The "Euro Truck Simulator"-series Thread.

  • Thread starter Dean
I'm getting on now. Had to do a few things first to make sure I coukd go straight through. Anyways looking to start in about 30 min for anyone that wants to join up
Day 1 of MP was incredibly fun. I did a drive from Cardiff to Strasburg there were a lot of respectable people on the roads that were respecting rules but of course there were a few who were annoying. At the Calias port a few guys were blocking the roads so everybody was stuck for a while until they got kicked and then you had a huge traffic jam. I cruised with a mini convoy until I had to get on another highway. I also got stuck in the middle of the road between two guys who were racing. I somehow placed myself perfectly and avoided a collision (The road only had two lanes and I was about 50KMH slower than them. The only not fun thing besides the traffic blocking was how much it lags when in a city or a place where a lot of people are. I have a HD 7970 and I get like 30fps on medium in cities (I get like 20 fps when it rains in cities).
I should start recording with free Bandicam, just to get proof incase something happens, or to do a crash compilation, or something like that.

But it might affect my poor laptop's poor performance some more, to make it even poorer. Will have to test it sometime. 👍
Was good to go for a Slovakia to UK road trip with Tasman (Sorry, don't know your GTP name!). I'm going to take a short nap now, and if anyone is interested in going for a road trip after that, let me know! I believe that I am currently in Carlisle, or somewhere around there.
Once I get home and download MP, we should have a race from the northest point in the UK tote most southwestern point in the game. :D
That would take quite a while. And I'm positive everyone would take the same route. But fun idea though.

Well, if we're racing then it won't take quite as long ;)

Had another good drive from Manchester to Linz with @Mark II Blit . Unfortunately some connection issues caused some issues along the way but, nothing was really our own fault!
That would take quite a while. And I'm positive everyone would take the same route. But fun idea though.
Well there is some strategy in it such as fuel and sleeping and whether to take the ferry or train. I've never played MP yet so I don't know if its still the same as SP.
Well there is some strategy in it such as fuel and sleeping and whether to take the ferry or train. I've never played MP yet so I don't know if its still the same as SP.

Ferry and Train take same time. Everyone always has the same time. And you don't need to sleep.
Had another good drive from Manchester to Linz with @Mark II Blit . Unfortunately some connection issues caused some issues along the way but, nothing was really our own fault!

We sure did have a bumpy start, but it was a very enjoyable trip to conclude the weekend nevertheless :cheers:

I'm glad we went through Calais instead of taking the shortest route through IJmuiden. It makes me wonder why people go through Holland when they can get the extra XP from avoiding the chaos! Pictures from our arrival in Linz, outside Sheffield, respectively.

ets2_00082.png ets2_00081.png
North to South race would be fun. I've hit 170kph in my 750hp Volvo, so that may be interesting on some of the Scottish roads. Fuel would have of be taken into account, as most trucks would probably run quite low on fuel, or run out.
North to South race would be fun. I've hit 170kph in my 750hp Volvo, so that may be interesting on some of the Scottish roads. Fuel would have of be taken into account, as most trucks would probably run quite low on fuel, or run out.

We should do handicaps, for amount of power. Or what if we did like a rally and had checkpoints on the way, but our loads going to the final Destination so we couldn't just use the GPS!

Or Higher HP means more weight on your load. I'm having a bunch of good ideas so why not do this....?

Welcome to the First running of GTP's Big Truck Rally (Great name I know :lol:) Do you think you have what it takes to be the fastest Big Truck driver on ETS2? Then join the Rally. It's a Race from North to South Europe!

Race Format:

Everyone meets at the designated start area. Trucks are then released one by one in 5 min segments (In game Time). Once released head to the first checkpoint. At the designated checkpoint screenshot the game so we can see current in game time and the checkpoint itself. Do this for each checkpoint. Once you arrive at the finish do the same thing as the previous checkpoints and wait for fellow competitors (Only the 1st person has to do this). Then time is added up and everyone is placed.

Under construction (Post what you think is a good number of Checkpoints and locations. Also post starting and ending locations.)


Mainly using the honer systems. So don't cheat.

-Weight of Load
Under 399HP... 20,000 LBS or less. So any amount of weight

400-499HP... 30,000LBS or More (13607.8KG's or More)

500-599HP... 40,000LBS or More (18143.695KG's or More)

600-699HP... 50,000LBS or More (22679.619KG's or More)

700-799HP... 55,000 LBS or More (24947.58KG's or More)

-Time penalties
20% or less Trailer Damage... 0 Min (In Game Time)

40% or less Trailer Damage... 4 Min

60% or less Trailer Damage... 6 Min

80% or less Trailer Damage... 8 Min

100% Damage... You messed up...

-Loading recent autosaves is allowed at any point. You just have to accept the time loss between loading it and getting back to where you were.

-Feel free to leave more comments for additional rules.

Time and Date:

Friday, August 1st

Time can be discussed.

And thats about it again feel free to comment to add what you think needs to be added!

And advice don't worry about getting a load to the exact destination just save it before you pick it up and when its all done just load that save. Also saves you from paying all the speeding tickets. So just make sure to save before hand and load that save when its all done.​

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Having different weights on your load could make it tricky for everyone to get a trailer to the right destination. Unless people just got trailers going wherever, and then cancelled the job at the end of the race.
Having different weights on your load could make it tricky for everyone to get a trailer to the right destination. Unless people just got trailers going wherever, and then cancelled the job at the end of the race.

And advice don't worry about getting a load to the exact destination just save it before you pick it up and when its all done just load that save. Also saves you from paying all the speeding tickets. So just make sure to save before hand and load that save when its all done.
I've just modded about 30 new trucks into my game. Launching it now, it'll either be amazing or it'll crash and I'll be stuck until tomorrow trying to figure out which file is causing it.:lol:
1.11 is out now as an official release. Lot's of goodies but, does anybody know if this will cause problems with multiplayer?
Yes it does affect MP :( My game updated yesterday and next time I went to open the MP, I got "Invalid game version" so I guess we have to wait for the developers to update the MP mod before it can be used again :(