[SPOILER] Santa Claus: Your Thoughts

  • Thread starter Danster
I had deduced that there was no Santa around four.
1: He flys around in something without wings. It's not a podracer.
2: Who would be bored enough to fly around at Mach 200 to give presents to random children?
3: I never got what I wanted for Christmas. Things like a new game.

i cant actually remember beliving in santa...

i mean my mind which always questions things..

1) somehow he knows all kids
2) he gets to them in 1 night
3) he carries ALL the presents

But again i agree with danoff i think that purposly lieing about santa helps the kids in development and teaches them to question things and think for themselves when things dont add up.
Santa isn't real? What do you mean. He is very real, so he is.

puts fingers in ears - Lalalalalala, I'm not listening.

Danster - Santa doesn't bring presents to naughty little boys who double post...
Santa isn't real? What do you mean. He is very real, so he is.
In Falkirk, you usually don't get a bag of coal if you be mean, instead mummy gave you a foot up the a**e

EDIT: I don't know why I quoted that :>
If anything, that’s what helped teach me skepticism, because I would think “Wow, look how easily other children are fooled just by what their parents tell them” (I think you can agree that’s somewhat analogous to what happens in religion).

That's not the same as actually having to go through it. What you're going for is "Wow, look how easily I was fooled".

I agree that telling them heaven exists is an unacceptable lie - it does them harm. But Santa doesn't really harm anyone. It's just fun. Almost like a practical joke parents pull on their kids but instead of putting their hand in warm water and making them piss themselves, or shaving their heads, you're giving them gifts.
I'm not sure about this Santa Claus guy. He seems kind of exclusive to only Christmas. That's not very open-minded, is it?

I prefer his Ramahanukwanzmas cousin.
It's an important lesson for children to learn to question what they're told - even good things. To rob your children of the chance to do their own thinking and piece the puzzle together does their development some minor harm.

I think it's a great way to help raise intelligent individuals while doing them no harm.

It's also a wonderful way to help children enjoy their vivid imaginations while they still have them. But the practicality of Santamas goes further.

Most parents want to give their children gifts. They like to make sure that their children are entertained, but buying them gifts throughout the year is a good way to teach your child the wrong things. You want them to learn to earn their gifts - but you also want them to behave for less tangible reasons than gifts.

Santamas is a convenient way to give your children the toys you want them to have while preventing them from becoming whiny beggars, or constantly angling you for a kickback for everything they do right.

Agreed, that's the way I look at Christmas for children.

I stopped believing in it when I was about 3 or 4. I wasn't told or anything, I just couldn't believe it at all.

Sorry but that sounds like quite the exaggeration. 3 or 4? Such rational thinking at the age of 3 is very low on the spectrum of potabilities, your fairly mature for your age but I have strong doubts that you made this logical connection yourself at the age of 3 or even 4. Having pretty intelligent young siblings 5 and 7 who haven't developed sufficient logical thinking to reject the idea of Santa Clause. At a fairly young age I decided that Santa Claus didn't seem plausible, I challenged my friends on their belief in santa, they told me I was an idiot :indiff: While I would like to think this was at a very young age, it actually probably was around the age of,7 and 8 maybe even 9, of course that might be due to the fact that my mum is good at making pretty convincing arguments and at that age I didn't have the logical capacity to override this.

I am going off topic here; You seem relatively mature for your age, although statements like this make it less hard to believe that. This mainly stems from some of your posts in the 'annoying social habits of people you have met' thread, seem to me like you are desperate for people to notice you are mature, which in itself is actually is a sign of immaturity ;)

Not a personal attack, rather advice actually. You appeared very mature for your age until those posts. A sign of maturity would be taking this advice on the chin and moving on. You shouldn't need anyone to tell you are mature. People will notice even if they don't comment on it. :)

The ends don’t justify the means though ;) – I don’t think I can be convinced that it’s ever okay to lie to one’s children. Lying to them just because other people will do the same isn’t the way to teach them to be skeptical and critical.

Your right, deceiving your children doesn't seem like the moral choice to take, however I think teaching children that they can be tricked by everyone around them (including family) is an invaluable skill. If I hadn't have realised that my parents where deceiving me about Santa (harsh way to put it) I may have never questioned my Christian upbringing in the way that I did, to the extent that I am now a strong atheist. Not that i think my parents where actively trying to deceive me about Christianity.:P
Perverted? That's something new to sue for- which our stupid government would happily oblige and charge Santa. Also, isn't Santa an offensive word now? Sorry, bad mood and I just thought of how f'd up our society is.... -kevin
Perverted? That's something new to sue for- which our stupid government would happily oblige and charge Santa. Also, isn't Santa an offensive word now? Sorry, bad mood and I just thought of how f'd up our society is.... -kevin
Where did this come from?
I'm saying that calling Santa a perverted idea is stupid, because it's an idea made for the kids. I'm not actually saying Santa is perverted.... -kevin
There's nothing perverted about a fat old guy breaking into your house in the middle of the night with a big red sack of fun for your children.
He does exist, I have been his rush hour assistant for a few times. Once it even happened for english kids. :)
it is confusing why modern parents dont like to show love and generosity for their kids, passing it on to a fat stranger in a jumble of lies and the only connection the folklore has with christmas is the time of year, even if that was constructed and moved for more than religious purposes. i wouldnt be too proud of my parents if they led me on for years and then revealed themselves when they couldnt be bothered to carry on duping me and abusing my trust.
heres an interesting thing, in germanic folklore st nikolaus is followed by wicked creatures and demons :) lovely
Haha what would be funny is if your kid asks why Santa is at all the malls (or something along those lines), just tell them that Santa is everywhere and watching their every move! That ought to scare them into being good while out shopping! :lol:
Ya know, I've always wondered what goes through Santa's mind when those hot 16 year old high school girls go sit on his lap and tease him. Because you know that's exactly what they're doing.
Speaking of Santa Claus, I'd like to point out that Bad Santa is one of my favorite Christmas movies, ever. Go watch it.