The next Horizon?

  • Thread starter FosterG
I have enjoyed playing Forza Horizon, but it has gotten a little long in the tooth, is there any word on a followup game?
Last I looked, there were nothing but little hints from a couple of Playground Games' staff looking to hire people to work on a next-gen. racing game that is more than likely the sequel we're awaiting.

Of course, with FM5 around the corner, T10 is most likely not going to announce Horizon 2 any time soon as to keep all the focus remained on #5. I have a feeling E3 or earlier in '14 will start giving more hints at it, though.
However I did saw a few job postings on their website, few of them design positions and art positions, so maybe the next game might be in a pre-production to a production state.

It will come, but it will be ... a year and a half at best.
Forza 5 didn't interest me, but a Forza Horizon 2 might just be the game to convince me to get an Xbox One.
An artist by the name of Sumeet Surve, who works for Indian design house Dhurve Interactive, posted two pieces of concept art to his own website. They are called "Forza Deep South." This is interesting because Dhurve Interactive worked on Forza Horizon and FM4, creating cars and other items. You can see and read about it here:
I think this could be very interesting if true.
Would be an interesting setting indeed. Just from those two concept shots, I'm getting thoughts of moody, high contrast images and a darker overall tone of the game. Maybe it's going to be a spiritual successor to Smuggler's Run mixed in with Smokey and the Bandit and similar genre movies?
Yes, those two images evoke a Southern Gothic feel. The only problem is we don't know if this is where FH2 is going, or if it's rejected artwork for FH2, or even rejected artwork for FH1, since we know they scouted something like 30 locations for the first game. If it is where FH2 is going, then I have no problem with it. I think it could be a lot of fun.
The southern end of the Appalachians would make for a good inspiration for great driving roads. I've sampled the twisties in that region.
I think Deal's Gap is north of what's considered the "deep south", but that's the idea. Some of the roads in the surrounding hills are a better drive than the Dragon itself, IMHO. ;)
Playing the first game again has got my hype levels up again for the next installment.

Wherever it is, I just hope there aren't so many artificially closed off sections between roads, so we can do some proper off roading.
Forza 5 didn't interest me, but a Forza Horizon 2 might just be the game to convince me to get an Xbox One.

I know it's been a while, but this. I didn't actually pick up Horizon when it came out. Played the Demo, didn't feel like I wanted to buy it, and completely skipped it. Only picked it up a couple of weeks back from the bargain bin and started playing it over Easter, and boy did I have some fun. The game is great to play with the Wireless Speed Wheel too. I haven't gotten myself an Xbox One because I simply can't justify paying $600 for Forza 5, but if a Horizon 2 came out on the Xbox One, I may actually re-consider getting one.
I had no problem justifying spending $600 for the XBox One, but I didn't do it just for Forza 5. I also got it for Horizon 2 and Forza 6 and (probably) Horizon 3 and Forza 7.

Same here lol.
I am very excited to see Horizon 2's new weather system, even though I didn't play the first Horizon that much,
after I had completed all events on the map.
So...there are going to announce Forza Horizon 2 today? ;)
For those who don't know, Ralph Fulton is the founder and creative director of Playground Games.

Last I heard they were going to produce a Horizon every other year in between the major Forza titles. Lets just hope this Horizon is WAY bigger than the first Horizon. Being able to unlock every road in a game in 3 hours is not good at all for a racing sandbox game. Especially since we were not even able to explore the entire map.
Add offroading, like proper, be able to knock the fences down and traverse everywhere.

Make it a fictional place if need be ;)
I had no problem justifying spending $600 for the XBox One, but I didn't do it just for Forza 5. I also got it for Horizon 2 and Forza 6 and (probably) Horizon 3 and Forza 7.

I know it's a late reply, but turns out I was able to justify spending A$450. :lol: Guess I really am looking forward to playing Horizon 2 with Xbox One graphics.