Tekken 5

  • Thread starter Nasadus
It's starting to look real good. All the characters have cool moves and now the pace is much faster. The juggle grabs look crazy...I'm starting to get excited :dopey:
Tekken is far from perfect but no other game has been able to compare yet, and I've tried them all. True some games have greater one-player depth, but the fighting system itself is still the best around. What I would have liked is simply some more realism. If Nina breaks your arm, you shouldn't be able to use it anymore, and why not make instant kill moves possible too. Keep the original mode, but add this more realistic mode, why not? Also, make it online. This kind of game will be awesome online - if I had more people to fight with of my own level, have all different styles and so on, it would be so much more fun!
but the fighting system itself is still the best around

VF4 evo PWNZ Tekken. I just said "pwnz"...oh dear....
For the record I have tried em all too. Well the ones that matter (and a few that don't).

Why do I feel like the only person who thought tekken was a piece of slow, clumsy, unplayable boring crap?
Tekken was always my favourite fighting game series.SC2 is pretty good aswell.Anyway,i agree with you Arwin.Tekken needs a big dose of realism.The first thing they need to do is make the characters more real.Like for example,how can Ling be as strong as Kazuya.The guy's a Devil for gods sake.He should be godlike.Same with Jack.He is a machine.How can the other characters pick him up and throw him around.The guy weighs atleast a ton.
But the problem with the above is the fact that the game will become unbalanced.Everyone will just pick the strongest character and use him/her all the time.There has to be some way around it.For exapmle Jack is slow but he is not as powerfull as a nuclear powered cyborg should be.He should be able to crush most characters with one hand.Maybe realism isn't such a good thing.
Tekken was always my favourite fighting game series.SC2 is pretty good aswell.Anyway,i agree with you Arwin.Tekken needs a big dose of realism.The first thing they need to do is make the characters more real.Like for example,how can Ling be as strong as Kazuya.The guy's a Devil for gods sake.He should be godlike.Same with Jack.He is a machine.How can the other characters pick him up and throw him around.The guy weighs atleast a ton.
But the problem with the above is the fact that the game will become unbalanced.Everyone will just pick the strongest character and use him/her all the time.There has to be some way around it.For exapmle Jack is slow but he is not as powerfull as a nuclear powered cyborg should be.He should be able to crush most characters with one hand.Maybe realism isn't such a good thing.

Well, you can't expect realism as far as pieces of bone sticking out or stuff like that, but you have to see how much of a trade-off you want and need to make. If a character should be undefeatable, then build in some realistic flaws, build in a ring out, build in a mode where you win if you manage to survive the round, or remove him from the game.

Alternatively, you can go the completely other way and use a points system like in boxing matches. I would also like to see more evolved blocking system. I think the current counters and blocks are certainly moving in the right direction. Just make them harder by providing more control over them.

Tekken's fighting system for me is unmatched because it is the only natural one I've come across so far. Button for right arm, button for left arm, button for right leg, button for left leg. Awesome, works great and makes for very natural combinations, movement and so on (the free movement in SC2 isn't bad either and its blocking system also decent, but the whole weapons deal is even more ridiculous - I just can't stand stabbing someone and not killing him - at least Yoshimitsu's stab was near fatal, loved that :D, however silly it was that he had a sword)

But most important is the online mode for a game like this.
Why do I feel like the only person who thought tekken was a piece of slow, clumsy, unplayable boring crap?

You are. J/P :sly:

I guess its preference. I always liked the Tekken characters better than VF. They have more personality and more cool looking moves (but some are too easy). The button mashing thing is annoying...I wish it was harder to do moves to avoid it but then it would be hard for anyone to pick up.
You are. J/P :sly:

I guess its preference. I always liked the Tekken characters better than VF. They have more personality and more cool looking moves (but some are too easy). The button mashing thing is annoying...I wish it was harder to do moves to avoid it but then it would be hard for anyone to pick up.

Yeah, for me Tekken was the first "beat-'em up" I played on the PlayStation/PS2. From 1 to 4. I had never played Virtua Fighter and when I tried I just could'nt get used to it. I'm really not interested in spending ages and ages and ages trying to get one move right. I have other things to do in life!
But Tekken is certainly easier to get into and easy to enjoy. It probably lacks the depth of VF in many respects, but I do like Tekkens characters and how they are styled and modeled. But, saying all that I'm growing tired of beat-'em ups! Hell, even "Dead or Alive" leaves me cold! Maybe even Tekken 5 will too!