Tekken 5

  • Thread starter Nasadus


Here are some new screenshots from Tekken 5's characters.




More screenshots can be found here
I watched the trailer and it looks amazing. The level where you fight in the tall grass is reminiscent of the one in the original Soul Edge.
It said arcade in 2004, Consoles in 2005. I noted that it said consoles and not PS2 (exclusive.) I guess Sony lost another one to ditech... er Microsoft.
Originally posted by Tom M
I guess Sony lost another one to ditech... er Microsoft.


Good one. ;)

About tekken...

I used to think tekken was the best.
(btw, I was a huge "soul edge" fan, so I knew some good fighters)

PSone, I used to play the hell out of tekken 3.
I was awesome with Lei (cheap for some I know), but I had really mastered 95% of the character, which included all of the "hidden" kung fu combos that were never shown.
(btw, that was awesome because he had so many combos that ran through different styles... instead of combos all coming from one style, he could run up a combo that combined more than one of his fighting styles. 👍 )
(btw, did anyone else ever find out that he had a quick step?)
(not a quick step like what you get when you double tap forward... but if you quickly tapped forward one time he would make a crossing over forward step, then if combined with the right attack would lead directly into an kung fu style you decided.) 👍 (very, very nice system for him)

However, as time passed, tekken 3 wouldn't do it for me.

Then I finally got a PS2 and realized the new worlds of graphics.

This was when tekken took the fall for me.

You see, it took me a while to get everything unlocked and mastered in tekken 3.

Then tekken 4 came out (skipped tekken tag since it was a blue back disc). Tekken 4 was easy to beat, easy to totally complete and really, really dumbed down compared to tekken 3. This meant I destroyed tekken 4 in one rental easily.

That was sad to me because I rented SC2 and when I did that, even though I beat 100% of the game in less than a week, it had replay value that far out weighed the replay in tekken.

So where does that leave the tekken series for me?
Out in the cold.

It doesn't have the skill requirments of virtua fighter.
It doesn't have the fun or replay value of Soul Caliber.
It doesn't have the unlockable costumes and variety of characters that games from the DOA series have.

So what do I do?
I don't buy tekken titles. ;)

Btw, what really clinched my stance on not buying tekken was the search for a 3d fighter that I had to make a little while before SC2 came out.

I went and searched for as many as possible...
Ended up looking at 2 different games.

Tekken Tag. (which I bought and played only about once, literally. :eek: )
Dead or Alive 2: hardcore. (which I still enjoy)

Tekken tag was garbage compared to doa2:hc

Doa looked better, had better characters and controlled better.
Tekken had better fighting styles and better fighting control schemes. (even though the control of the characters sucked, the control schemes for how to move and fight were still better than the 3 button system in doa. )

But still, doa was better. (imo)

Anyway, those are my thoughts on the Tekken series relative to all the others series out there.

This is post number 1776 for me at the gtp.
So I want to give a big hooray for an honorary july 4, 1776 celebration... the birth of a nation and a democracy.
1776, a number that will always mean something for America.
I agree with most of what you said GoKents.The only thing i don't agree is is DOA is better than Tekken.That is just not true.Apart from the unlockables,DOA has nothing on Tekken.
Anyway,i like the Tekken series because,because,hmm, i don't know why,i just like them.Virtua Fighter on the other hand is an excellent fighting game,but it is too complex for the casual gamer.Soul Calibur 2,no doubt is the best fighting game available.Everything is done right with that title.Now we get to Tekken 5.The developer mentions that they want it to be similar to VF 4(the fighting system that is),so it's probably going to be more in-depth then the previous Tekken incarnations.The new characters look very good,i like Asuka Kazama,she has such a mystic look.Raven looks badass but most importantly Kazuya looks more sinister then ever(fav chracter).Just check out the trailer and see for yourself,this one is going to be good.

Tekken 5

Right click and save.
Have tekken tag. Stopped playin it months ago even though im a tekken fan. i didnt really like tekken 4 as there werent as many characters as there was in Tag, and the whole tekken feel IMO, was lost in T4. Now i play Capcom Vrs Snk on the PS2, now thats a great game. All the same i will still buy Tekken 5(This is the first ive heard of it )
New info available:
  • Bruce Irvin and Anna Williams return to the Tekken arena.
  • Infinite fields are back again.
  • Kuma is a time release character.
  • Raven uses Ninjitsu as was speculated.
  • They are adding stuff like lasers & fire (Devil & True Ogre coming back?)
  • There will be many breakable objects on stage but they do not affect gameplay.
  • Position change has been removed and left/right throws are back.
  • A Soul Calibur II conquest mode is being considered.
  • Juggling system is going back to how it was in Tekken Tag.
  • The low parry is being adjusted.
  • Lots of new arts are being added, especially for some particular characters.
  • The wall system is being changed to be more fun.
I'm so glad they're going back to the old juggling system and getting rid of the position change thing. Honestly, that's what killed Tekken 4 for me. The walls and the wall juggles. Just dumb.

OH yeah, that and the whole 123, 123,123 mode of gameplay that it inspired.
Can someone translate these, ive seen rough translations but it seems to say in kazuyas bio he is beaten by heahachi and flies off as the devil which sort of contradicts the ending in Tekken 4. Can someone clear these up.



Im a huge Tekken fan....I even liked 4. VF is cool but the characters are boring. However, this new Tekken Im not feelin. Yoshi, Bryan & Jack look really cool but everyone else 👎 The new characters are copies of VF. Raven is the Ninja, Feng Wei is the bald headed monk, and Asuka is like that other chick...fights the same way. The backgrounds are blah...'cept the Heihachi ruins (they need to bring his @ss back though, he's Akuma of Tekken for G@d sakes!!!) I was hoping theyd put more animation in...like blocking stances, dif hit animations...dif moves for everyone stop the damn sharing animations! But looks like its not gonna happen :indiff: Oh well, I will def rent it.
I couldn't stand Tekken 4. But 5 looks somewhat better. Yes some of the charters are similar ot those in VF, but so what. There are only so many viable fighting style you can put into a game like this. I dont' see what's so bad about the backgrounds either. To be honest, I never pay too much attention to them when I'm playing. I'm too concerned about the fight.

But anyway, let's not judge it till it comes out.
Updated on 07-0-2004

Here are a few nice wallpapers from Tekken 5 for those who are interested.Wallpapers made by Devilshade and Castel:

















And some clean character shots for those who would like to try and create their own wallpaper:








Raven looks a bit like Blade, except for the hair colour I would think the day walker was changing his job from vampire hunter to fighting tournament combatent (if that is a job I don't know).
Guess Who's Not Dead...?

You didn't really believe Namco would kill off Heihachi now did you? You'll most likely see him back as final boss and from the looks of it he's isn't happy!


It's kind of hard to tell with all the flames, but he seems to wearing a helmet with horns and a mane.
Here's my translation of Kazuya's section
Hope that helps

Kazuya Mishima, the son of Heihachi and the man who carries the devil gene.
At the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 Kazuya was defeated by Heihachi and Kazama Jin.
When Kazuya regained his conscious he found himself surrounded by a group of Jack-4.
“Is the G Corporation trying to erase me too”
Angered, Kazuya fought along side Heihachi, but fled the scene leaving Heihachi behind.
As he turned into a devil and spread his wings, a explosion occurred.
Kazuya now heads for the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, in order to revenge the company for their betrayal
Hey, who knows, this could be the first tekken with a decent fighting system, and that actually moves at some speed! :P

*hugs vf4 evo, best game on ps2*
The official Tekken 5 Arcade intro has been released.You can only stream it for now.Here is the URL:http://www.tekken-official.jp/tekken5/media/index_e.html

For those of you that would like to download it you will need this program(it's free).It's called SDP Multimedia and it allows you to save streaming videos onto your hard drive.To download simply choose SDP reciever version 2.0.0 under products and info drop down menu and the download should start.After you installed it,load it up and click on open.Now enter this URL:mms://wm2.streaming.ne.jp/namco/sequenceacop_04-1.wmv
Then click on OK and then on GO.The download should start.Enjoy.
Tekken series invented button mashing fighter. No other game series is that much button mashing, granted a skilled Tekken player does not button mash but I've button mashed a beaten a skilled Tekken player, he got very pissy and came back with quarters to kick me off the machine.

Can't believe Namco also makes Soul Calibur which is much better than Tekken in so many ways.