – though, it is not as high as some other mountains.


:lol: You're still missing part of the pattern, though you've got a little bit of it.

I thought there was more smart than this on GTP... I've posted six phrases now which fit the pattern - see if you can find any commonalities between them (and this isn't one of them).

There's a difference between being smart and being obscure.

Puzzles are easier when you know the answer. Once you know the pattern, creating phrases which adjust to it is simple. But finding some obscure, intricate pattern which most of the phrases submitted by users seem to resemble and being told is wrong is just a sign of a sick mind.
I hate it when Famine comes out with these little conundrums - they make me feel thick.
Formula 1 is popular in Italy, with fans coming from across the globe to watch the races.

(I kinda went off on a tangent here, and I’m not so sure)
There's a difference between being smart and being obscure.

Probably, though as I said earlier, when you SEE the pattern you won't be able to believe that you didn't. There really is nothing obscure here.

Puzzles are easier when you know the answer.

So are pub quizzes.

Once you know the pattern, creating phrases which adjust to it is simple.

It's a bit harder than you might think - finding the pattern is only the first challenge...

But finding some obscure, intricate pattern which most of the phrases submitted by users seem to resemble and being told is wrong is just a sign of a sick mind.

"Famine in sick mind shock!".

Seriously - the pattern isn't that obscure OR intricate. Blake is 50% of the way there already. Midnight Runner, wfooshee and Sage have all reached 50% too.

There's another clue for you. Find something their sentences have in common, and you'll identify half of the pattern.


And Blake SCORES!

Formula 1 is popular in Italy, with fans coming from across the globe to watch the races.

Made me pause for a moment, but it's absolutely acceptable. Point to Blake.
Eh? I don't get it. I must be the thickest person on GTP, but there are stupider people on other forums.