The GT3 UK map.

  • Thread starter Famine
It's a tricky weekend, BUT...

Let me know the arrangements if any - where folk can stay, for example. I'll probably drive over in the PoS if I do come though.
All in hand, Lotus! I added him about 2 hours after you posted that :D
Whoops... :D

Wel, I WAS at work and couldn't check the forums... I did very well to remember his ID number... :D

Editing the noooooo!
Edited. Stupid damn Mancunians and their stupid damn pseudonyms... :D
Javdalen, sorry for the wait but you're on there now, so Famine can work his mojo ... :D

I put Thrasher on there too but his location is pretty much a wild guess, I couldn't find anything useful on the net.
Map updated - and now at least London, Oxford, Reading, Basingstoke, Slough and Northamptonshire are in the right place... D'oh :D
erm - me too !!!!
I live in Birstall - west yorkshire, best place to put me would be Leeds !! (not a million miles away from manchester !)
And I cant sere the map either ?? Its just a red x in a white box ??? I wanna see the map !!! I'm afraid...

I'm going to transfer everything to my site as well. This problem at has been going on for about 2 weeks now. It's going to take SOME rearranging... Brrr... :D


Edit: How's that? :D
aha !! The map !
Shud put little inserts with our GTPlanet user names so we know whose where !!
Am I on there yet ? I shud be able to tell really :confused: I cant see a dot near Leeds ??
Not yet, young James, not yet :D

The picture here is just a picture. On the website, it's an image map - as you put the pointer over a dot, you get a little bit telling you the name and location. If you click on a dot you get the person's profile page at their preferred.... pforum... :D

E-mail through the forums (fora?) is slightly more secure than just giving out e-mail addresses.

BTW Transferring my entire site right now... Need to amend all the links then... That's tomorrow evening's job :D
Or if anyone (else) can pronounce it :D

My dad was born in Rhymney, just up the valley from Ysynybwl, so if anyone else round here can say it, it's me. I'll add you on presently - the site transfer is taking a little while (8Mb on a 56k... Brrrrr!).

If there is an iLink meet in Manchester would you be able to get? It's been a while since I drove past Mold and can't remember the way...
You can stick me on there if you wish..but you gota find where I live first :D

It's called Camborne, far SW in Cornwall. I could give you some help if needed :P

Thanks :odd:
My sister-in-law's remaining parent lives in St. Day near Redruth... :D

You'll have such a hard time finding a place in the UK I don't have relatives :D
Originally posted by Famine
Or if anyone (else) can pronounce it :D

My dad was born in Rhymney, just up the valley from Ysynybwl, so if anyone else round here can say it, it's me. I'll add you on presently - the site transfer is taking a little while (8Mb on a 56k... Brrrrr!).

If there is an iLink meet in Manchester would you be able to get? It's been a while since I drove past Mold and can't remember the way...

am I right in thinkin the site is down now ? Good luck with gettin it all back on track if it is and let us know when its done and dusted
Cheers Famine
It looks like it's totally down... I can't even access it from home now, which is a complete fart. Hopefully it gets working again soon - although I had retreived the map and map page. I'll be editing and putting it on soon.
Originally posted by Famine
It looks like it's totally down... I can't even access it from home now, which is a complete fart. Hopefully it gets working again soon - although I had retreived the map and map page. I'll be editing and putting it on soon.

:( :( :(
Well like I said good luck with it - I think theres a few more members interested 👍
Go Famine !!!
:D Echo!

I'm recoding the site for the OTHER site as I type... :D

BTW what are you able to bring with you if you come to an iLink?
erm ... I dont have an iLink cable thingy yet - Never had the pleasure of playin 2 player on a full screen !!
I wud bring me ps2 gt3 pad and me big 28" tv ??
That what you were thinkin of ???
no :lol: if Im totally off track there !!!
Yes, that was exactly what I was thinking of :D

We're trying to sort something out before DDD5 in September - ie before we have to put in some actual money and bog off to Holland to iLink.

Don't forget you need a copy of GT3... :D
Originally posted by Famine
Yes, that was exactly what I was thinking of :D

We're trying to sort something out before DDD5 in September - ie before we have to put in some actual money and bog off to Holland to iLink.

Don't forget you need a copy of GT3... :D

DDD5 ? That a big GT3 meet ??
Well we live kinda close we cud have an iLink all of our own - I'd lose though I think !!
Dont know if Id want to fork any any cash to go to Holland to play but you never know - Im gettin quite hooked on all this racin thing. It gives GT3 a meanin instead of just blastin round on yer own there people to beat now !!
Dutch Driving Day #5

I did plan on going over for DDD4 which was 31st May - 2nd June, but just couldn't afford it :( I live close to the Eurotunnel though so it's not too much of a hardship... I've got funds for DDD5 now I've got enough warning :D

I'll be returning to Sheffield briefly in a few days, and hopefully I can find a place to host us sometime in July...
Originally posted by Famine
Dutch Driving Day #5

I did plan on going over for DDD4 which was 31st May - 2nd June, but just couldn't afford it :( I live close to the Eurotunnel though so it's not too much of a hardship... I've got funds for DDD5 now I've got enough warning :D

I'll be returning to Sheffield briefly in a few days, and hopefully I can find a place to host us sometime in July...

July sounds good 👍
Eurotunnel in Yorkshire !! Did I miss it !