The Ferrari Challenge - CompletedPS4 

  • Thread starter IfAndOr

Mon Challenge.jpg

Mon 365.jpg
Current participant count - 14 (2 Spaces available)

All clean and respectful drivers are welcome to join. We have a good selection of abilities so hopefully there will be someone to race against.

I've included the usual gang that have raced with me previously. Hopefully they'd like to join in again.

@IfAndOr - 355 # 26 / 365 # 18 / 488 # 115 (NA)

@John Wells - 355 # 42 / 365 # 36 / 488 # 42

@half_sourly - 355 # 9 / 365 # 71 / 488 # 117 (EU)

@AndreasR - 355 # 161 / 365 # 34 / 488 # 61 (NA)

@Oldbass47 - 355 # 110 / 365 # 47 / 488 # 68 (APAC)

@Maxmusmonster - 355 # 25 / 365 # 38 / 488 # 23

@Napalm_LT - 355 # 87 / 365 # 40 / 488 # 198

@xeronima - 355 # 8 / 365 # 37 / 488 # 162 (EU)

@Don Mejillone - 355 # 3 / 365 # 35 / 488 # 179 (APAC)

@richroo - 355 # 18 / 365 # 37 / 488 # 13

@beachboy6658 - 355 # 66 / 365 # 55 / 488 # 48

@slthree - 355 # 23 / 365 # 39 / 488 # 77 (NA)

@RagingBullLC - 355 # 67 / 365 # 58 / 488 # 160 (EU)

@Skip7950 - 355 # 111 / 365 # 74 / 488 # 4 (APAC)

Car numbers and colours? If you'd like to pick a car/colour/number please post it below and I'll add it above. There will be 3 cars to select of coarse.

Note. The 488 has 3 variants but they are all the same car, it's just the region they represent that is different. You can pick any of them I believe so there's quite a selection to choose from.

* I've realised that SMS have duplicated some of the 365 numbering on the cars. So it's not so critical on picking your choices. If you find you're in the same car as someone else you can always swap for the next race if you want to.
It was weird today, #111 355 was not on the livery least on my livery list. It was there last week, and when I did practice laps...any idea why?
I like 355 a lot, probably it fits my driving style and even more - h-shifter and clutch is not a big problem for me anymore. We can do a championship only with this car :)

But I am struggling with other two.
365 is quite good for me in qually, but during race it feels completely different - brakes are more sensitive and car is very unstable. Maybe the qually ant race conditions are different - I didn't noticed what time we use?

488 even worse for me. I try be gentle with brakes, but lap after lap they become worse and worse. Seems everyone (Paul, Rich and Bull) start brake later than I, but have shorter brake distance. Its confuse me :(

BTW nice to see John quite high with 365 second week in a row :cheers:
I have a similar experience, Napalm. I'm not at your pace, but also find braking in those cars - in the 365 especially - to be difficult; I keep locking up. I think it is to do with the car rather than settings, because in all other cars I've been fine (and still am in the 355). What I ended up doing last night was to just start braking a bit earlier and not fully engaging the brake; maybe they are accurate simulations of those brakes and you just have to be careful with where the threshold is? Anyway, lighter and longer worked for me, even though of course it costs time. But then sliding past every apex costs time too...

The 488 was a bit better, but I still had to be careful with locking up.
In the 355 I usually run it on the stable setup, it helps with the braking I find. Last night I experimented and used loose during qualifying - I kept locking the rears. I meant to switch back to stable after qualy but because I was doing other things I forgot! :dopey: Back to stable next time.

The 365 I run in stable also for the same reason and like @half_sourly I brake much earlier and not so hard. Compared to the other 2 the car does feel more unstable. The problem is partly, because it feels older, you are going faster in it than you think you are. It's still a fast machine with a big heavy engine up front.

The 488 I run on loose but move the brake balance to the front slightly, 57/43. I also use the ABS, usually on high at the start of the race when we are all together, then drop it to low and depending on the track raise it to high again as the tyres start to wear. I use the traction control in a similar manner.

Maybe the qually ant race conditions are different
They are slightly different, but not by much. To save me having to change too many settings between races, the 365 race is always at 14:00. The qualy for all races is held at 12:00. The weather conditions used are similar to the race so shouldn't affect track temps.
Funnily enough Rich has asked me the same question because he thought it felt different too! Not sure why that is.

BTW nice to see John quite high with 365 second week in a row
He was going really well in his 355 to, I was following him for a good number of laps. Go John 👍

While I'm thinking of it - thanks Skip for pulling aside when being lapped. Nicely done. And don't worry about the car numbers, use what you can.
They are slightly different, but not by much. To save me having to change too many settings between races, the 365 race is always at 14:00. The qualy for all races is held at 12:00. The weather conditions used are similar to the race so shouldn't affect track temps.
Funnily enough Rich has asked me the same question because he thought it felt different too! Not sure why that is.

Very strange. I did few online races against AI on Sunday. I set default date, hazy, qually start at 12.00 and race start at 14.00. The car was nice to drive on both sessions, there weren't any difference within qually and race. I use loose on all cars and found I can brake later on 365 than on 355.
Everything were about the same in the Monday prerace loby and official qually, but at race car was absolutely different and it is very difficult to change driving from you are used to, to something different.

Thanks Paul to pay attention to 488 brake balance :). I have forgotten that. I like engine braking, but it is a bit complicated for me on this car. I will try to move brake forward a bit :cheers:
I like 355 a lot, probably it fits my driving style and even more - h-shifter and clutch is not a big problem for me anymore. We can do a championship only with this car :)

But I am struggling with other two.
365 is quite good for me in qually, but during race it feels completely different - brakes are more sensitive and car is very unstable. Maybe the qually ant race conditions are different - I didn't noticed what time we use?

488 even worse for me. I try be gentle with brakes, but lap after lap they become worse and worse. Seems everyone (Paul, Rich and Bull) start brake later than I, but have shorter brake distance. Its confuse me :(

BTW nice to see John quite high with 365 second week in a row :cheers:

Surprised by that Napalm_LT, I'm feeling like I'm braking a lot earlier than most and stopping in a longer distance than cats around me. Interesting!
There is also the factor of the brake sensitivity setting in the options - and whether you've changed it at all. I've lowered mine a little from the default.

I must admit that unusually the 365 does sometimes feel more wayward at the start of the races and it takes a little time to adjust. I'm never sure if it's imagined or real.
I think maybe that John has hacked into my system and changes the settings for the 365 race to those he likes. :)
I think that driving default settings don't help as you have to atune to the car rather than set the car to you , so you race drivers find it difficult.
us old guys on the other hand come from the school of drive it like you stole it ! most cars back then were patched up death traps that we managed to race around .

the brakes are bit naff took me a couple of go's to get under control not made easy by the lovely zolder , i found it to be a challenge even tho i know the track .
i should have done better but with no @AndreasR i had to find my guitar to play the blues ..
I was thinking of switching off the track limits at LM Bugatti, I thought the final corner might cause problems, but after some of testing I've found that it's not so bad. As long as you don't go too far off track it's fairly lenient. As I've said before, if you ease off the throttle when you think you're out of bounds it often doesn't see you as gaining advantage and so doesn't warn you. Usually!

Also I'll repeat; if you do get a warning consider who's behind you if you're going slow down. They probably won't be aware of what you're doing so it may cause problems. Often a gentle lifting of the throttle - at an appropriate time and place - is enough to clear the warning. Or... what's often best is to continue racing, the message may still go away and even if it doesn't the time penalty received is often less than you loose by slowing anyway.

See you in Le Mans. No not that circuit, remember you've got to turn right. :)
I'am a computer illiterate so i don't now how i can post pictures or pieces of film of the race.
But I like that others take the time and effort to do so :)
Sorry if I forget to give a "Like" sometimes when I have read or viewed something.
I want to thank you all for the posting of things .

I enjoy it a lot :cheers:


@richroo interesting to see your take and the different systems particularly compared to gt sport. The spotter callouts seem to have a bit of a delay on them! There was a collision we had where I felt a little aggrieved, but now understand it if you're using and semi-reliant on the spotter calls. I'd gotten a good run and got inside you through the sweeping 4th gear right hander, and as the arrow turns red and points directly to your right, the spotter tells you I'm a length back!! So of course you were going to turn in XD

The system on GT sport with the radar and the red lights in the left and right corners of the HUD display seems a bit more sensitive and more reliable..
Zhuhai circuit and a man-eating monster. Coincidence? I think not...
Turn 4 and perhaps 14 can be a bit deceptive because you can carry too much speed, but otherwise it's not so bad. Definitely not alligator scary. Or is that a crocodile?

A few elevation changes would make it a more interesting circuit. It's a bit flat.

The system on GT sport with the radar
However unrealistic the radar is, it's a very valuable aid for online racing. I was hoping they'd adopt something like it for PC3 but unfortunately there's still the (slightly improved) arrows. And no spotter!
The spotter callouts seem to have a bit of a delay on them!
I have only found the spotter recently had it off for some reason .
not sure if he was lying but it wouldn't have been malicious , i do make stupid mistakes too and will when possible to return position but have found that sometimes its better to just keep going as we all have our day .
i think we can get pe'd with accidents because we want to do well , its great to have that passion to care .
Who did I hit...was it you, Rich? Whoever it was, I am so sorry...did not mean to do so for sure!