StarCraft 2 - Season 7 is live. Someday I'll ladder, honest

  • Thread starter Azuremen
Widow mines are probably the best thing I see for Terrans. Not that I know much about mechanics of the game but. I see it as a great tool for map control and negating expansions. By way of destroying drones at 3rd expansion and so on. I'm not sure what a widow mine looks like to an enemy but in the TvZ game the opponent could tell which unit was affected by the mine. But in a third if maybe the player's focus is stretched he might not notice two of his drones/probes got mined and then boom most if not all of his workers are dead.

True. Those Zerg vipers look pretty wicked too. The ability to just pick out a retreating colossus would be a huge advantage.

I was accused of map hacking tonight. Beat a gold guy who was cannon rushing. I get in the habit now of always placing a proxy pylon early whether I'm 4 gating or not and in doing so I ran into his forge by accident. I quickly found his probe and pylon and he quit telling me to I was a noob map hack and to enjoy my ban :lol:
I was accused of map hacking tonight. Beat a gold guy who was cannon rushing. I get in the habit now of always placing a proxy pylon early whether I'm 4 gating or not and in doing so I ran into his forge by accident. I quickly found his probe and pylon and he quit telling me to I was a noob map hack and to enjoy my ban :lol:

Some people are funny. The other day I played a Toss who kept saying how Terran was ridiculous and a '2 Base Terran shouldn't be able to beat a 3 Base Protoss'. Anyway, I checked the replay and the whole game he only made 4 gateways and no forge. People need to have a look at themselves before they start BMing everyone on the ladder.
Some people are funny. The other day I played a Toss who kept saying how Terran was ridiculous and a '2 Base Terran shouldn't be able to beat a 3 Base Protoss'. Anyway, I checked the replay and the whole game he only made 4 gateways and no forge. People need to have a look at themselves before they start BMing everyone on the ladder.

:lol: Yeah had a lot of that too. Beat a zerg the other night who said maybe one day you'll he able to win with a balanced race... :lol: Well when you leave 6 infestors burrowed outside my base and my max zealot/archon army including an observer are attack moving over then they tend to die pretty quickly.

That was probably the best game I've ever played. I was making pure chaegelots and archon with observers only for burrowing and ended up with 5 bases and 20 gates by the end of the 40 minute game. Oh and he for some reason kept wanting to knock down my wall at the 3rd... It was only 3 gateways and when you have 20 going down to 17 for a bit isn't a big deal. I guess he thought that was accomplishing something.
Played some ladder yesterday. Unlike you guys I'm in the thick of it in Bronze and still very much a beginner. I used to play a lot of Broodwar at lans with friends (not competitive, just for fun) and when SC2 was announced I immediately preordered it.

Years came and went and I sort of forgot about the whole game and never picked up my preorder. A couple months ago though a friend of mine said he had been playing a lot and it lit up the spark in me too to get into this game.

Still getting used to the changes and new units and yesterday I was playing against zerg and really noticed how useless stalkers are against roaches. I know you're supposed to use immortals against them but then come the mutalisks and... :crazy:

Anyway, still enjoying the game and I feel like I'm learning a lot. I've never played a lot of RTS, but Starcraft seems to have something special about it. :)

Also really looking forward to HOTS, since my favourite unit from Broodwar is sort of coming back, the arbiter (oracle in HOTS).
Still getting used to the changes and new units and yesterday I was playing against zerg and really noticed how useless stalkers are against roaches. I know you're supposed to use immortals against them but then come the mutalisks and... :crazy:

My biggest issue with the game is that right there. I have no idea what to do. Immortals just take so long to make and are so expensive compared to roaches. So if I go with two robotics to get them out faster then I sacrifice my anti air and the exact same thing happens to me and I lose to a mass mutalisk army. I'm trying to learn zerg but I'm really really bad with them. I'm not much ahead of you, only just promoted to silver this season.

I decided to try a couple cannon rushes last night to change it up. I much prefer to play longer games but it was fun to do. 2 games and 2 wins. First one for whatever reason he even placed a pylon next to my first cannon and then never paid attention to me so I won with just cannons. The second he didn't see until I had two cannons so he mined enough for a second base but by that time I had 4 zealots and a stalker and killed the rest of his probes with those. I don't think I'll be doing that too often though as it's a little boring.
Practice cannon rushing enough and you can get to Masters. Maybe even GM if you're exceptional. Though everyone on the planet will hate you.

Good thing about cannon rushing is you can churn through a lot of games really quickly.
Practice cannon rushing enough and you can get to Masters. Maybe even GM if you're exceptional. Though everyone on the planet will hate you.

Good thing about cannon rushing is you can churn through a lot of games really quickly.

Very true. My 3v3 team was able to crawl into plat by feeding a protoss player and amassing void rays. Only works if they don't scan the protoss players base with like 5 star gates up. :ouch:
Practice cannon rushing enough and you can get to Masters. Maybe even GM if you're exceptional. Though everyone on the planet will hate you.

Good thing about cannon rushing is you can churn through a lot of games really quickly.

Yeah but it's boring. I defend cannon rushes pretty well now. Especially since scouting early in silver isn't a huge priority.
Was trawling through the internet, and I found this. I just had to post it here:

I'm in the Beta now. Pretty good.

Looks like they just announced the most significant balance changes to starcraft in sometime.


New ability: Emergency Thrusters
Speed boost that increases movement speed and acceleration to 4.25 for 8 seconds. 20 second cooldown.

The Medivac’s Caduceus Reactor upgrade at the Starport Tech Lab:
Health restored per second from 9 to 15.
Energy cost reduced from 3 health per 1 energy to 5 health per 1 energy.
Cost increased from 100/100 and 80 seconds to 150/150 and 110 seconds.

Base speed increased from 2.95 to 3.375
Upgraded speed increased from 3.84 to 4.25.

Widow Mine
No longer hits cloaked units.
New upgrade: Drilling Claws
Decreases burrow time from 3 to 1 second.
Requires Tech Lab and Armory. Costs 150/150, 110 second research time.

250mm Strike Cannons has been removed.
The Thor can now switch between two modes: High-Impact Payload and Explosive Payload. The mode shift takes 4 seconds.
When in High-Impact Payload mode, the Thor switches to a different anti-air gun (250mm Punisher Cannons) that has 10 range and deals 24 flat damage.
Thor radius, inner radius, and separation radius increased from 0.8215 to 1.

Seeker Missile has been redesigned:
Can now fire from 10 range.
Missile comes out and stays immobile in front of the Raven for 3 seconds while charging up, then rapidly moves (it’s not dodgeable at this point) and explodes at the target for 300 single target damage.
Targeted unit lights up red when targeted. If the unit moves 13 range out of where the Seeker Missile is, the Missile fizzles.

Splash damage radius increased from 90 to 110.

The Armory now only has one weapon and one armor upgrade for both air and ground upgrades for both Factory and Starport units.


Recall now functions as it does with the Mothership Core.
Vortex now kills a single target.
Vortex does not affect massive units.

Mothership Core is no longer massive.
Pulsar Beam
Now called “Activate Pulsar Beam” and “Deactivate Pulsar Beam”.
When activated, the Oracle’s Pulsar Beam is enabled.
Weapon deals 15+10 light.
Weapon period changed to 0.86, down from 1.
Weapon range reduced to 4.
Energy drain is now 4 per second.

Build time increased to 50, up from 35.

Range increased from 4 to 5. Upgrade still grants +2 range.

Dark Shrine cost is now 100/100, down from 100/250.
Now requires Fleet Beacon.
Attacks with two weapons. The primary weapon, Kinetic Overload, hits air units and remains unchanged. The secondary weapon, Resonance Coil, hits ground units, and does not deal bonus damage to massive units.
Build time is now 60, down from 75.

Void Ray
Prismatic Beam:
No longer charges up.
Weapon period decreased from 0.6 to 0.5.
No longer does passive +massive damage.

Prismatic Alignment (new ability) increases damage to armored units by 6 for 20 seconds, with a 1 minute cooldown. This does not scale with upgrades.


Hydralisk speed upgrade now requires Lair tech.
Speed increased from 3.75 to 4. Acceleration stays at 3.5.

Swarm Host health increased from 120 to 160.
Fungal Growth:
Is now a projectile.
Speed of the projectile is 10.
Range down to 8.

Infested Terrans no longer gain weapon and armor upgrades.
Infested Terran egg health down to 70.

Burrow Charge has been removed.
Damage changed from 15+20 armored to 35 flat damage.

Viper health increased from 120 to 150.

Terrans got buffed like crazy. Medivacs especially. The boosters will make drops even easier, that kind of cooldown makes it almost no consequence to use it. I like how the Thor is more versatile. It's no longer only good against Mutas (and I suppose Phoenix?). Very excited about it, although it's a test patch in Beta so it'll probably change drastically before I get my hands on HOTS, I didn't get into the Beta. :indiff:
So I started playing again (really the first time I've started), and I've been winning a bit with Terran. Gonna start doing random race to figure out the other two races as I have next to no idea how Zerg or Protoss works.
I've been playing a fair bit of 1v1 the past couple days. Moving up a lot in my division, rank 3 I think. I'm still pretty sloppy with my macro but improving a lot with every game. Not floating minerals nearly as much any more, and I'm starting to smooth out build orders a bit. I don't think I belong in Bronze any more, I'm on a 5 game win streak right now and I won all those games handily. I usually end up stomping the opponent pretty quickly when my army is literally twice the size of his. When I play TvT especially the opponent usually just turtles with bunkers and tanks, I had two games like that today. I won by having a 120 supply MMM ball while the enemy was on 40 supply. I find that happens a lot, I'm almost at the point where in some games I can just attack move across the map and stim once to break the bunker/tank wall.

Enjoying the game a lot though, I have a friend who plays Gold and a friend who was once in Platinum (Gold now but he doesn't play much atm), the former plat friend in particular is quite a bit better than me. I played him once two days ago and got completely whooped. Played him again today and still lost handily but it was much closer and a lot longer of a game, so that's always good.

I hope I don't end up like Casio from earlier in the thread where he was stuck in Bronze. That might be the case b/c I got wrecked in all my placement matches (like, I'm talking 2 base thors and battlecruisers while the other player was taking 10 expos for the lolz). Since then I've improved a ton and I think I could probably hang with at least a Silver league.

EDIT: If anyone wants to play a game or something my Real ID is
My SC2 account is OldGregg
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Played a SC2 match against [FXO]Moosegills today somehow. Dude toyed with me for 20 mins, gave advice and helped me figure out how to respond to what he was doing. Dude was in Grandmasters very recently, and said he's only in Masters now b/c he's been playing HotS. It was pretty funny seeing a 120APM in my end against 310 for him. Very very humbling to play someone who is just so much better than you.