Tesla Model 3 General Discussion

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
Secure RFID cards are used to access high security facilities all around the world (unlike finger prints), so they are a proven security method when applied correctly.

Even than there are failsafes for the really secure areas. Granted I can't imagine there being much incentive for your common thief to get into the espionage racket.

Electric cars are pretty unattractive right now to thief's due to the range of the vehicles and the difficulty in getting rid of them. However as they get to the point where a thief can get away and demand makes it possible to strip them I think thefts will rise. We already have the technology to scan someone's card in their wallet and make a copy so that's already a problem. There could be a problem with gps tracking, but they could just get a jamming device if they make one that works.
Indeed. I think that's a must, speedo behind the steering wheel
After a closer look, turns out the portion of the left screen is dedicated for both Speedometer and Navigation.

I can believe the interior kept simple with only one large touchscreen to save cost.
After a closer look, turns out the portion of the left screen is dedicated for both Speedometer and Navigation.

I can believe the interior kept simple with only one large touchscreen to save cost.
Sure but its still in a bad place.
Obviously it is to save cost. Cost cutting to the extreme, up to a point they created an abortion IMO

It is easy to make a great car that costs more than 80.000€ but not so easy when you have to half this figure ;)
To start the car you put the whole thing in the slot and push the Start button. Since you need to get the thing out to start the car anyway opening it is pretty easy.

I know it takes a couple more seconds to do all that than just getting in the car and driving away, but I prefer this to the car opening automatically and starting up automatically when it detects your phone, even if you're just walking by it.
Regarding Renault's card, the system you are describing is just the more basic, standard one.

If you went up a level or two in trim level, even a Megane II from 2002 would let you have the key in your pocket/wallet all the time (i.e. just place your hand on the door handle/boot for it to unlock, and then just push the start button when inside the car for it to turn the ignition on - no need to remove the card from the pocket or place it on the slot).

Best thing since sliced bread, if you ask me.
I like the simplicity of all the Tesla models inside, and the 3 seems like the next logical step forward. That being said, I'm still not entirely sold on the content/price by comparison to the Bolt, especially when you look at how many features are missing from the base model. Still, they'll sell quite a few, and I'm still interested in it anyway. Go figure.
I like the simplicity of all the Tesla models inside, and the 3 seems like the next logical step forward. That being said, I'm still not entirely sold on the content/price by comparison to the Bolt, especially when you look at how many features are missing from the base model. Still, they'll sell quite a few, and I'm still interested in it anyway. Go figure.
Having driven/ridden in a Bolt, it's clear where they cut costs with that thing. As simple as the Model 3 is, if the materials are similar to the S and X, it will be better for sure.
I'm trying to find that article I read the other day that said Tesla makes no money @35k. They have to inflate the options to turn a profit.
Here's a video by MKBHD. No actual Model 3 footage. Just a talking head video.

Basically, everything is on the touchscreen. To control the AC vents, it's on the screen. To open the glovebox, it's on the screen. I think that has gone too far for me. Why can't the glovebox just have a handle??
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My kind of new car: Minimalist.
There'll be a new kind of mechanic. No calluses. No scraped knuckles on tie wraps. No hot oil filters. Just tyre rotation, leaking shocks, brake fluid and pad replacement, software updates and light globe changes.
Tesla's only sell in countries that subsidizes them. Like the U.S.
Musk said that 63K Model 3 preorders were cancelled
But on its quarterly earnings call, CEO Elon Musk revealed about 63,000 people have cancelled their Model 3 preorders. The number of orders went from approximately 518,000 to 455,000, Musk said.

“Those cancellations occurred over the course of more than a year,” Musk said on the call. “I think [these numbers] are inconsequential. With a small amount of effort we can easily drive the Model 3 reservation number to something much higher but there’s no point. It’s like if you’re a restaurant and you’re serving hamburgers and there’s like an hour and a half wait for hamburgers, do you really want to encourage more people to order more hamburgers?”

Still, those ordering Model 3s today will likely not receive their cars until the end of 2018 at the earliest.

Musk didn’t change its guidance on the production ramp of its mainstream vehicle, expecting to manufacture 5,000 Model 3 cars a week by the end of 2017.

Musk said he has no doubt that the company will be able to reach a production rate of 10,000 cars a week by sometime in 2018.

While Musk reiterated the difficulty of the next few months, he also said he’s never felt better about the company.

“When I said ‘manufacturing hell,’ I meant it,” he said on the call. “We know this, we signed up for it. Not blaming hell because we bought the ticket.

This is maybe the best I've ever felt about Tesla, to be frank,” he continued.

Musk said the company has learned a great deal from the mistakes made with Model S and X production. For one, he said he overreached on the technology included in the first generation of its SUV, the Model X.

“We are very confident about costs [of Model 3 production],” he said.

“When we make mistakes it's because we're stupid, not because we’re trying to mislead anyone,” Musk continued. “We aspire to be less dumb over time."
Please tell me these pictures are not the finished article .
When I saw the first pictures 2 years ago I thought " don't worry they're not really gonna gaffa tape an 18inch flatscreen to the dash "
Apparantly , I was wrong !
It's true they sell like hotcakes in Norway and Hong Kong etc and bomb anywhere where there are either no subisdies or heavy import duties. Now that Hong Kong has stopped offering incentives Tesla is totally dead there!
It's way too soon to declare Tesla dead in Hong Kong. People rushed to buy Tesla's before the subsidy was withdrawn, because that makes sense to everyone. Most people spend months thinking about buying a car (whether it's a specific model or what they can afford), so it's not surprising that many of those rushed their purchases to benefit financially.

Those that missed the subsidy were probably hoping something would change, either the government view or the Tesla's pricing structure.
It's way too soon to declare Tesla dead in Hong Kong. People rushed to buy Tesla's before the subsidy was withdrawn, because that makes sense to everyone. Most people spend months thinking about buying a car (whether it's a specific model or what they can afford), so it's not surprising that many of those rushed their purchases to benefit financially.

Those that missed the subsidy were probably hoping something would change, either the government view or the Tesla's pricing structure.

The thing it's unlikely that the HK government would replace it will a similarly enticing offer because for one they literally have no space left to keep adding private cars to the roads there and need to heavily discorage it, and secondly, like we have seen in other countries, electric incentives are slowly being withdrawn as they become more common.

They went from selling 3000 cars a month to ZERO after the incentives were withdrawn! Tesla will have to lower their prices themselves if they want to see anywhere near the registration numbers in HK they saw previously.
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That's the point of this car.

I think it's too basic for the HK market, to have a car in HK you need a bit of dosh and the 3 isn't going to cut it with people who expect at least a luxury saloon. Those that do buy cheaper cars tend to go Japanese.

Whenever I go to HK, there's a Tesla Model S in every corner. :lol:

Though it is quite shocking that the HK government pulled the plug (see what I did there? :lol: ) off the subsidy.

Yeah, the times I have been there you can't go 3 minutes without seeing one!
That touchscreen is going to become filthy so fast...

So.. just keep a microfiber cloth in the car. :P Should be easy to keep it clean if it has the same oleophobic coating that smartphones and tablets have. Just have to wonder about using some protection for that screen so it won't get scratched, don't know what type of glass it is.

I found 2 more really nice videos of the Model 3 with a lot of info and detailed look of the exterior and interior.

I think it's a really beatiful car. And for the price range it's in it's definately the best electric car (or maybe even any type of car) you could get. I actually have one on pre-order for quite a while already, it's really exciting to finally get some more info about it. :) Just waiting for pricing here in Europe now, especially of all the options.