Sunday racing...project carsPS4 

  • Thread starter yogi bear
Langham, sk.
Old bear
anyone have a Wednesday night race league starting? Prefer no assists, clean racers. Old school.
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Bear, you need to start a Wednesday league called the "FOG Squad" (Freakin Old Guys) that starts at noon so you'll have plenty of time to hit the Golden Corral buffet for dinner by 4:00 pm. Lol
Hell of good idea gutter...hell of an idea. to start a league....hmmmm.. I'll check goggle .... No wait...that'll cut into nap time..ahhh it's too complicated!
It's easy, Bear. To get ideas for your league, go to FaceTube or YouBook or one of those thingies on the internets. You can reminisce about the good old days when "a haircut only cost a nickel" or sit around eating Charlestown Chews or Necco Wafers or whatever Nana-candy your generation ate. You can shake your cane at all the young whipper snappers and tell them to "stay off my damn lawn, errr, I mean track".
what car?,, I'm really into the older stuff, or cars that don't have a ton of tuning available. Or no tuning at all..

I hate to say it, but I have a feeling the days of good spec racing are behind us on GT6. 👎
I hate to say it, but I have a feeling the days of good spec racing are behind us on GT6. 👎
I've been in a few rooms that had no tuning available, wow close racing, but unfortunately they were public and some idiot is there to crash. Of course it also depends on the car, the lotus 40 for example is crap on stock tune. And most front wheel drive. The caterham lite 500 is great right out of the box.
I'm with you on the standard/no tuning stuff. The few times I've run without allowing tuning I've actually done ok (Formula A, Mazda Radbull, and GT5s). I don't have tuning skills and I don't get a lot of time to practice, so running the stock tuning seems to level the playing field a little. HFRL would go crazy with no tuning allowed, so it'll never happen. But I like the idea of "run what you brung" racing and letting driving skills - not tuning skills - show who is the best. Look at Sebastian Vettel last week at the Race Of Champions: racing alone for Germany he went against the best of the rest (with no tuning) and kicked the rest of the worlds butts.
I'm with you on the standard/no tuning stuff. The few times I've run without allowing tuning I've actually done ok (Formula A, Mazda Radbull, and GT5s). I don't have tuning skills and I don't get a lot of time to practice, so running the stock tuning seems to level the playing field a little. HFRL would go crazy with no tuning allowed, so it'll never happen. But I like the idea of "run what you brung" racing and letting driving skills - not tuning skills - show who is the best. Look at Sebastian Vettel last week at the Race Of Champions: racing alone for Germany he went against the best of the rest (with no tuning) and kicked the rest of the worlds butts.
What about wed. Night,,, you free?.. We could start a fog racing league..
I'm with you on the standard/no tuning stuff. The few times I've run without allowing tuning I've actually done ok (Formula A, Mazda Radbull, and GT5s). I don't have tuning skills and I don't get a lot of time to practice, so running the stock tuning seems to level the playing field a little. HFRL would go crazy with no tuning allowed, so it'll never happen. But I like the idea of "run what you brung" racing and letting driving skills - not tuning skills - show who is the best. Look at Sebastian Vettel last week at the Race Of Champions: racing alone for Germany he went against the best of the rest (with no tuning) and kicked the rest of the worlds butts.

you can ask @Lessen all about the issues he had trying to run a stock league. We had issues with not having enough fuel in the cars. not being able to make pit stops and numerous other issues.
you can ask @Lessen all about the issues he had trying to run a stock league. We had issues with not having enough fuel in the cars. not being able to make pit stops and numerous other issues.
Yeah,, it's too bad. It's just frustrating trying to compete when it's all about tuning.. I think that's why I like the older cars, not as much tuning available, you get more of a feel for the road. I'm just not into all the tech stuff.
The nice thing about our Wednesday league is that for the most part, everyone will share their setups. Maybe less one or two minor tweaks but all in all we all share. Who helped you tune your Diff on the Focus? I didn't even drive that car!!! LOL but really we all try to help each other out until the person your helping gets faster than you I guess.
you can ask @Lessen all about the issues he had trying to run a stock league. We had issues with not having enough fuel in the cars. not being able to make pit stops and numerous other issues.

If PCII develops the tuning restricted aspect of the game there certainly could be an opportunity to regroup and get a spec league going again, it really requires that the game be equally as polished as the organizers' are.
Tuning prohibited works as long as you eliminate the need for pit stops. So shorter races or no tire wear, fuel use or full damage.

Which would actually bypass a lot of pit bugs people experience in full tuning rooms anyway. And we already know full damage is not feasible as well for a myriad of reasons.

So tuning prohibited is actually feasible if done right.
"Right" would be a matter of opinion. But yes, if one is willing to operate inside of a box crafted of glitches it is absolutely feasible to do it.
But isn't that PCars in a nutshell?

Landmines are still out there, pit stops are still glitchy, damage is crap and so on.

We operate within their world as best we can :)
The nice thing about our Wednesday league is that for the most part, everyone will share their setups. Maybe less one or two minor tweaks but all in all we all share. Who helped you tune your Diff on the Focus? I didn't even drive that car!!! LOL but really we all try to help each other out until the person your helping gets faster than you I guess.
I suppose it comes down to how many hours and hours you want to devote to tuning. I'm guilty of just wanting to tweek a few things, jump in and race. The shared tunes definitely help, and are greatly appreciated. What works for one doesn't necessarily work for the next guy. The new cars have such a huge amount of tuning available, and it can mean huge lap time differences. That translates into accidents, I've heard comments of why did you brake so early? Or sorry bud but you were going so slow thru the corner. I'm pretty sure everyone is going as fast as their set up allows.
One thing I do to avoid running into someone is to move over slightly just before the braking points. I've enjoyed a lack of damage on the front end of my car because of this. the end of the day, winning is not my priority, racing hard and clean against someone of equal skill is my idea of fun. But with an ill tuned car, or one that does not accept going off the race line a bit to afford a fellow racer some room, the fun goes out of it.

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