The same, I love the initiative to be able to change this. This fixes exposure problems in the game, afterward I find that the game has too warm a color for me. (Personal preference)I would have just increased the original colors a little, but really minimally, without distorting the game too much, when I play Road America or nurb GP ect.I have the impression of suffering with the cars because it looks so hot. At first I thought I had set the console settings to advanced color, but actually no.
It's a Very Hot Summer FM4 patch ^^
and looking forward to having the sound patches and other future projects he has to offer us!^^
Haha 'Very Hot Summer FM4' patch, not a bad name. Using Admiester's mod has made me realise just how excessive the light is in the original game, particularly noticeable on the the scenery, and more specifically hills and mountains in the distance. Admiester's mod has inspired me to start poking around in the original files, and in doing so has made it very apparent the enormous amount of work he's put into it. You can change literally everything, and up to six decimal places.
I left the RGB colour ratios as-is and decided to concentrate more on the excessive in-game light and washed out skies, but tried to keep the changes subtle so the game still looks like itself. I've made some changes and think I've got a nice balance (to my eyes anyway).
Have a look at the following screenshots I took on the Bernese Alps circuit in a Porsche 959.
In the first 2 comparison pics you can see the over-exposure in the original causing the scenery to get washed out and loss of greenery in the hills. Also look at the pylon furthest away, it's barely visible, yet it's only about a 150 metres away. Now look at it in the other pic after I modded the track, it's much clearer, as it should be for a largish structure relatively close. The Pylon closest in the original also has heavy shadows causing it to lose detail. Look at it in the modded version, detail is better and it looks more realistic. The sky is exposure looks better too:
Original Alps hill1:
Modded Alps hill1:
Again here, you can now clearly see greenery in the distant hills in the modded version. Additionally, the pylon which is just around the bend at the bottom of the hill is barely visible in the original because it's getting absorbed by the excessive light generated on the scenery behind it, but now clearly visible in my modded version:
Original Alps hill2:
Modded Alps hill2:
Here the hill in front of you is not a million miles away, yet you can barely see any green in it. The modded version restores this, plus the sky doesn't look washed out now and cloud definition is better.
Original Alps corner2:
Modded Alps corner2:
Here in the original, due the the over-exposure, it kinds looks like two pictures spliced together. The foreground super-imposed onto a very bright background with mountains. In the modded version it looks more like one scene, whilst still retaining a sense of distance. Look also at the cable car structure to the left in the original. It's not very well defined, yet it's only around the corner (you actually drive under it). In my modded, it looks a lot clearer and the cables are much more visible.
Original Alps corner1:
Modded Alps corner1:
Thanks Admiester, I never knew it was possible to mod this, otherwise I probably would have had a look years ago as I remember when I first played FM4 and immediately noticed just how different it was in colour and exposure compared to FM3.