STAR WARS General Discussion | Warning: Possible SPOILERS!Movies 

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
Everyone is gonna bitch. It'll be fine, shut up will ya?

Count your lucky stars I didn't see this until after an infraction had already been issued because I guarantee you you wouldn't have been an active member here anymore.
Bloodthirsty leech? Oh, you mean Lucas? :lol:

Absolutely. Time will tell, but I think this could be exactly what Star Wars needs. If Disney are sensible about this and get the right people onboard, it could the the breath of fresh air the franchise so desperately needs.
I'm so excited!

Even if it's terrible! I don't care, it's Star Wars!

My little 12 year old brother's gonna lose his **** upon hearing of this.

They can secure its suckiness by trying to pick up the movie right after RotJ. They need to tread carefully, because story is very important. It's not like Avengers where you can just be funny, throw lots of azction in and no real plot. Avengers was awesome, but Star Wars just has so much more potential so they really need to find the balance between great story and consistent adventure, not just action, that's a key factor (thank god there's no way for them to have a thousand lightsaber wielders this time).
They need to bring back the feeling that the characters are spellbounded in every encounter and experience they have, not all cold, passive and like they're all just going through routine. That was a big part that was missing in the prequels, sense of amazement.
They can secure its suckiness by trying to pick up the movie right after RotJ. They need to tread carefully, because story is very important. It's not like Avengers where you can just be funny, throw lots of azction in and no real plot.

I'm sorry, but I disagree. No real plot?
The plot was cookie cutter and absolutely not the main draw of Avengers. At no point during the film did you ever think, "woah, I don't think the Avengers can pull this off!"
But that's not a mark against it in my book. It's like complaining about a lack of gun fighting scenes in Finding Nemo or something.
The plot was cookie cutter and absolutely not the main draw of Avengers. At no point during the film did you ever think, "woah, I don't think the Avengers can pull this off!"
That was intentional. Joss Whedon knew very early on that the ending to the film was a foregone conclusion - whatever happened, the Avengers would triumph. And when he recognised that, the focus of the film shifted. It stopped being about how the Avengers overcame the alien invasion, and started being about how they as a team got to the point where they could overcome it.

And that's why THE AVENGERS was better than most other alien invasion films, like, say TRANSFORMERS 3 (which had a lot of potential in its first half with an interesting story hook). Whedon knew how the story would end, and he knew that audiences would know how the story would end, so he didn't waste time, effort, money or brain cells trying to imply that the Avengers could lose. It's a smarter film because it's less about the superpowers being used and more about the people using them.

Speaking of Whedon, go and watch FIREFLY and SERENITY. It's superior to STAR WARS in every regard.
That was intentional. Joss Whedon knew very early on that the ending to the film was a foregone conclusion - whatever happened, the Avengers would triumph. And when he recognised that, the focus of the film shifted. It stopped being about how the Avengers overcame the alien invasion, and started being about how they as a team got to the point where they could overcome it.

And this is why I disagree with the movie having "No plot". I don't think a Movie necessarily needs that moment where you are feeling the characther can't do it in order to have a plot.
Whedon can definitely plot. In the Avengers, considering he had so many loose threads and personalities to tie together, the focus was on characterization more than plot. That's something that can go in the next movie.

Firefly/Serenity definitely beats Star Wars in one way... snappy dialogue. Something I was expecting from the Avengers... and it didn't disappoint. Hell... Whedon could do a complete Michael Bay of it and I'd forgive him as long as he kept the dialogue. :lol:
People always called him a sellout and said the new trilogy was awful etc..

It's his film franchise, his ideas, he can do what he wants with it.

Lucas said he wouldn't make a new SW film due to everyone calling him a sellout.

I for one am looking forward to the new film. They have loads of resources to go off, with all the books and storys after RotJ, so bring on the new trilogy.

And fyi, I am a huge Star Wars Fan.

I have to admit, I would like to see VII begin with the words "The Ewoks have been wiped out".

I now have to wipe up the coffee I have just laughed all over myself.
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People always called him a sellout and said the new trilogy was awful etc..
Well, it was.

The problem with the prequel trilogy was that everything was pre-ordained by the original trilogy. No matter what happened, everything had to resolve itself in such a way that the original trilogy would not be altered by the events of the prequel trilogy.

A smarter way of doing things would be to follow a new set of characters building up to the point where Anakin's birth was either prophecised, or actually takes place. That way, the events that would have led to Anakin becoming Darth Vader would be open to interpretation (and would spare us from Hayden Christensen). The prequel trilogy could tell its own story, instead of having everything hinge on the finer points of galactic politics to force the story to an inevitable outcome.

It's his film franchise, his ideas, he can do what he wants with it.
Hardly. Lucas owes a lot to Akira Kurasawa. A NEW HOPE is essntially THE HIDDEN FORTRESS in space, with the finer details changed.
I'm pretty optimistic about this news. 👍 Disney have moved on from the 'make films for children' mindset years ago. With the right people working on this there could be some great movies made.

The prequel trilogy were a big disappointment, actually I vividly remember the moment sitting in the cinema watching Ep1 when it hit me that somehow, despite all that he had to work with, Lucas had made an absolute dog of a movie. Probably the worst experience I've had in a cinema ( And let me tell you, there was a time where I was at the cinema and went to go to the toilet and found. . . ah maybe not the best story, but watching Ep1 was worse!!! )

While I'm here:

Redlettermedia - Mr Plinkett reviews Star wars Prequel trilogy.

^^^ Some of the best entertaining and quite well thought out reviews you could ever find - You have to watch these!!! There are some very sound and well thought out points made. I won't post a direct link as it might be against some aspect of the AUP.

But in seriousness the original movies Eps4-6 are some of the greatest movies ever. The original Star Wars is a watershed moment in film making in both storytelling and technical achievement. So it was a total surprise that anyone with film making talent couldn't have blindly stumbled into a semi-decent idea for a prequel trilogy. As you can see in this thread already there's been lots of positive talk about the novels which backs up my point, in that they are a good example of taking the established Star Wars world and creating a storyline {storyarc}.

So I think of this news as a chance for a new trilogy (or more) to be made right this time.
I don't really care who plays Mara Jade as long she's attractive and acts well. :D Grand Admiral Thrawn should have a distinguished voice like the other officers in the Imperial Navy, I feel. I think Jeremy Irons (the voice of Scar from The Lion King) would be perfect. Talon Karrde I'm not sure about. Maybe Daniel Day-Lewis?

Nah, only Darth Vader gets to say "I'VE ABANDONED MY CHILD!!!" in the Star Wars universe. :sly:


Although, I wasn't 100% convinced doing Thrawn would be the best idea as you can't really replace that cast and even if you did/didn't, most people who haven't read those books would consider it even more of a cheap cash-in style set of sequels.

The problem with the Thrawn stuff is that it just extends the 4-6 storyline. Its not quite different enough (in my opinion) to stand on its own in film form.

I personally think the Yuuzhan Vong invasion would distinguish nicely and maybe they could adjust it to write out some of the older characters and rely more on new characters (Jacen, Anakin, Jaina Solo, maybe have Ben Skywalker a bit older etc).

The books rely a little too much on the familiar faces and re-use them too much. They don't really define the new characters well and encourage the reader to really connect with them. So I feel the films really need to ditch the old cast from 4-6 in order to really define itself, otherwise its always going to suffer even more from being compared.

But the idea of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion and the various events are great. I also like the point where the New Republic and the Empire end up working together, plus the Jedi's powers being useless against the Vong.

I could vainly hope they mean "original story" and then just run with a tweaked Yuuzhan Vong script?
Did what? We don't know what the actual storyline will be yet.

But we do know that it won't be book-based. I highly doubt they could pull of a whole trilogy of movies that aren't based on the books that don't conflict with existing cannon.
But we do know that it won't be book-based. I highly doubt they could pull of a whole trilogy of movies that aren't based on the books that don't conflict with existing cannon.

But we don't know that. All hateful speculation is what that is.

Truth is yes, he sold the company to Disney, but his people are still running the show. Combined with Disney's support and money I really don't expect them to be a disappointment.

All we can do is sit back and wait.
Yes we do.

OK, please inform us what these movies will be about than?

Honestly, I'm not exactly thrilled that there will be more, but I'm not going to label the new movies as sucking when all that has been announced is the title.
They need to make movies based off the Old Republic. I've played enough video games in that universe and I want to see it come to film. There are great stories and cool themes to play off of.

Also Star Wars movies are not terribly good films to begin with. The acting and dialog in all six films is pretty atrocious to say the least and the story isn't even that original, I mean rescue the princess, save the galaxy, defeat evil, it's all pretty standard stuff. I still love the movies though, even with all their massive faults they are still really enjoyable to watch though. *puts anti-nerd rage suit on*

So really as long as Disney continues in the same fashion I see no reason why new Star Wars movies would be bad in anyway. They'll be different for sure, but it'll still be Star Wars. Plus look at it this way a new generation will be able to connect with the movies that their parents watched (and even some's grandparents).

Also I'm expecting many Star Wars themed rides at the parks too.

As for Indiana Jones, there's no way anyone can make one worse then Crystal Skulls. I still watch the hell out of it, along with the other 3 but it's still awful.