STAR WARS General Discussion | Warning: Possible SPOILERS!Movies 

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
That is going to be absolutely awful. Whatever plot they have to create is gonna be rubbish compared to the original.

Psst. They already have some books to base episodes 7-9 off you know ;).

Even though a lot of the books are downright terrible, some of the plots, characters and general ideas are quite interesting.

The stories with Thrawn and the New Republic are quite interesting as the Empire becomes a smaller faction the galaxy as a whole is explored a bit more.

The later stories with the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong are also pretty interesting. They remind me a lot of the Tyranids from Warhammer 40,000 except a lot less menacing.

Not to mention it means we might see the return of some decent ship designs and art styles...back to X-Wings and TIE Fighters perhaps.

I hope they do follow the book stories as I think there is some potential there, even if its only nice designs and characters.

But no doubt its probably going to be screwed by Lucas again and they aren't going to rely on the good old angular/boxy shapes from 4-6 but the ridiculously-stylised designs from 1-3.

The thing that I hate the most about 1-3 is not the things people generally moan about. For me, its just the designs, art styles, architecture..the world and atmosphere as whole. Its just well lame.
I loved 4-6 for its industrial style combined with natural wastelands and dirty non-perfect locations such as the Cantina.
In 1-3 everything is too perfect, clean and arranged. There are no signs of "reality". I get that the Old Republic is meant to be kind of like a "good old days" theme where everything is perfect and gets torn up into war. But really this perfect? Everything seems to be shiny and clean in them. Even Tatooine doesn't really seem that bad.
^Its George Lucas. Probably 100%. I do kind of hope that Disney finally take a stance on it all and stop him ruining everything unlikely as that is.
From what I heard, Lucas is getting $2,000,000,000 cash and $2,000,000,000 in stock for the company. He is also getting some stock for Disney itself, which totals to about 2.2% of the stock for the entire company of Disney.
I'm with Ardius on this one. There's plenty of material and potential here. And tbh Lucas Arts didn't exactly grace us with cinematic genius with episodes 1, 2 & 3.
More Star Wars! woohoo.

As The Force Unleashed I showed, the SW universe is practically brimming with story material. But I hope episodes Disney makes are set after Return of the Jedi. Enough prequels already ...
The most recent three that were released already took a significant step back, imo. They seemed more geared toward kids under ten. I think they should go for nerds in their 20's. :P The guy who played Anakin was not a good actor, nor was the actor for his child version, and then there's the Jar Jar annoyance. The story wasn't that bad, just bad casting.

Disney has just bought the moon. They will be adding two smaller moons on top of the normal moon. It will be called "Mooney Mouse". It will cost you $5 to even look at it.
This could either be the end of the universe or things might actually head in the right direction with Disney in charge. I'm remaining cautiously optimistic about this news.

My understanding is that an additional trilogy set after the original trilogy is green lighted. If they stick with canon from the books, this possibly means Thrawn trilogy which is arguably the best written Star Wars book series.

I wonder if any specific agreements are in place with regards to the original trilogy as well. Seems like an opportunity for Disney to re-release an un-tampered version on blu-ray. I'm sure it would sell like hotcakes. It's pretty much what all die hard fans really want.

Also wouldn't surprise me if Star Wars gets it's own theme park out of this. I have never been to a Disney theme park but my understanding is that Star Tours is that Star Tours is quite the attraction.

Most might not realize but Disney has been fairly entrenched in Star Wars for a while now anyway. There is the Star Tours attraction and a massive toy line of vinylmations and Disney characters in Star Wars get up. Seems almost like a natural progression.

At the end of the day, the original movies are still just as great, even if the rest of the franchise goes to hell, which I doubt it will, it managed to endure Jar Jar after all, it doesn't make the original movies any less enjoyable. And lets not forget that the one person who keeps trying to make changes to these original movies is not the one in charge anymore. This seems like a huge positive.
"Worrying that Disney will ruin Star Wars is like worrying that a second iceberg will dive down to hit the Titanic."
Alright, allow me to be the voice of dissent, then...

Remember back in 2009? When Disney bought Marvel? And everyone thought it was going to be the end of the world as we knew it?

I do. I remember being somewhat upset about it, but having a faint sense of optimism, and most of that came down to money and the assurance by Disney that they weren't going to stir the pot with that one. In the end, they have given us multiple films that go on without the typical Disney BS, they're making sure the projects are adequately funded, they're letting directors that know the properties direct, and they're laying out a consistent and admittedly well-thought-out plan for all of the work with the properties going forward...

...Who's to say they aren't going to do the same exact thing with these Lucas Film properties?

Long story short, the damage has already been done to Indiana Jones. We won't see anything done with that for quite some time, due mostly to issues with Paramount, and presumably the foul taste that it's left in everyone's mouth with the last film. I have my doubts that they'd do anything else with Red Tails or Howard the Duck, so those will likely remain on the table as well.

Where all the money will go will be to Star Wars, and in my opinion, that's fine by me.

By essentially forcing Lucas out of the control of the IP, Disney stands to dramatically turn around a franchise that had been lead astray by a man who cared more about the licensing of the characters for merchandise than the actual product we see on the screen. Star Wars has more or less been a children's IP since 1983, at least in terms of the main-stream... Only the expanded universe books, comics, videogames and other small projects have been anywhere near as good as the original films, and even then, that quality seems to differentiate depending on who was at the helm.

Still, we've got The Clone Wars has a very solid cartoon for kids and adults, The Force Unleashed told a story that could rival some of the films, and all of that still leads towards the forthcoming live-action television program (of which apparently is still in development, regardless of the deal) and Star Wars: 1313, both covering very dark territory in the universe.

In an absolute worst-case scenario, Disney keeps Star Wars as a kids IP. Nothing changes. They keep making money off a franchise that keeps making money. Everything that is planned to come out, comes out. And that's that. The IP is in the safe hands of Disney, and they don't need to change a thing.

But what will likely happen?

I can fully imagine Disney repeating the same formula that worked at Pixar and at Marvel. Let them do what they want, fund the projects as best they can, and make damn-sure that people who love and appreciate the franchise are the ones who work on the new products. What exactly does that translate into with an Episode VII? My only assumption would be that it gets to be darker, a little more adult, and properly serve the fans in much the same way that The Avengers did.

In the end, we're likely going to see the IPs continue to have a very long life at Disney with the kind of attention that they deserve. If we're lucky, maybe we'll see a great director at the helm, a solid plan of action like what they have at Marvel, and maybe it's own theme park down in Florida.
I like the Thrawn trilogy of books because they kind of gave the remnants of the Empire a human side, of sorts. There's also the fact that the New Republic was getting corrupt like the Old Republic was, too.

If I was making these, Episode 7 would be "The Courtship of Princess Leia" and Episodes 8 and 9 would be a condensed Thrawn storyline.

If they decide to use the books though they're going to make the characters and story cheesy as hell anyway. (Could work for Joruus C'baoth, though, he's well, insane :lol:)

Although nothing will force me to watch them, I still won't like it if they ruin the books.
I'm actually liking this news so I don't get the dispair from this. They bought out Marvel and all the movies that came out have been steller so I don't see anything wrong with this. Besides, Disney and Lucas as far as I know have been in a good relationship for while with that Star Tours attraction My family has been to multiple times as well as many mercendise with disney tie-ins so this almost seemed like it was gonna happen at some point. I think alot of positives will come out of this.

Still, we've got The Clone Wars has a very solid cartoon for kids and adults, The Force Unleashed told a story that could rival some of the films, and all of that still leads towards the forthcoming live-action television program (of which apparently is still in development, regardless of the deal) and Star Wars: 1313, both covering very dark territory in the universe.

In an absolute worst-case scenario, Disney keeps Star Wars as a kids IP. Nothing changes. They keep making money off a franchise that keeps making money. Everything that is planned to come out, comes out. And that's that. The IP is in the safe hands of Disney, and they don't need to change a thing.

But what will likely happen?

I can fully imagine Disney repeating the same formula that worked at Pixar and at Marvel. Let them do what they want, fund the projects as best they can, and make damn-sure that people who love and appreciate the franchise are the ones who work on the new products. What exactly does that translate into with an Episode VII? My only assumption would be that it gets to be darker, a little more adult, and properly serve the fans in much the same way that The Avengers did.


I agree with everything else you said except the parts in bold.

No, just no. Not an Inceptionalization of Star Wars. I am tired of this infatuation with darkness. The Force Unleashed had all the ingredients of a SW movie - humour, romance, grand scale, heroism and despair without bludgeoning you over the head with 'darkness' and 'grittiness'. I guess it won't be long before fans start calling for Nolan to direct the new trilogy.

SW has always been fascinating to kids while also appealing to adults. I see no reason to change that. Although, that said, a deeper story than Avengers would always be better.
So, as Thrawn is a favourite to do. Anybody have any suggestions who they think could play the leads?

It's hard to think of anyone to replace Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill (although I don't like Hamill's acting, he essentially IS Luke Skywalker. However I did like him more as the animated Joker. :D)

I don't really care who plays Mara Jade as long she's attractive and acts well. :D Grand Admiral Thrawn should have a distinguished voice like the other officers in the Imperial Navy, I feel. I think Jeremy Irons (the voice of Scar from The Lion King) would be perfect. Talon Karrde I'm not sure about. Maybe Daniel Day-Lewis?

I think the direction of the actors will be important though. The reason the Thrawn trilogy is so great is because of the characters, and there's point giving the best actor the role of Thrawn if he puts the character in the wrong direction. Thrawn was super intelligent and an admirer of other species' art; he saw the expressions and feelings of a species through their art, which helped him in planning out his battles with them. He also wasn't completely cold like Vader. If someone failed in their objective but demonstrated potential all the same, they would be spared by Thrawn, possibly even being promoted to the next rank. In contrast, Vader would kill anyone that fails, hell he would even kill an officer if they had a better idea than him. :lol:
I sense a disturbance in the universe... Somewhere, a small game creator is looking to purchase the rights of Battlefront 3. May the world rejoice.

The one thing I'm afraid of is this being a special effects showcase and that's all. I don't think Disney are THAT unintelligent though. I'm eager to see what comes out of this. I would much rather they announce relatively little about the plot, so I can go into the movies knowing nothing. I think part of my disappointment with Episodes 1-3 is the fact that I knew their outcome before they even happened.

I'll be honest though, I'll see the movie regardless of any reviews, and I really can't wait.

And is that 2 billion in CASH I read on the last page really true?!?!?!??
At this rate, by the time they get to the Indiana Jones, Harrison Ford will look like one of the mummies from the earlier Indiana Jones flicks!
Just realized that 4,5 and 6 are the first 3 movies. :P

So I haven't watched 1,2 and 3. :lol:
4, 5 & 6 were great, but how was it possible to resist the "Episode I", when it came out? We waited in a long-ass line to see that one in theaters, and sure, we all end up hating life, and were hugely disappointed after seeing it, then even worse after the II & III, but still...... :D
The way I see it, if 7-9 doesn't go the Thrawn route or skip ahead to the Yuuzhan Vong it isn't worth it.

If the new sequel trilogy is set to begin 20 years after Return of the Jedi (maybe even longer), as was the plan all those years ago, then it would be after Thrawn's involvement and around the time where the Yuuzhan Vong war begins. I would be interested to see if it does go in that direction, although Lucas might have other ideas for these movies that we don't have anything to base on right now.


Disney has just bought the moon. They will be adding two smaller moons on top of the normal moon. It will be called "Mooney Mouse". It will cost you $5 to even look at it.


Damn. Sorry for emptying your wallets. :guilty:

(I know the real moon isn't used there, but close enough)
So I haven't watched 1,2 and 3. :lol:

Not missing anything.

I also believe some good can come from this. Apparently, some people fear that the franchise will be "disney'd" to death, but I prefer to see this as the removal of a bloodthirsty leech that has been destroying the franchise. I have to admit, I would like to see VII begin with the words "The Ewoks have been wiped out".
This could either be the end of the universe or things might actually head in the right direction with Disney in charge. I'm remaining cautiously optimistic about this news.

My understanding is that an additional trilogy set after the original trilogy is green lighted. If they stick with canon from the books, this possibly means Thrawn trilogy which is arguably the best written Star Wars book series.

I wonder if any specific agreements are in place with regards to the original trilogy as well. Seems like an opportunity for Disney to re-release an un-tampered version on blu-ray. I'm sure it would sell like hotcakes. It's pretty much what all die hard fans really want.

Also wouldn't surprise me if Star Wars gets it's own theme park out of this. I have never been to a Disney theme park but my understanding is that Star Tours is that Star Tours is quite the attraction.

Most might not realize but Disney has been fairly entrenched in Star Wars for a while now anyway. There is the Star Tours attraction and a massive toy line of vinylmations and Disney characters in Star Wars get up. Seems almost like a natural progression.

At the end of the day, the original movies are still just as great, even if the rest of the franchise goes to hell, which I doubt it will, it managed to endure Jar Jar after all, it doesn't make the original movies any less enjoyable. And lets not forget that the one person who keeps trying to make changes to these original movies is not the one in charge anymore. This seems like a huge positive.

I was going to post that I hoped Disney has the cojones to pull off the Thrawn trilogy without making them family friendly. Grand Admiral Thrawn, etc are my favorite characters from the Expanded Universe that I geeked out over in junior high. 👍

Who's going to play Luke? :dopey:
Bloodthirsty leech? Oh, you mean Lucas? :lol:

Look on the good side!
Maybe the dialouge won't suck.

...but then, it wouldn't be Star Wars.

Truer words hat never been spoken... :lol:

Disney did wonders with the Avengers. They did wonders with the Muppets. The latest Muppet Movie under Disney definitely did not suck. Hell, it was the best Muppet Movie in nearly twenty years.

I have faith that Disney management has the sense to leave well enough alone.