The "will my system run iRacing" and technical help thread.

  • Thread starter Pingwhen

The more info you give us, the more we can help.

Pingwhen, January 2012:
i have a 2011 iMac. the have the model that is 1500 dollars on the apple. and iracing runs awesome! almost everything but crowds (oh no crowds) is not on high. it runs nice and smooth and has been a joy. i would expect you to be SEMI ok with running on medium, but i havnt the slightest clue. but i do know iMac's still have laptop gfx cards so im not really all that different from you.

that is what i have ^

gorsad, January 2012:
I have a 2010 MacBook Pro 13 inch with a 256 MB graphics card and 4 GB of RAM. I know that this can run iracing (with windows obviously) but how well will it run it. As of now I don't have a steering wheel but I'm getting one (Fanatec CSR for the win).

The more info you give us, the more we can help.
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my 2012 Mac book pro runs iracing fantastic. i port the picture from my pro to a 47" television and the frame rate and picture is bang on.

iRacing are currently beta-testing a native Mac client, so you won't need to bootcamp into windows.

The biggest hurdle seems to be FFB drivers for the wheels.

The estimated final release date is in a couple of weeks.
Just figured I would put this out there because I looked for a long time trying to verify that you can use a laptop to run iracing displaying onto a larger screen.
In my case I bought an Asus k55n db 55n $205 on eBay and connected it via hdmi to my projector with 120 inch screen and it works perfectly. Frame rate for races are in the 40 to 65 range and looks perfect with graphics settings right in the middle. Anyway just figured someone might find this info handy. RACE ON. Love iracing btw.
Haven't tried it myself but you are correct, there are several people that use lap tops for iRacing. I have a kickass laptop that's collecting dust, it's an i7, one of 8 PC's in our house.
There's no doubt that iRacing can be run on a laptop. The issue lies when people make topics along the lines of "What laptop to buy to run triples". This is a no-go.
It should. I can run it on a laptop with a 550m. Not at very high settings but it is playable.
Waste of money unless its something you need for univerity or something. Pay a little bit more and get a dedicated desktop computer, like this one:

Then a little way down the road (if money is an issue) get triple screens, and then you can thank me. :)

Yes I need it for university for mechanical engineering. I first thought I should buy a cheaper laptop and a good station pc for gaming, but I think (?) I can buy a good laptop so I can earn money and still be able to run iRacing.
I too would strongly advise against getting a laptop for iRacing, but if there's no other alternative, go ahead.
Well, I've plans for buying a real pc in maybe a year so maybe I should buy a cheaper laptop now and save my money for a better pc later on.

Now I'm thinking of this laptop:

Can I run iRacing on this pc? Graphic card is Intel HD Graphics 4000.
Can you? Probably. Will you like it? Probably not. Reason - HD4000 gets a Passmark score of 463 while the GT 740M gets a 942. Between these two, stick with your first one. 👍
Yeah, the laptop is only temporary for me. I,m pretty much addicted to iracing now so time to get a decent gaming pc, which works for me because the laptop is for work anyway.👍
iRacing uses mid poly 3d models.
If they add hi poly 3d models it won't work on a laptop.

There aren't many games that use a high poly count, can you imagine a field of 40 cars with a high poly count? It would choke every computer except super PC's. Besides, for games a mid poly count model with good textures is all that is required. As a modeller the first thing we are taught is that "less is more".
Hi everybody, I am very new to this forum, and I have a question.

I just picked up a computer and am hoping to get into iRacing. I have been playing the GT games since Gt3 and Forza since Forza 2.

The specs. Of the computer are..

Intel Dual core 2.4 GHz E2220

2 Gig DDR2-5300 Ram

80 Gig Sata 2 Hard drive

Windows 7 Premium 64 bit

Galaxy GeForce 9500 GT graphics card

Will this computer run the sim properly? I am very new to PC'c and don't know what any of the above stuff even means. Lol. I have been using consoles to get my racing fix and a IPad for Internet stuff for years.

Thanks in advance for your opinions and I hope this will be the start of a brand new experience of virtual racing.
its close, but it is right above the minimum requirement for iracing. it might not run perfectly smooth, but it will work. A wheel is also VERY reccomended, since the competition is very high in iracing. I've just got into it again, and been doing some entry level stock car racing (oval racing). That is as close as racing can be, and getting that inside corner is the difference between 1st and 8th.

One piece of advice though. Focus on racing clean, not hard. The safety rating is important to get up, and that means no contact with other racers/walls, no going off track, and no spinning out. Keep it clean, and earn your way up to D class licence.
It may work but I don't know. I had a system very similar to yours when I first started and it ran the game. Unfortunately that was then and iRacing has become more graphically demanding since.
Thanks for the quick reply. I do have a wheel. Fanatic CSR with pedals. Built myself a rig as well! I usually focus on time trials and stuff on GT5. But I am very intrigued with the aspect of clean racing on a more professional level that iRacing has to offer.

I am gonna give it a shot and see what happens. If the computer is up to it....we shall see.

What would you folks suggest that needs to be upgraded on the computer?
It should be ok. The processor and RAM is ok. And the level of graphics card should be ok. The memory of the graphics card is the only thing that I'm a bit worried about.

For 12 dollars a month, and many free one month or 3 month packages, you can't really go wrong at least trying to see if it works or not.
For 12 dollars a month, and many free one month or 3 month packages, you can't really go wrong at least trying to see if it works or not.

That's exactaly what I was thinking. I figure if I like the experience, I can go all out and get a better machine. If I don't like it, then it's no big loss.

Thanks for your input guys. Hope to see you on the track!