The Official GT5 Time Attack Race Challenge Thread Here !

  • Thread starter 2_FAST_4_U
I am the original thread starter and didn’t wanna run the show anymore and requested previously someone to take over the races and keep the thread going. You are welcome anytime to run it and take over charge. I would join in a some races as well... Have fun ! :cheers:
I would prefer racing only the non-modifiable arcade garage cars, thus evaluating only the driving skills. If that works for the rest of the guys, I believe we can restart the whole thing with simpler points system logged in an online spreadsheet. How about it?
Let's wait for others.

I think we can use any reasonably priced career cars but in full stock condition.

Meanwhile, I would like to offer a no-points challenge. I drove around Midfield Raceway in Arcade Lexus IS-F out of boredom. Didn't visit the track much since GT2 back in 2002-ish, so the Driving Line is ON. Sports Hard tires, ABS 01, everything else off.

My time 02:09:630

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Did anybody else try this challenge?

Do you think 4 people is enough to start the official thing?

I'm new to this forum and haven't posted anywhere but this thread, but maybe if you could invite people to join us in your message signatures, we'd get more participants?
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Did anybody else try this challenge?

Do you think 4 people is enough to start the official thing?

I'm new to this forum and haven't posted anywhere but this thread, but maybe if you could invite people to join us in your message signatures, we'd get more participants?
Theres not meany that do race challings on the gt5 forem.thats why thers one on the gt6 thread instead its called the driving hub if you would like to join theres lots of events.I still think four is a good starter MKultra TJK.
paddycars1, I only have GT5. Looking into getting a PS4 with a wheel to play GTS for online racing.

Okay then! I will post the next race tomorrow. Not sure about the scoring though.
Should we start over or assign an average score to the newcomers as they join, so that they don't feel discouraged to race?

I am here just for the fun and competition. I don't need a champion title :)
Yea if you like that sounds cool I dont now much about scoring I just drive:lol: its great that you like stock cars rather than tuning its more about driving MKultra TJK.
Track: Trial Mountain Circuit
Car: Stock Honda NSX Type R '02 purchased from Career dealership
Conditions: Tires - Sports Hard, ABS - 01, Grip Loss - Real, Others OFF

My time: 1:37.963

I believe I could shave another 1.5-2 seconds of time, but I can't get consistent with the corners.

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Paddycars1, thanks. This was fun, but I'm not satisfied with my time. We'll get back to this track later on.

:gtpflag: Does everyone have an unmodified LFA to use for the next one? If not, the next one will be the 370Z.
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