Spongeinside's Track Creations

The Netherlands

Hi all!
Since the 'Track Path Editor' app was released and we're able to make our own tracks, I thouht I'd share my creations :D

If you're interested in my tracks, please check my GT6 Community page for the download :)

I hope you'll enjoy them and would like to see peoples opinions on my tracks! :D
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Dronten 2015 v2

I've 'imagined' this track a long time ago and it's finally time to actually race on it! The track is based on the streets of a local industrial area in my town. A few thing had to be changed from my original design but overall it's pretty close layout-wise to what it should be. Scenery-wise it's ofcourse nothing like it should be, a street track with building pretty close to the course instead of what the 'Eifel' location offers. Scale might a bit off but that's not really a big deal in my opinion.

My lap time, 1:49.951 in a RedBull x2014 junior.



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This is a good track and I quite like it. To be honest, I think that there are 3 more layouts that can come with this track. For example, at Turn 2, you would go straight and left then you would go straight until the penultimate corner. Then you could have 2 other layouts with the one of the sections removed.

I did a 1:58.944 in the BMW 135i Coupe '07 tuned to 500pp.
Thanks :) Yeah this area has a few more layout possibilities, I may make a new 'short' variant some time :)

I wish there was a 'urban' or 'city' theme for this, as driving this track, without the buildings that are there irl, feels a bit weird..
Thanks :) Yeah this area has a few more layout possibilities, I may make a new 'short' variant some time :)

I wish there was a 'urban' or 'city' theme for this, as driving this track, without the buildings that are there irl, feels a bit weird..
Good to hear! I'm sure a city theme would make the track more authentic.

I've decided to do your track as the first on my GT6 Custom Track Showcase on YouTube, i'll post the video here when done.
Good to hear! I'm sure a city theme would make the track more authentic.

I've decided to do your track as the first on my GT6 Custom Track Showcase on YouTube, i'll post the video here when done.
Oh that's cool, thanks! I was just thinking of making a video of the real streets, but don't have a car at the moment :(
Oh that's cool, thanks! I was just thinking of making a video of the real streets, but don't have a car at the moment :(
You can use it in the first post if you want. It would be good to have a video of the real streets as well. I wonder if it is as tight as the game or not.
Circuit Park Dronten

For this track I've imagened myself having the opportunity to design a track on some local farm fields around my town. So with Google Maps I've looked around for fields that would be suitable for a race track, but keeping in mind that it should be somewhat realistic/feasible irl.
So after 'buying out' some farmers ;) the fields were stripped and prepped for construction. After construction was complete the new track was named "Circuit Park Dronten", inspired by "Circuit Park Zandvoort" Not a very pretty name but it does the job :)

The track is 4150 meters in length, 11 meter wide and has 14 corners (although the game says 28). I tried to place the track surroundings in a way so to not have it feel too open.

Lap guide
It's pretty easy to miss your brakingpoint at turn 1 as it comes up earlier than you'd think, going in to turn 3, 4 and 5 it's important to keep a smooth flow, keeping wide coming up to turn 6 and beware of the dip on the inside. Exiting the 'chicane', try to avoid the exit curb of turn 7. If your car has enhough grip, turn 8 should be flat out. Turn 9 has a two possible lines through it, but turning in a tiny bit later moving the apex a bit futher in to the corner provides a bit more exit speed coming up to turn 10. Turn 11 is tighter than it looks and try to stay off the exit curbs. Turn 12 can be taken at full speed, with a quick downshift and hard braking into turn 13, for the final corner the key is to stick to the inside and smoothly roll on the throttle coming onto the final straight. Turn 12 and 13 are really important to get right as they can ruien your flow through turn 14 and badly effect your exit speed and thus your laptime.

In my opinion the track looks pretty cool when you set the time to 06:00, the low sun combined with the surroundings give the track a nice feel :)

I hope you'll like it as much as I do, and I look forward to your thoughts on it!

My average lap time, 1:41.xxx in a RedBull x2014 junior.
Download HERE

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Rouen les Essarts

I've tried to recreate the 1972 French GP track. Due to the unfortunate limitations of the app I wasn't able to put in a lot of the forest details, so I had to use a bit of 'artistic freedom' :P The track length is a bit off aswel as I had to base part of the track on roads that aren't there anymore.​

Click here to DOWNLOAD.
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This Dutch track is probably most famous for the annual Dutch-TT and BSB races. I've tried to recreate it as accurately as I could, but the first sector had to be modified quite a bit to make it work with the limitations of the app. For the scenery I took some 'artistic freedom' so I tried to make it a bit less like a big emptiness and again to get the most out of the app.​



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I made this track with the famous AVUS Ring in mind. It's a very high speed track were slipstreaming/drafting is very important, so being in the lead isn't necessarily what you want...​




Eifel Arena

This compact track features quite a lot of elevation changes and it's narrow width and twisty sections make this track quite a lot of fun to drive. It's best used with medium powered cars, due to the tight and twisty sections.​

DOWNLOAD here or see my resources page!

Xeo Raceway

It's not a very long or difficult track, but it has a few corners that can be quite tricky to get right. I've tested the track online this afternoon and had some nice races on it, the track has a few decent passing spots and it's 11 meters width doesn't seem to hinder anything.


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Experia Eifel Raceway

This track has a simple layout designed for racing and overtaking, but some corners are harder than they seem.​

Okayama International Circuit, Japan

I first drove this track back in the '90 with Grand Prix 2. It was my favorite track, I don't really remember why, but I just liked racing there. But when Grand Prix 2 got replaced with newer versions and I started to play other racing games, I lost sight of the track.
Recently I watched some videos on YouTube of races on this track and got inspired to try and recreate the track in the Track Path Editor app. But of course as we all know, the app has a lot of restrictions and recreating a layout is pretty much only possible on the Eifel flat map and some other restrictions make it hard to make an exact 1:1 copy.
This meant I had to move and alter a few parts a tiny bit to make it all work, but in the end I think I've made a pretty close replica. I placed the curbs as accurately as I could with aerial photos as a reference. But when I wanted to start placing trackside objects the app restrictions made about 90% of the track unavailable to use... So there are almost no trackside objects unfortunately. Also of course because it's build on the Eifel flat map, the elevations are not there and the hills besides the track are missing too. You'll have to imagine those yourself while racing :( But at least the layout itself is pretty accurate...​

Click HERE to download!



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