Sport Mode

  • Thread starter Robben
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I absolutely love it.

Despite the gripes we all have with the occasional race-ruining maniac, the unfair penalties and various other minor issues, I absolutely ****ing love Sport Mode. It is the best mode of any game I've ever played. Every race I do, my heart is beating out of sheer excitement (and nervousness) like I've never experienced before. Regardless of whether I have started in pole and feel the pressure of 3 or 4 racers immediately behind me for 3 or 4 laps knowing that I can't make a single mistake, or am fighting for a mid-pack finish looking to either hold a position against someone coming up behind you or trying to steal one extra spot before the end of the race, I don't care which - I want to keep or gain my position is all that I am focused on.

Most races I find that by the end I am gripping the controller to the point that it creaks, I have sweaty palms, my breath is held and heart trying to escape my chest! Then go over the finish line and breathe out, shaking with adrenaline :lol:.

It's ridiculous... it's a game! Why do I get affected so strongly by it?

In honesty, I was not a fan of Sport at first... having never played GT online, I just wanted GT Mode back with the car wash, oil change, License tests etc... I was moaning for weeks that it's "not the same" and how I want proper Gran Turismo back. Now I am completely converted. I had a definite turning point, which actually came after I started reading this forum... I came to realise how important sportsmanship is for DR, not just SR. And also how it is vital to practice a circuit and car combo until you feel you can do it on autopilot, before entering races. So thanks for that. It says a lot that I was sitting in C between about 6000 and 9000 DR and had 11 victories between November and 16th Jan. Now I have had 7 victories in 3 weeks, in a higher category and am up to 18000 DR!

Anyone else feel the same?
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great post mate.... we all need to keep going through this glitchy and buggy time. :lol:

I can definitely agree though, I havent had a passion for a game as much as this one in a very long time, I've even joined this forum on the back of it which is something ive never done, of which I have to say has made the whole GT experience even more enjoyable.

good to see theres plenty of other people out there who share the same love for this game as i do, even though it can be frustrating at times. that 1 victory out of 10/15 races makes it all worth it.
I've even joined this forum on the back of it which is something ive never done, of which I have to say has made the whole GT experience even more enjoyable.

Same here! Initially I joined to vent, but then reading a lot of the posts I realised it was mostly my approach which was wrong, as opposed to the game itself being wrong :lol:

I'm actually addicted to Sport Mode. I go to bed thinking about it, I wake up thinking about it, I come on here and talk about it all day, I play it all night when I get home... I even had a flipping dream about it last night :lol:
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I'm really enjoying it too, the whole package is great, the new content is fantastic (and it's free) and the idiots in Sport mode are steadily sitting in their shame lobbies :lol:I'm DR B SR S and have found since getting in and above SR A the racing is better, people are far fairer across the board (it's quite a dramatic change compared to SR B and below)

I do wish there were more daily races available, I often find the 'One make' races a bit dull and when there's 2 of them it usually leaves a 10 lap race which I don't always have time to do more than one of properly.

I had a great race though yesterday on La Maggiore, I was in the BMW M6 leading from the start and having a great tussle with 2 other guys, it all went pear-shaped though on lap 7 where I caught a backmarker who intentionally blocked me putting me on the grass and I dropped to 3rd, normally I'd be raging but I didn't let one idiot spoil an otherwise great race.
I'm the same. I have to say that I have far more adrenaline and excitement when I'm mid-pack, attacking the driver in front whilst also defending from the driver behind and you realise that the result is irrelevant, as long as you can hold that position.

Although it does make it all the more frustrating when you make a mistake, slide wide on a corner or whatever - all by yourself - and lose a couple of spots knowing that flat out you're a faster driver, just the consistency wasn't there in that race.

I don't get that kind of excitement from any other online game.
I'm really enjoying it too, the whole package is great, the new content is fantastic (and it's free) and the idiots in Sport mode are steadily sitting in their shame lobbies :lol:I'm DR B SR S and have found since getting in and above SR A the racing is better, people are far fairer across the board (it's quite a dramatic change compared to SR B and below)

I do wish there were more daily races available, I often find the 'One make' races a bit dull and when there's 2 of them it usually leaves a 10 lap race which I don't always have time to do more than one of properly.

I had a great race though yesterday on La Maggiore, I was in the BMW M6 leading from the start and having a great tussle with 2 other guys, it all went pear-shaped though on lap 7 where I caught a backmarker who intentionally blocked me putting me on the grass and I dropped to 3rd, normally I'd be raging but I didn't let one idiot spoil an otherwise great race.

To be honest, I am finding BB pretty good in terms of sportsmanship.. there is the odd rub or a knock on a bend, but no intentional ramming or shunting like the lower SR (and DR) categories.

I know what you mean about the lack of daily races, the past two days before yesterday were absolute bollocks in terms of choice.. but the problem is that the more races there are, the more thinly spread the player base is and therefore the worse the matchmaking will be.

You will always get idiots occasionally, but as you say.l.. don't rise to it and don't let them ruin your race... that's another thing I learnt after coming on here.

I'm the same. I have to say that I have far more adrenaline and excitement when I'm mid-pack, attacking the driver in front whilst also defending from the driver behind and you realise that the result is irrelevant, as long as you can hold that position.

Although it does make it all the more frustrating when you make a mistake, slide wide on a corner or whatever - all by yourself - and lose a couple of spots knowing that flat out you're a faster driver, just the consistency wasn't there in that race.

I don't get that kind of excitement from any other online game.

Agree with this as well... sometimes I finish and feel this wave of excitement and then realise I have just finished like 8th or 9th... in the battle you barely notice, you are just into it regardless :lol:
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I love the game but I think PD should start to bring new stuff to the Sport mode ASAP. It is starting to be repetitive. I am not talking about the FIA Championships (coming in April). I am talking also about new kind of races, endurance, tournaments, races with a different kind of qualification... I don´t know, there are so many opportunities!

In days like today where the daily races are not attractive at all we have only the FIA races. In my case I will only play in Yamagiwa + Miyabi, and I would love to have more options to play a Friday after work.
It's a problem. if the races wouldn't reset at 2 AM my time I would not go to bed at all :/ Then it still takes an hour before I can sleep.

It's true, I was playing until 3am once from 8pm... it doesn't change until 7am so it was the same races for 7 hours :lol:

I love the game but I think PD should start to bring new stuff to the Sport mode ASAP. It is starting to be repetitive. I am not talking about the FIA Championships (coming in April). I am talking also about new kind of races, endurance, tournaments, races with a different kind of qualification... I don´t know, there are so many opportunities!

In days like today where the daily races are not attractive at all we have only the FIA races. In my case I will only play in Yamagiwa + Miyabi, and I would love to have more options to play a Friday after work.

I agree that some days the races aren't great, but on those days (that I sit here and moan about the races when they come up) I go home and do some qualifying on them and usually I find that at least one that I actually get on ok with. For example, I was really into the Viper on Maggiore earlier this week and again the 86 on Suzuka East, despite saying in the day that I would have a night off on both days :lol: tbh I think the gradual evolution is good... chopping up and adding new circuits, adding Gr. 1 races etc.
Good post, OP! I agree, no other game has ever gotten me as pumped, some races I’ll be shaking afterward it was so intense, bigger rush than any caffeine gives me and it’s just a game! I don’t even have a wheel yet, it’s coming in a few days so I’m looking forward to that.

It’s just cool that a game like this with a large community (not massive like destiny but it’s definitely not small) can still be so filfilling, thinking about the way they sort people using DR and SR and the daily/cup races, seeing familiar names, making friends, ranking up, its appealing to the masses yet still flexible enough to accommodate many different lifestyles to allow good play.

This game was definitely worth the wait, yeah there’s bugs and the BoP hasn’t been perfect but that’s why it’s test season still, PD needs the community to help work this crap out. Overall best racing game I’ve experienced, personally (some may argue it’s not as real as it can be but damn is it fun).
I can't get into them at all. I bought GTS for the matchmaking but with the slim pickings regarding race choice and the good possibility that one or two races won't appeal, the most I've done is three races in a single night. Likely my own problem but I need that many races just to warm up and adjust to running in traffic. I've done my qualifying and just want to race.

With qualifying being an all day thing, why have such a limited amount of races per hour? A and B could easily be run back to back and I'm sure they could squeeze another C into the hour.

As it is now, I barely look at them due to all the waiting.
I can't get into them at all. I bought GTS for the matchmaking but with the slim pickings regarding race choice and the good possibility that one or two races won't appeal, the most I've done is three races in a single night. Likely my own problem but I need that many races just to warm up and adjust to running in traffic. I've done my qualifying and just want to race.

With qualifying being an all day thing, why have such a limited amount of races per hour? A and B could easily be run back to back and I'm sure they could squeeze another C into the hour.

As it is now, I barely look at them due to all the waiting.
Can't agree more about A and B but normally there is about 5 or 10 mins max for the C race to start matching again. I use that time to run a couple of laps to try to improve my time or get a drink.
Same here! Initially I joined to vent, but then reading a lot of the posts I realised it was mostly my approach which was wrong, as opposed to the game itself being wrong :lol:

I'm actually addicted to Sport Mode. I go to bed thinking about it, I wake up thinking about it, I come on here and talk about it all day, I play it all night when I get home... I even had a flipping dream about it last night :lol:
I love reading posts like this. Glad you’re enjoying the game!
@kilesa4568 B and C are pretty much back to back...

There's 7-8 minutes to the next race after one race ends I believe? True, that isn't long to wait but if I'm after a decent racing session, it all adds up to a lot of wasted time.

I use that time to run a couple of laps to try to improve my time or get a drink.

I've already done my qualifying and I'm coming from one race to look for another. I don't want to practice anymore. I want to race.

Just to get things straight, I think sport races are great (if you get a clean race) and the matchmaking is a godsend. It's just the gap between them I've a problem with.

I'm an old quick match player and it could squeeze in 6 or 7 races an hour for short races. I don't see why daily races can't be the same.
I feel this way as well about sport mode. I enjoy how variable the racing is
I am never always at the front, middle or, back. I like the idea of doing different b or c dailies in a different car every time. I also love doing livery creator as well. Even though all I do is recreate the gr3,4 cars and change the colours
There's 7-8 minutes to the next race after one race ends I believe? True, that isn't long to wait but if I'm after a decent racing session, it all adds up to a lot of wasted time.

I've already done my qualifying and I'm coming from one race to look for another. I don't want to practice anymore. I want to race.

Just to get things straight, I think sport races are great (if you get a clean race) and the matchmaking is a godsend. It's just the gap between them I've a problem with.

I'm an old quick match player and it could squeeze in 6 or 7 races an hour for short races. I don't see why daily races can't be the same.

I agree to a point. Having matches populated 'on demand' may spread the racer pool too thin, but if you had races starting every 5 mins rather than every 20 mins I think it'd work quite well
I agree with OP. I've played the whole series since the first Demo disc, and after getting a PS4 and Project Cars I was ready for the next GT to come out. However, I too, was a bit disappointed with the initial release- I was even got upset I preordered the disc when I was trying the Beta. However, I'm totally converted as well. The Sport mode gave us such a boost in replay value it's dizzying. I've found I agree with just about all the features PD has put into the game to this point, as it seems they were trying to go for the "Let's give them the game without dumping it all on them at once" approach, and in my opinion I think they did well. Yes, I miss the tuning and buying of discrete parts, but in all just exchanging mileage points to get your current car to keep up in the lobby is clever, IMHO. I have only finished a few of the offline Beginner campaign races as it is just not the same being offline- limited time having a house and family keeps me glued to Sport.

To help with the gaps in the races, sometimes I'll look for a lobby that appears to imitate a Sport race, sometimes I set up my own. I've also noticed that if you enter the Dailies in sequence, your downtime is pretty negligable (i.e.- Enter A, then B after, ...C...). IIRC I had the best timing once by catching "A" from top of the hour. The changes in race types seems to keep the experience fresher for me over a few hours.

It's also kind of nice that the wifey gets into it now and then too- cheerleader/Livery Quality Assurance and Manufacturer Cup Chooser.
7 to 8 minutes is exactly the right time it takes to make a cuppa

After one race, that spare time will be needed to purge the previous one pint cuppa.:lol:

It just strikes me as weird that a console game sticks to a racing schedule for basic races. We play them when we've got spare time and don't want to waste that spare time on waiting to play. It's daft.
After one race, that spare time will be needed to purge the previous one pint cuppa.:lol:

It just strikes me as weird that a console game sticks to a racing schedule for basic races. We play them when we've got spare time and don't want to waste that spare time on waiting to play. It's daft.

How else could it work other than operating a schedule?
100% on point!! I too have been taken out unfairly and no doubt have caused crashes myself, but the overall experience is still one of joy and excitement, the occasional frustration does not diminish my feeling of accomplishment when i had a great race and the desire to better myself. i don't really understand that so many people feel winning is everything, sure, winning is great but it's not everything, in a field of 20 there will be 19 that don't win, that is no reason to quit, it's reason to practice and race and become better..... Life's a Journey, not a destination
How else could it work other than operating a schedule?

I don't know. Stop asking hard questions!:lol:

With how rank increments change race to race, you likely wouldn't get the exact same field (some move up or down) but on leaving that race, you could have a much shorter wait for the next. Matchmaking takes maybe 30 seconds, add a minute or so for other people to join and you've got two minutes between races. Much more reasonable.
I don't know. Stop asking hard questions!:lol:

With how rank increments change race to race, you likely wouldn't get the exact same field (some move up or down) but on leaving that race, you could have a much shorter wait for the next. Matchmaking takes maybe 30 seconds, add a minute or so for other people to join and you've got two minutes between races. Much more reasonable.

Nah, I prefer the schedule. It means I can go for a pee, get a drink or put some more qualifying laps in and know when the next race is ready to start :)
You're not forced to keep racing over and over. That's only for people with extra large bladders and have kids who they can ask (demand) to make drinks for them.:mischievous:

As I said, I like the daily races but with the waiting involved, I'm doing way less than I ordinarily would. So much so, I've switched to lobby races. I can't be on my own with that viewpoint so if they increase the frequency, perhaps it will increase the dailies popularity. Win win.
You're not forced to keep racing over and over. That's only for people with extra large bladders and have kids who they can ask (demand) to make drinks for them.:mischievous:

As I said, I like the daily races but with the waiting involved, I'm doing way less than I ordinarily would. So much so, I've switched to lobby races. I can't be on my own with that viewpoint so if they increase the frequency, perhaps it will increase the dailies popularity. Win win.
Fair enough. For me, the timings are about right... I usually need those few minutes to get my heart rate and breathing back to normal too :) 👍