The Obsessions/Superstitions Thread


Motorbase Performance
Just watched the John Richardson documentary on 4 and I've come to the conclusion that everyone has obsessions to a degree. Although 90% of people who say "I have OCD", probably don't and are attention seekers.

Anyway mine include:
  • I must drink water immediately before going to bed.
  • Have to wash my hands with soap immediately before bed.
  • Hate when people touch raw meat and then touch furniture.
  • Have to go to sleep after midnight.
  • Everything labelled.
  • Never chew Extra chewing gums, only Trebor/Airwaves.
So, ridiculous things that unsettle you if you don't do them.
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I hate when people leave time on a microwave. Like if you cook something, then take it out, and there is time left, CLEAR THE DAMN SCREEN!!!!!

Im a drummer, and i also HATE fat sounding snare drums. I understand there tonal qualities in the studio but almost every song i have ever heard with a fat snare drum, i KNOW FOR A FACT would sound better with a crisp cutting snare drum sound.
I can't think of anything too crazy for myself. With my ex however, screen displays had to be set in multiples of 5. TV volume, 10,15, or 20. Thermostat, 70 or 75. If I put it on 72 it would be changed back in an hour. Very strange.

playing cards in house = bad luck

bottle of mercury = good luck

yep. this has been prevalent in my family for generations.
When I set the sleep timer on a TV, the time has to be within a few minutes of a minute ending in 0. That's really the only odd thing I do.
When going up to bed I must check if the door is locked by pushing down on the handle twice, then I'll set the alarm and push down on the handle another two times. Because obviously in the 5 seconds it's taken to set the alarm it will have become unlocked :lol: I can't not do it though.
I obsessively twirl my hair through my fingers if both my hands are not occupied.

The first thing I do when I wake up is smoke. Have to. Doing it now.

As a youth I would always carry a coin with me everywhere, even in my shorts at the swimming pool, so in the event of my sudden death and I required the coin to pay the boatman. Silly or what?

I can't put down a book mid-chapter. Just can't. I'm sure that's fairly common though.

I must have only two cubes of ice in my whiskey. No more, no less. I'm very specific about this.
Nothing really stands out to me, but a few I can imagine would count.

If I'm really bored and not doing anything, for instance, riding a bus, I'll use my fingernail to peel bits of skin off my thumbs. Sounds a lot freakier than it is.


Also, when I work out, I make my numbers always end in a zero or five, such as 25 push ups or 40 sit ups.
I also have to remove microwave timer after heating something.

I have to straighten the vents on my cars.

I sometimes have trouble falling to sleep in total silence, I fall to sleep very quickly if it is rainy/windy or if it is summer and I have a fan on.
I also cannot stop reading in the middle of a chapter.

And when I'm bored at school I always start dismantling my pens. I can't stop it, I just do it. It's weird.
My pen MUST be a ZGrip Zebra.

I must (At all times, aside from Bed/swimming) always have my Pen, Wallet, Phone, Knife, and Key Lanyard. When they are missing, I seriously feel just wrong.

When I park, the steering wheel must be TOTALLY straight.

The screen on my phone must be totally clean. ALWAYS.

The window on ANY vehicle i am driving needs to be totally clear. Like, 100%. No small bugs, no pollen, NOTHING.

If a bag has Double zippers, both must reside on the Right side of the bag when closed.

I cannot walk slow. I must always walk at 100%.

When I put headphones on, it must always be the left one first.

If a car is automatic, I must always Left-foot brake (A habit picked up as a result of a Right-Ankle injury)

If a commercial comes on the radio, I must change it at once. If there si nothing but commercials, it goes off for exactly 3 minutes.

When I drive, I constantly do Average Speed/MPG/Distance/Time Remaining equations.

Thats all i can think of at the moment. As my friends point them out/make fun of me, I'll post them here.
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I do display obsessive behavour to a degree but it comes from having children and is not attention seeking behaviour despite the OP suggesting to the contrary!
Haha I put up an umbrella in someone's house the last day and they seriously went crazy. Maximum trolling.
Was an interesting programme last night. I felt pretty bad for that woman who needed to clean everything, multiple times.

As for me, I have a few little things. When washing dishes, the plates need to be put on the drainer in height order, it annoys me when my sister washes up because everything is just thrown willy nilly.

Money (notes) in my wallet have to be small to large and the correct way up of course.

Basically, I like to have order and be tidy..
I don't have many obsessions. I used to be a bit weird about people moving my driving position in cars when they use them. I've managed to cure that by only buying cars with programmable seats.

I have to shower every morning otherwise I feel weird.

When people talk to me for any length of time my mind starts wandering and I imagine a rubber ball bouncing around on the wall behind them. For instance, I start to calculate the angles needed to get the ball over the top of a door, off the light switch and around a bookshelf and back again - over and over again. Is that osessive or just mental? Who knows.

Oh, and I have to obsessively sign in to the GT servers to keep myself at the 200% mulitplier, even if I'm not playing all week. :boggled:
My desk has to be clear all the time. When I go on holiday, everything has to be tidy and everything put in it's place.

For a teenager, I'm very tidy. :lol:

EDIT: Oh ****. That last little bit sounds kinda wrong. :lol:
I must always wash my hands after using the toilet, showering, and before eating with my hands if I have touched anything which I consider to be contaminated since I last washed my hands.
Mrs. Famine
I do display obsessive behavour to a degree but it comes from having children and is not attention seeking behaviour despite the OP suggesting to the contrary!

I was referring to the majority of teenagers who claim to have OCD as if it's some sort of cool disorder being attention seekers, not the actual behaviour.
- When I set my time on the clock, I look at it around four to six times thinking I didn't got the time correctly. Then I look at the off/on button around the same amount of times, thinking I didn't turn it on yet.
- I like to read and delete the messages on my phone individually, a few days/weeks after receiving/sending them, for no particular reason.
- I have no problem writing "complex" sentences like this, transcribed from my PS3 to my PC:

Feb Wk1 2-2 Serie A 17-18 Juventus FC 11-0 SSC Napoli 19 8G

But typing the "8G" takes me around 5 seconds, because I'm not sure I'm copying it correctly from my PS3. PES 2011 is serious business.
- I like to keep things in my virtual desk tidy, everything in folders, and correctly organized. That includes those pics. Though I deleted them a couple of days ago.
- And disregarding the caption (given the OP), this pisses me off:

Used to bite my fingers all the time (guess a lot of people do), but I haven't done it since a couple of weeks ago. 👍
Nighttime, walk into bathroom. Hear weird noise...

*Massive kick into Shower curtain, to take down the man waiting to ambush me*
He's never there though.
When I scroll on a page, the wheel has to click 3 times, then I scroll 1 click up. If I got over I scroll back up and start over. (crazy right?) The same process is used to scroll up as well.

I hit my car alarm twice to lock it.

My pockets have to have a certain layout, FL: housekeys; FR: carkeys; RL: wallet; RR: empty

Shaking hands with people I meet for the first time, or strangers brushing against me drives me crazy. My body just tenses up and I feel dirty.

I've got a ton more but axletramp might think I'm a serial killer. :sly:
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In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

I think that's about it. Did you know I'm utterly insane?
I've got a ton more but axletramp might think I'm a serial killer. :sly:

He probably already does, and if he doesn't, we do. ;)

I think that's about it. Did you know I'm utterly insane?

Yes, yes I do. Even my wife doesn't go to them lengths! Whatever happened to the ****, shower, shave and out the door routine? I'm I the only one still doing that, do you guys all now use scrubs and stuff?
Yes, yes I do. Even my wife doesn't go to them lengths! Whatever happened to the ****, shower, shave and out the door routine? I'm I the only one still doing that, do you guys all now use scrubs and stuff?

You're not the only one. All in less than 15 minutes usually although I don't do it in the morning as I'm too tired. But lets not go down the "What time do you shower?" thread route as we might see some actual serial killing if that happens again.
My mum has passed on her superstitions to me. The volume of anything, be it the TV or in the car, must not be 13. It can be anything but 13.

Do not cross other people on the stairs. Give way to them or they give way to you. On public stairs and steps it doesn't matter. Just at home.

If I go to a restaurant, i.e. McDonalds or Burger King, I must be sat somewhere I can see the car in the car park. I get so paranoid if I can't see the car. I've been like that since I was a little kid.

I hate long nails. Unless it's on a woman - excluding myself. My nails must always be short. If they're not, it drives me mad, because they always get dirt in them, and that drives me insane. Long nails on guys make me feel ill.

Greasy hair annoys me too. WASH YOUR DAMN HAIR. I can't stand it when my boyfriend's hair goes greasy.

My phone must always be in my right pocket, and I'm forever tapping my pocket to check it's there. Anything else goes in my left pocket.

There's a lot more, but I just can't remember them right now lol.
I cannot put my video game discs anywhere other than inside it's respective console or protective case. It irritates me to see game discs all over the floor of people's houses/rooms or in the wrong cases.

I tend to bite my nails, as well as a tiny amount of skin, off of my finger. I don't know why, it's the worst habit in the world. Sometimes, I might rip off the very end of my fingernail.

I will not eat pizza without pepperoni on it. I need pepperoni on my pizza, or I will not eat any bit of said pizza, even if it is Chicago Deep Dish or white pizza.