Street Stock Series [Sanctioned by INBD]Open 

  • Thread starter trobes29
Thanks Cole! Oh man! My first year of racing (last year was in a Hornet (Mitsubishi Eclipse '92) one of the fastest hornets out there! As you mentioned the Hornet, here's another GoPro video from last year where it was my very first year of racing and absolutely had an dominate rookie year with also winning the track championship as a rookie.

Sorry trobes for exploding your thread with my racing videos :P

Damn, just that move you made into one, would have loved to have seen it from the stands or the guy you passed. That was awesome.
Sounds like something I might be interested in. Of course with the time it is I might only be able to manage doing one race most weeks. But I'll definitely try to show up next week. I'll race #25, don't know about the colour really.
Sorry about not being there for the Street Stock Test on Sunday, I had other priorities I had forgotten about. The Test on Thursday will carry out as usual, I'll be there this time.