Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Discussion Thread

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This is the discussion thread for an article on GTPlanet:

Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Review: Hong Kong Phooey

It’s been a bit over 13 years since the last game in the Test Drive Unlimited series, TDU2, and while that had something of a mixed reception it did gain a niche following. As such, the third game in the series has been one much anticipated on GTPlanet...
Thank you! Confirmed everything i felt the last year. Game is already deleted from my wishlist.
My gripes are with this queue thing....
  • Once in the queue you shoulnt be turfed off the queue (a moment ago i was 22nd in it and got a server error)
  • also getting bumped down the queue happened to me just before 7pm (i'm in uk)
so far this has been a very annoying launch of a game and i remember the Debacle that was the launch of GTA online....
Apparently this is the full car list. No real surprises and kind of tells me the game went through some real development hell, seeing how most of the newer cars seem to be around 2017-18-ish models, with just a few newer ones. Bit disappointing to see so many duplicates in a car list that's one of the smaller on the market these days. The 250 GTO is the most expensive car in the game.

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So, what's the situation with the servers? Has it been fixed? I still can't log in at all.

My gripes are with this queue thing....
  • Once in the queue you shoulnt be turfed off the queue (a moment ago i was 22nd in it and got a server error)
  • also getting bumped down the queue happened to me just before 7pm (i'm in uk)
so far this has been a very annoying launch of a game and i remember the Debacle that was the launch of GTA online....

My gripe is that there shouldn't be any "server queue" Crew Motorsport doesn't have one. FH5 doesn't have one. Nor does any other game. Why should you wait in a queue to play a game you've paid for? Is this the NHS we're talking about??
TDU 2’s launch was way worse than this (for the MP side of things) but you could at least play it offline (unless the game occasionally didn’t wipe your save, among other things). The rage on the Atari forums was magnificent.

You’d think there would’ve been some valueable lessons learned. I guess I was wrong.
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I did get to Level 10 this morning (UK) before there were too many players. It was 15 minutes late in being able to login even then. I am in the “Queue” waiting for the Login Error message to inevitably appear. Playing on PS5.
TDU 2’s launch was way worse than this (for the MP side of things) but you could at least play it offline (unless the game occasionally didn’t wipe your save, among other things). The rage on the Atari forums was magnificent.

You’d think there would’ve been some valueable lessons learned. I guess I was wrong.
I did get to Level 10 this morning (UK) before there were too many players. It was 15 minutes late in being able to login even then. I am in the “Queue” waiting for the Login Error message to inevitably appear. Playing on PS5.

Looks like you've done better than me. I customised my character's appearance and that was about it. Saw the opening sequence with that tart and the whole "Perfect, give me a short list of six candidates" Yet to step into a vehicle. Tried this morning, tried this evening. Same BS.
I paid £80 and all I got access to was going on racing games that actually work, in Horizon 5 and GT7.

If nothing else, I hope this forces their hand to make an offline mode with multiplayer optional, like Horizon. It's been shambolic, and no doubt damaging. Financially and within the industry.
I have finally managed to get inside but after finishing a race I get a Race server error.
Anyone else with the same issue?
Apparently this is the full car list. No real surprises and kind of tells me the game went through some real development hell, seeing how most of the newer cars seem to be around 2017-18-ish models, with just a few newer ones. Bit disappointing to see so many duplicates in a car list that's one of the smaller on the market these days. The 250 GTO is the most expensive car in the game.

Those prices are all over the place. Some are kind of the realm of reality & then there's a $800,000+ GTR? The modeling quality also looks really varied. The wheel fitment on some of those cars does not look good.
Doesn't sound like Nacon is a particularly amenable publisher to begin with. Realistically, the disastrous demo that this game had, the constant unfavorable comparisons to Forza Horizon 5 it has dealt with and the collective indifference that it has gotten since then (even before the bad reviews started pouring in) means the studio is going to close down within six months as the game limps along for maybe a year before being unceremoniously turned into a coaster.
And if publishers want to take the failure of what has pretty consistently looked like a cynical IP badging exercise from a dodgy publisher (particularly considering how much of a borderline asset flip this game looked) an excuse to just not make any more games like it, there's little to be done on the matter regardless of the reason people refuse to buy it.
Yeah, given the whole business between them and Frogwares (releasing a preview build of The Sinking City as the full version so they wouldn't have to pay the studio for the final product, though thankfully Frogwares pulled the rights to the IP back from Nacon and self-published the actual finished version recently) I highly doubt they're going to really start acting responsibly anytime soon. Most likely they'll just refuse to let KT put out any patches while the dispute is going on, and the game will sit in this current state without so much as the "industry standard" apology PNG recognizing its poor condition and promising to fix it.

Sleep Yawn GIF

On top of being the most boring car list of all time, a lot of the models are shockingly bad. Like, S15 Silvia in Forza bad.
Just watching it on Series X for quality - seems a bit blurry in either mode to me, the reviews there all going 1/5 stars because they can't login... I'll try it on a free play weekend, maybe buy it on offer once it's all been updated and improved.

Hope they can improve WRC Generations reflections with this updated engine, and make it run with my wheel but I'm not sure if they'd bother.

Seems I Dodged a great pile of disappointment.
What a shame.

The car list Is also a huge disappoint, no interesting cars, some useless choices and the same mainstream cars I drive in every single game.
Imagine if you had paid for the €200 edition and this was the rubbish you were given.

I'm glad I persevered with not trusting KT.
Just watching it on Series X for quality - seems a bit blurry in either mode to me, the reviews there all going 1/5 stars because they can't login... I'll try it on a free play weekend, maybe buy it on offer once it's all been updated and improved.

Hope they can improve WRC Generations reflections with this updated engine, and make it run with my wheel but I'm not sure if they'd bother.

I rather wait than buying this game at the moment, MMO focus, no solo / offline, the driving and physics it's difficult to know where the game is, sometimes reviewers says it's more sim focus (for a arcade game) or sometimes it's more arcade than FH and TCM, almost like NFS unbound...

I'm sorry for those who have payed extra money to play early and get this...
Sleep Yawn GIF

On top of being the most boring car list of all time, a lot of the models are shockingly bad. Like, S15 Silvia in Forza bad.
Yeah, the quality is disappointing too. And it's not even the potential old TDU2 models. The new stuff isn't consistently well modelled either.
I still haven't been able to log in. Today, it said "Connecting to proxy server" and absolutely nothing happened. Absolute train wreck of a game. Wish I had listened to all the negativity. Guess I'm just an incorrigible optimist 😎🤣

a 100% death birth game.
how the fools feels now who paid 90€ to play trash? LOL

Yep, feel like an absolute **** 🥴 The joke's definitely on me.
And I'm sure more workload from having to introduce VR support would make the game better. The disconnect messages in VR would be so immersive.